We're having a console tournament for 98UM in our area on the PS2, and are trying to make the rules legit.
Are EX characters allowed?
No banned characters?
Ultimate system allowed?
Default Play Time set to "Normal"?
Should the "Command" button (L1) be removed? (it's an auto B&B)
Anything else?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sup man. All EX characters are allowed, all hidden characters/unlocked characters are banned (Omega Rugal, Blood of Riot Leona, Orochi), Ultimate system allowed, play time to normal (all default options), macros are allowed except for command. Winner can only keep characters, winner and loser and switch. That's it really.
Have fun.
Thanks, buddy.
You're also not allowed to touch yourself while you're playing. I constantly do that and get disqualified for it every time.