Youtube/Nico Nico/Youku videos go here, can't watch nico nico videos because you don't have an account? copy and paste the link here instead
Some good youtube channels
Some of Dune's nico nico playlists
It's highly suggested that you search youku and nico nico because there's bound to be a couple hundred videos you've yet to see
Found a video of a pretty good Rugal player recently.
I've been meaning to write a quick little guide for Rugal as well. He's not on my main team or anything, but I do have experience with him and he's one of my favorite characters to use for fun. I've noticed that there are very few references (guides, videos of people using him, etc.) for him out there, which can be frustrating for people who are curious about him, hence why I want to write a guide. But with my life being as busy as it is, who knows when I'd actually be able to do it.
Fast forward to 4:40 for heavy D action!
That's some damn fine Heavy D!-ing. I love watching people who play members of the US Sports team well. I think I saw a vid of a nasty Lucky player a while back.
TRF KOF98 Tournament
Yeah, hurrah for yuri
Btw, I didn't know that you can put the arrange music on arcade mode
Quote from: sibarraz on December 21, 2010, 05:00:17 PM
Well that was interesting, I've never seen an Iori use jump C and jump CD so much in one fight, as for EX Yuri that's expected, poke-air fireball repeat.
Yuri is really growing on me, she is a main player, the other day in a local arcade I won 9 matches in a row, using poking, both fireballs and well timed saihas, I controlled the flow of the match, and without being too defensive
Then came a team of Ex yamazaki, goro and krauser and I got fucked up since I don't know how to play against ex yamazaki, oddly enough krauser was the character that I less care lol
This is just me messing around with debug dipswitches too much I may have broken it without an overflow.
Dueling the KOF 9th Season
Are there any videos where I can see the Eiji vs. Iori intro?
Now that I remembered. I still don't get why friggin ryo and robert don't had their own intro
Is something that bugs me from the original 98
Me vs. Kula at The KOF Cup 2011:
Quote from: Dark Geese on April 18, 2011, 04:13:42 PM
Me vs. Kula at The KOF Cup 2011:
You don't know anything about punishing certain maneuvers do you? I mean goddamn Kula kept punishing your hops every time and you didn't even realize he was doing it. Man I wish I had some money so I could MM you.
Oh snaps, look who it is...sup necronomiCRON.
Quote from: necronomiCRON on May 04, 2011, 05:02:55 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on April 18, 2011, 04:13:42 PM
Me vs. Kula at The KOF Cup 2011:
Hindsight 20/20 is a beautiful thing isnt it?
I'm gonna keep this simple and to the point, I know more than you about this game.
I like my odds 40-0 vs. you in this game. I will be in Minnesota in 2 weeks, why don't you come up there so I can have the pleasure of educating you in this game eh?
I know for a certain you won't beat me nor will you beat Kula.
Hindsight 20/20 is a beautiful thing.
Word of caution to all:Before you think of criticizing someone as if you could do better, please make sure you actually can!!!
Again Necro, you won't beat me nor will you do any better (certainly not against Kula).
If you cannot handle Dojo Destroyer, Justin Wong, or anyone at Powerup, do not even think for a split second you would stand a remote prayer against me for money...
Again if you come to Minnesota around the 19-22 (contact Desmond), I will play you in a
FT20 FOR FREE.... And you will lose...and I will record it then we can all dissect those results...
So in other words this discussion would've taken a different turn had you not said what you said about wishing you had money to play me, because again, you can't even handle your own state and your own area,
so you certainly won't be able to handle me.
I=better than Justin Wong by leagues in 98UM and Justin knows this...
But if you think so again, that is when I will be in Minnesota, I will be more than happy to "educate you" and hope others with "Hindsight 20/20" take full notice of these types of things.
I am going to make a topic thread about Hindsight 20/20 and fighting games..
There it is please comment because again this is a troubling trend I have been seeing that I feel needs to be addressed...
Now so as to not derail this thread, if you are serious about setting this up Necro, you will contact Desmond and he will in turn contact me.
If not then please make sure your criticism is constructive and does not fall into this
"Hindsight 20/20" which to me is DESTRUCTIVE.
What up Desmond? Anyway I won't play you in UM seriously, that game is a fucking scrub game for real. My friend is a button masher and he randomly beats me on occasion. When we play original 98 he has no fucking chance.
I told you before, I didn't even understand the game fully at raging storm Ohio dude. Laughs at you knowing more about the game than I do. Anyway I don't even drive but I'll try to make it to Minnesota.
Quote from: necronomiCRON on May 04, 2011, 09:00:29 PM
What up Desmond? Anyway I won't play you in UM seriously, that game is a fucking scrub game for real. My friend is a button masher and he randomly beats me on occasion. When we play original 98 he has no fucking chance.
I told you before, I didn't even understand the game fully at raging storm Ohio dude. Laughs at you knowing more about the game than I do. Anyway I don't even drive but I'll try to make it to Minnesota.
Okay hopefully see you then, and hopefully we are at some point of understanding....
Quote from: necronomiCRON on May 04, 2011, 09:00:29 PM
What up Desmond? Anyway I won't play you in UM seriously, that game is a fucking scrub game for real.
Ever thought maybe you should? At first I didn't like UM at all, but after understanding it, I'd rather play it than 98 anyday.
I ain't gonna lie, it is a LITTLE SCRUBBY thanks to Krauser, Geese, Eiji, etc. but they can beaten.
Also, this thread is getting a little off topic, so maybe we can move this discussion elsewhere?
Btw Dark Geese, since you're coming to Minnesota soon, what's up with that MM between you and DirtyWerk???
Quote from: Dojo Destroyer on May 04, 2011, 10:23:39 PM
Btw Dark Geese, since you're coming to Minnesota soon, what's up with that MM between you and DirtyWerk???
