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Other Fighting Games => Classic King of Fighters => King of Fighters 98/UM/FE => Topic started by: desmond_kof on January 18, 2015, 09:25:15 PM

Title: KOF98UMFE - Billy Kane
Post by: desmond_kof on January 18, 2015, 09:25:15 PM

Drop into Hell:  ;bk/ ;fd +  ;c (close)
Skewering Toss:  ;bk/ ;fd +  ;d (close)

Command Moves:
Wide Revolving Kick:  ;fd +  ;a
Pole Vault Kick:  ;fd +  ;b

Special Moves:
Midsection Club Cruncher:  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd +  ;a/ ;c
Flaming Midsection Club Cruncher: During Midsection Club Cruncher hit,  ;dn ;df ;fd +  ;a/ ;c
Whirlwind Cane: tap  ;a repeatedly
Focus Continuous Beat Canes: tap  ;c repeatedly
Sparing Crackdown Cane:  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;b/ ;d
Pursuing Fire Dragon Cane:  ;dn ;db ;bk +  ;b (counters high attacks)
Pursing Water Serpent Cane:  ;dn ;db ;bk +  ;d (counters mid/low attacks)
Slicing Spiral Cane:  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;a/ ;c

Desperation Moves:
Super Fire Wheel:  ;dn ;df ;fd,  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk +  ;a/ ;c
Big Fan:  ;dn ;df ;fd,  ;dn ;df ;fd +  ;a/ ;c