Well, SNK and Taito announced today that a new KOF 98 will be released for the nesicaXlive system, called KOF 98 Final Edition.
Also, KOF 2002UM which was on other board will now make his debut in a taito system
Looking the images, It's me or the background are the 3d ones used in the ps2 version? they are in a very low resolution so I couldn't tell
Anyway, I know that this game will never appear on 360, but who knows, maybe will surprise us.
The only that I know is, I hope that krauser will be nerfed to hell
*Waits for SNKP to announce KOF XIII for nesicaXlive*
Quote from: krazykone123 on November 24, 2010, 04:42:32 PM
*Waits for SNKP to announce KOF XIII for nesicaXlive*
Honestly, I could totally see them releasing KOF XIII Regulation A on nesica
Silly question incoming! What is nesica? :D
Is an arcade digital system developed by Taito, where if you suscribe to the service, you could had all the games from the taito type x and type x2 on one cabinet, then, when some guy wants to play something, he pays 100 yens, and select his game
This is really cool news. This system looks like a modern version of the NeoGeo four-cartridge machine. Hopefully lots of arcade owners support it.
Although I do find the new 98 title amusing. Ultimate is of course a synonym for final, so the title could be read as "KOF 98: Final Match: Final Edition"
Actually, it seems that arcade operators doesn't want anything with nesica, but I don't know, with some exclusives maybe they could change their minds
Quote from: Rex Dart on November 26, 2010, 05:20:19 PM
This is really cool news. This system looks like a modern version of the NeoGeo four-cartridge machine. Hopefully lots of arcade owners support it.
Although I do find the new 98 title amusing. Ultimate is of course a synonym for final, so the title could be read as "KOF 98: Final Match: Final Edition"
...or "Final Showdown" a la Virtua Fighter...
Anyone hope they use the 2k2UM sprites for this game? Just saying cause I fired this game up on XBL the other night and I had just gotten off a few rounds of 2k2UM and seeing Ralf in 98UM jeans looked weird. Oh well, maybe it is just me.
So what's this I hear about 10 new characters, is there any official news about that or is it just a rumor?
that will be random as hell since I can't think or any other ex character that they could pull of, also, all the characters from 94-98 were used
One could hope that maybe the 3 bosses will had competitive versions, and I don't know, I can't still think in other 7 characters, at best maybe more characters from fatal fury and art of fighting, but I doubt it
Which was your source krazykone?
Quote from: krazykone123 on December 16, 2010, 06:32:22 PM
So what's this I hear about 10 new characters, is there any official news about that or is it just a rumor?
That would be really weird and I doubt it's true.
I guess they add balanced versions of Orochi Leona / Iori, Goenitz, Omega Rugal and Orochi. Those characters have never excited me much, though. The only other EX characters I could see them adding would be an EX Kim or EX Takuma. So, in my wildest dreams, I could imagine 7 new characters.
But 10? Just sounds too crazy to be true. I honestly think 98UM's roster is fine the way it is.
How could they add an ex takuma or an ex kim? In rb kim is not that different from kof 98, same with AOF 2 takuma
The only way to add orochi leona and iori, should be that they keep the speed from those characters, but that deal less damage and resist less more than their vainilla versions IMO, so one should have to elect one of those option
Here is that Steve Harrison interview which mentions about the 10 characters. I keep thinking the interviewer got mixed up with Kasumi, Eiji, Boss Team, and EX versions as the 10 characters, but he mentions excluding them.
Hey guys, the next issue of Arcadia Magazine (http://www.arcadiamagazine.com/cgi-bin/news_view.cgi?id=220) will had an special with new info of THE KING OF FIGHTERS’98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION for NESiCAxLive (yep, THAT'S the name) according to the webpage, the web will had lots of changes
So yeah, KOF has now the longest name for a fighting game with KOF98UMFEfNxL
Arcadia Translations
The 98umfe and 02um is coming out in Jan. 24. Credit to Professor @ MMCafe
Still crossing my fingers for an eventual release of final edition
I will pay full price again, sorry, 98 is just too much for me
Still, I had the hope than this game will be released for PSN too, now if is an PS3 exclusive, I will be pissed : (
Finally some vids, Credit to Laban at SRK
Nico video or Youtube