I'd be more than happy to tear him a new you know what at Desmond's FOR FREE just to squash it and let bygones be bygones....
but that's his call..;)
Good to see you here...hopefully we can catch up in 2 weeks!!!
And hey let's move this to the Minnesota thread (is there one)?
btw, I had not seen any videos of final edition besides the first tandem of videos, what happened with the game?
98UMFE Ratio System tournament, thanks to the professor from mmcafe
Bracket0 match 1&2 (
Bracket0 match 3&4 (
Bracket1 match 1&2 (
Bracket1 match 3&4 (
Bracket? match ?1 (
Bracket? match ?2 (
Bracket? match ?3 (
Ratio chart (max 6.5)
Eiji, Brian(Ex Step), Alt&Norm Mary, Iori(Run), Alt&Norm Yashiro, Heidern, Normal Kyo(Ex), Alt&Norm Ryo(Ex), Alt&Norm Yuri, Alt King, Kim (Ex Step), Choi, Alt&Norm Chris, Lucky(Ex), Alt&Norm Geese, Leona(Run), Alt Yamazaki(Ex), Chizuru, Alt Shermie
Iori (Step), Normal Kyo(Adv), Benimaru, Goro(Run), Alt&Norm Andy (Ex), Alt&Norm Ryo(Adv), Kim(excluding Ex Step), Mature, Vice(Ex), Normal Shermie, Normal King, Saishu(Ex), Brian(Ex Run or Adv Step), HeavyD, Krauser, Alt Yamazaki(Adv), Normal Yamazaki(Ex), Alt&Norm Mai, Athena (Adv), Leona (Step), Rugal. Alt Robert(Ex), Normal Joe(Ex)
Alt Kyo, Ralf, Kensou, Normal Yamazaki(Adv), Alt&Norm Billy, Lucky(Adv), Vice(Adv), Saishu(Adv), Big, Kasumi(Ex), Alt&Norm Andy(Adv), Goro(Step), Alt Robert(Adv), Athena(Ex), Normal Robert(Ex), Normal Joe(Adv), Alt Joe(Ex), Clark, Shingo
Alt&Norm Terry(Ex), Normal Robert(Adv), Chang(Ex), Chin(Ex), Kasumi(Adv), Takuma, Alt Joe(Adv)
Alt&Norm Terry(Adv), Chang(Adv), Chin(Adv), Brian(Adv Run)
Wow, that's a very confusing ratio list. I love how Brian is at the top, middle and bottom depending on the system. Sad to see Terry so low.
But overall it's looking like a really balanced game. And am I just out of the loop, or is this the first big UMFE tournament? I'm surprised the ratio system is already so fleshed out. I'm probably just out of the loop.
For those interested, the videos were also posted to youtube by SMOAI.
2011-04-29 第10回 KOF98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION(98UM FE) Ratio Match 大会 Part1 (
what exactly the ratio system here is it like cvs1 ..?? or free like cvs2..??
It's simply a style of organizing tournaments. Players have to keep their team under a given number (in this case 6.5) and each character is assigned a certain value (in this case, between 3 and 1). It's up to the tourney organizers to determine which value a character gets.
【山口県】 KOF'98無印大会 in ステップ
777 VS 妖鬼化
AMY VS Takane Maniaki
3rd place match
AMY VS 妖鬼化
Takane Maniaki VS 777
Some casuals from last night, nothing too special but there are some cool moments.I haven't played 98 for almost a year and my execution is a bit fucked up, and yes i know i make a lot of dumb mistakes :) - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Some netplay GGPO matches from a few days ago:
Some new 98 matches from SMOAI:
2011-07-30 a-cho Katza-Garden KOF98 shuffle2on2 1/3 (
2011-07-30 a-cho Katza-Garden KOF98 shuffle2on2 2/3 (
2011-07-30 a-cho Katza-Garden KOF98 shuffle2on2 3/3 (
TUDOU LINK ( [82min]
YOUKU LINK ( [82min]
Players: Dakou and Feng Bo (
Recent matches of KOF98 from A-Cho!
No.1 a-cho 第5回カッザガーデン『KOF'98』大会終了後 野試合 (
No.2 a-cho 第5回カッザガーデン『KOF'98』大会終了後 野試合 (
Lots of 98 UM matches posted by me in this site:,790.msg151003.html#new (,790.msg151003.html#new) (
Brazil vs Chile match, 98og
Recent kof98umfe tournament
32 to 16
台灣『ET』V.S 中國『星星』 (
台灣『包子』V.S 中國『發芽銘』32強 (
16 to 8
台灣『ET』V.S 中國『皇子』16強 (
中國『程龍』V S 台灣『包子』16強 (
8 to 4
台灣『ET』V S 中國『老黑』8強 (
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (
Haha I didn't know that was possible. Funny
I wanna learn how to hack like this! xD
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (2) (
KOF 98: Rainbow Edition xD
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (3) (
This guy is my god xD
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (4) (
If these weren't so funny, it would be kinda sad that the only videos getting posted on this thread nowadays are these.
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (5) (
Matches from our latest KOF98UM tournament on Arcade Featuring ET & Boazi as Taiwan team. (
Below is the final match (
I might do some more, see how this ones goes.
Yashiro combo vid (
Matches I was able to record during the Dream Cancel KoF 98UM Steam Battle #3 ( ( (
Quote from: marchefelix on July 01, 2014, 09:04:24 AM
If these weren't so funny, it would be kinda sad that the only videos getting posted on this thread nowadays are these.
KoF 98 : Bugs achieved through cheats (5) (
First time seeing this, how did i miss this? haha the Kim one.