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Tournaments => Upcoming Tournaments & Events => Topic started by: Malik on January 20, 2014, 07:21:47 PM

Title: The House of Crack Presents - The OverDrive Series [January 30, 2014]
Post by: Malik on January 20, 2014, 07:21:47 PM
Copied and pasted

"Welcome to another Hoc/Overdrive Tournament. You've been watching us stream our sessions for a long time.

We will be hosting at Pulse which is a lounge not too far from where we have the H.O.C sessions/tournament. You must be 21 and over to attend this event

Changes have been done to assure a better tournament experience.

As soon as you enter the venue, please pay both venue fee and entry fee so I can sign you up.

Also people tend to have a habit of putting that their going to the tournament and don't show up. I don't need people to put that they going when they know they not going to.

You can put maybe if you not sure that you're going. This allows me to adjust to how many people is coming. Even when I have a legit venue, I would still rather have people not put that they going when they know they not.

Coat check - $3. This also applies to bookbags also. Coat is mandatory for safety and to avoid stuff being thrown all over the place. You will be asked to check your coat and bookbag at the door. If you want to avoid this leave your coat/bookbag in your house/car.

Pulse prices on beer and Hookah:
Beer -$4 a beer

Hookah - $20 and $10 for the refill

Shots - $5

Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3
Xbox 360: 3 out of 5 Including winners, losers, and grand finals

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012
Xbox 360: 2 out of 3. Winner finals, Loser finals and Grand finals 3 out of 5

King of Fighters 13
Xbox 360: 2 out of 3 including Winner finals and Loser finals. Grand finals is 3 out of 5

We might host one more game. Details to be announce shortly.

70/20/10 pot split (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

$10 Entry fee and spectating fee
$5 Tournament entry for each game
Free for the ladies

Registration start 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Tournament begins 6:00 - 6:30pm

Pulse Hookah Bar & Lounge

1010 Southern Blvd - You can take the 2 or the 5 train to Simpson st ave or take the 6 train to hunts point and give me a call for directions - 1-718-607-0321 Johnathan.

http://www.twitch.tv/bum1six3 (http://www.twitch.tv/bum1six3)

1. Please sign up as soon as you enter the house.
2. No fighting of any sort
3. Any stealing done to me or another will result in calling the cops.
4. No casual stations until you are told so
5. You cannot bring outside food/beverages to the venue
6. You cannot take the beer/liquor outside the venue. You must drink inside."

Official facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/600002720054176/?notif_t=plan_user_invited (https://www.facebook.com/events/600002720054176/?notif_t=plan_user_invited)