I'm creating this thread because I think that should be good to had a place to explain the 3 system modes than 98um offers to play
Basically, explain to players why pick advace, extra or ultimate
Explain the pros and cons of dashing or run, dodge or roll, and stocks or meter
I can't do it because I don't had much experience, but I know that lots of people here could give good explanations and reasons
I play advanced because in 98 og, that was the only reliable mode and grew used to it, also is similar to the rest of kofs
i too cant explain how to choose ur system..the main reason is that i just play Advance mode.
i tried Extra sometimes but i cant get used to it (kof98 is too fast for me to choose that mode).
about 98um.. i stick with ADV eheh
Yes, this is a good topic because it seems that you have to obviously play the game in a much different pace when you choose either ADV or EXT or when you mix them up in ULT mode. I also feel that certain characters can be strengthen when you choose Extra mode meter because you can control your meter for you can have a DM more quickly.
But I do feel that with the Extra meter, you need really good defense because you don't have stocks to back you up when you need to do a Guard Cancel Attack/Roll.
With Step mode, I feel a little uncomfortable dashing because I feel that I cannot control how far they skip, which makes me run into things that I shouldn't as with Run, I can stop running by just throwing out a normal or just pressing back. I do really like how certain characters walk speed increases which makes it easier for baiting reversals and doing certain combos.
I never really tried Evade with Extra mode, it looks difficult but I might try it when I feel that I've mastered a couple of the characters I play with.
If anyone can share any tips or strats with using the different modes, if certain characters have new advantages or disadvantages with using them, or if certain match-up are made easier...
You get meter for being offensive in advanced. Meter for being defensive in extra
OG 98 was like 99.9% Advance users (at least in HK).
In '98UM, I started with Advanced and quickly switched to Dash+Roll+Extra. Kept that for a month or two then I did Dash+Dodge+Extra, kept that for awhile since it suited my characters (command throws, unblockables, invincible DMs). I used that even in tourneys (against Ryan Hart etc.).
I later switched to full Extra for characters like Brian Battler to take advantage of the step (fx2+qcf+P) and any characters that had a fast walk speed+good pokes (Ex Yuri, Eiji, Ex King). Extra mode increases the walk speed significantly.
Dodging obviously slows down the pace of your game so it's not everyone's cup of tea but once you get the hang of it, it can be super annoying to play against if you can use it strategically. (I was the first one to adopt Dodging at AI and eventually a couple people followed when they saw how effective it can be).
I didn't know that with dash walking was faster, I had to test, it's a very interesting info actuallly
if you pick dash in ultimate mode, you still will get the fast walk speed
That avatar you got is sooo cute!
Well, now that I know that and tested it yesterday, I think I would start to use more dash now
Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on January 26, 2011, 09:59:38 AM
That avatar you got is sooo cute!
Yea you are the 3rd person who liked it and thanks. Also thanks to Kane317 and JTSNOW6 for liking it too.
Alot of the characters I use allow me to properly use ULT (dash/roll/adv) because they have moves that with the right timing, I can get in close without the need of running... EX Geese, EX Ryo, and even Eiji imo are great when using this option...
I do know that when I fight people that use the Evade option, most of the characters on their team are grapplers, and in some cases, some characters on their teams are capable of doing a high damage combo... So it ends up being a few pokes, and a setup to evade, then command grab or high damage combo...
I feel using ULT with the right characters can make a good transition into KoF for players of other games (especially those with dash abilities)... It's still a very different game than say JJBA, SF, GGXX, or even MBAA, but this KoF in particular has so many different options to play that it can make learning the game very easy (aside from learning the jumps)...
I'm starting to get into using ULT mode again (dash, roll, ex) because I really like range of control you have. The fast walk speed, and the control of the super meter really helps in many different situations. With the fast walk speed, you can employ more footsies and baits, and the EX bar forces you to block more (without depending on GCs too much) and you can gain your super whenever you feel (or whenever you get hit more). Plus the max mode gives you more firepower after you activated too. Also, it's really cool that you can active it off a poke or even blocking or getting hit. It just makes certain characters feel much more stronger than just using ADV.
I base it on the characters. For instance, I use dash+avoiding+EX with Clark. He can A+B+C after a light attack into a strong punch(one hit) into a roll cancel Argentine back breaker. The combo hits and the opponent cannot block or jump out of it.
I never used dash/evade/ex with Heavy D! or Lucky but after some experimenting, I'm really digging this setup... Strangely enough, with Heavy D! I'm able to stay inside more and rush with better setups, and with Lucky I seem to be able to do more guard crushes even though there's some gaps and I'm working on baiting GCCD better...
Billy seems to be better as well with evade rather than rolling... He can punish from afar given the right spacing...
I think I'm going to start playing around with evading more because sometimes rolling can be outright dangerous against certain characters (and even certain players styles).
i in love with goro's (on max) evade attack to command throw or super.. :)
in some of final edition matches i see some players with charge meter activate after a hop attack e.g eiji's j. ;d
what is best for grapplers run or dash..??
What this thread needs is a list of moves that can be done with dashing and how effective they are.
You mean charge moves that can be buffered into while dashing?
No, dude. Air moves that can be done while dashing, such as Kyo's jump d.D or Athena's qcb + K.
Quote from: marchefelix on November 07, 2011, 07:06:16 PM
No, dude. Air moves that can be done while dashing, such as Kyo's jump d.D or Athena's qcb + K.
You can't do those moves while dashing forward anymore, only backward, it got removed in 98UM. The only advantage for Kyo's j. down + D or Iori's j.4b is a faster back dash.
Personal KOF98, parte 1-3. Chile 2011..wmv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIIHkauXy84#)
In 98 that could be insane, there was also athena dn + b
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on November 07, 2011, 08:04:24 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on November 07, 2011, 07:06:16 PM
No, dude. Air moves that can be done while dashing, such as Kyo's jump d.D or Athena's qcb + K.
You can't do those moves while dashing forward anymore, only backward, it got removed in 98UM. The only advantage for Kyo's j. down + D or Iori's j.4b is a faster back dash.
Well... that sucks.
I still think it should be done anyways. After all, this sub-forum isn't just for 98 UM (though I can see this might not be the right thread to do it on).