Demonic Slap - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Silent Throw - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Swallow Dropper - in air, any direction except ;up + ;c
Command Moves:
Swallow Wings - ;fd + ;a
Piercing Swallow - ;df + ;b
Rising Swallow - ;df + ;d
Special Moves:
Tiger Flame Punch - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
(* Hold ;a / ;c to charge)
Rai Oh Ken - in air, ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Sai Ha - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Yuri Super Upper - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Double Yuri Super Upper - during ;c version of Super Upper, ;dp + ;a / ;c
Hundred Blows - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Yuri Super Slash - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Desperation Move:
Flying Phoenix Kick - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Super Desperation Move:
Core! Super Upper - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d
Super! Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a ;c
*Can be charged
'''Crouch B Starter'''
* cr.B, cr.A, dp+C~dp+P
- Damage: 22/100
* cr.B, cr.A, qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 27/100 (1 Meter)
* cr.B, cr.A, qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 42/100 (3 Meters)
'''Close C Starter'''
* cl.C, df+D, qcf+C
- Damage: ?/100
*cl.C, df+B, qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 34/100 (1 Meter)
*cl.C, df+D, qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 61/100 (3 Meters)
'''Jump X Starter'''
*j.D, cl.D, dp+C~dp+P
- Damage: 34/100
*j.D, cr.B, cr.A, dp+C~dp+P
- Damage: 31/100
*j.D, cl.C, hcf+B
*j.D, cr.C, qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 38/100 (1 Meter)
*j.D, cr.C, dp+C, (SC) qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 46/100 (2 Meters)
*j.D, cr.C, qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 63/100 (3 Meters)
*j.D, hh.C
- Damage: 18/100
'''Yuri Super Slash (CW) Starter'''
*hcf+D, dp+C~dp+P
*hcf+D, qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 32/100 (1 Meter)
*hcf+D, qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 58/100 (3 Meters)
* qcf+A (CH), st.CD
* qcf+A (charge), qcf hcb+K
- Damage: 38/100 (1 Meter)
* qcf+A (charge), dp+C~dp+P
- Damage: 34/100
*qcf+A (charge), qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 31/100 (3 Meters)
*qcf+A (charge), dp+C, (SC) qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 38/100 (4 Meters)
* [BC] f+A, qcf+B, df+D, qcfx2+BD
- Damage: 70/100 (2 Meters)
* [BC] (f+A, qcf+B, cr.C)×n
'''Air Starter'''
* qcf+B (landing), qcf hcb+D
Might need to try that last combo out in training mode, you can also check out the Frame Advantage on the wiki page too, hell I'll probably do the rest next week.
This one sucked up my whole afternoon, enjoy ya heathen's.
I can't believe how incredible useful is yuri super slash
I'm making a video, well it's more like a mini tut but yeah Yuri players should find it resourceful.
I'll upload it later, or tomorrow because I still need to piece it together through Vegas :/
Yuri Sakazaki Master Class Tutorial
Lol, something really funny happened today, I was playing against a friend who was using kim, I threw him a Hao Sho Ko Ken, which he jumped, then I did a HCF + k, which connected and throw the opponent directly to the hao sho ko ken, very funny
Combos and stuff, decided to turn it into a nice playlist instead of a big flashy video, definitely less head-ache inducing.
Just tested this one and works well
Standing C, df + D, quick max, max 2
Works in all the screen
Quote from: sibarraz on February 01, 2011, 11:12:17 PM
Just tested this one and works well
Standing C, df + D, quick max, max 2
Works in all the screen
Yup, she has a lot of fun Max mode tricks.
Quote from: sibarraz on January 12, 2011, 01:14:57 AM
I can't believe how incredible useful is yuri super slash
It's useful for nailing those super jumping at you from across the screen, but beyond that, it's really unsafe. Yes, it does have invincibility frames at the start up, but it's recovery is horrible. I think her B Yuri slash kick is a bit more useful, you can combo that from a cr. C, I think.
Props to DeadlyRave Neo for showing me how good Yuri is vs Nameless... I recently fought some jp players who were pretty good with Nameless. I was able to hold it down with Billy and Heidern, but there were some matches where Nameless just came through and slaughtered. I'm not a fan of counter-picking, but I was trying to pick up Yuri, since she's fun to play, so I put her on the team. Lo and behold, I just waited for him to do something that I could kick through, and I'd follow up with a specific combo.
I also like her RaiOhKen setups. Maybe its me, but the people I fight don't know how to deal with backdash RaiOhKens.
Does Yuri have any reliable frame traps?
Quote from: jinxhand on September 07, 2011, 07:42:01 PM
Props to DeadlyRave Neo for showing me how good Yuri is vs Nameless...
Anything specific you do against him, or is it just donkey kicking (hcf+D) through anything you see starting up? Been toying with picking her up, so it'd be nice to know :)
QuoteDoes Yuri have any reliable frame traps?
cr.A/cr.B (blocked), cl.C/cr.B is a 2 frame gap.
Any strong normal (blocked), f+A (blocked), cr.B is a 2 frame gap.
Any strong normal (blocked) canceled immediately to qcf+A is a 2 frame gap.
With BC mode, doing f+A (blocked), qcf+D (blocked), cr.B is a 1 frame gap.
qcf+A is hefty frame advantage on block (+8 minimum), so you can to do a run in cr.B/cr.C (cr.C is 1 frame faster), but you need to time the run amount manually.
After a point-blank qcf+A, an immediate f,f~d/f+C (run canceled on first frame to cr.C) is a perfect block string, and a 2-3 frame run turns it into a frame trap.
Quote from: jinxhand on September 07, 2011, 07:42:01 PM
I'm not a fan of counter-picking, but I was trying to pick up Yuri, since she's fun to play, so I put her on the team. Lo and behold, I just waited for him to do something that I could kick through, and I'd follow up with a specific combo.
I hope y'all wasn't spamming her D slash kick, lol.
Nah I only reacted to his qcf+P and his dp+P attacks. He never used any of his supers, and he actually did some good rushing with Nameless. No senseless spamming done here. I made sure those kicks landed, and I only manage to whiff one. Luckily, none of them got blocked. It sucked though sometimes, because I was only able to get maybe a st.C or cr.C, because I whiffed my dp+P.
I don't think D slash kick would work against his jumping special either. I didn't get a chance to see how that would work out.
Yuri's definitely a great character. I just love how strong her bnb combos are, and linking a combo into df+b into a super is definitely easy for me since it helps in buffering imo. I also like the fact that her ;up attacks vary in jumping height.
I am mad that SaiHa doesn't have any juggle properties, even in BC mode.
Yuri's Hitboxes: (
Please read this for more details: (