Dream Cancel Forum

King of Fighters XIII => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kane317 on March 25, 2011, 12:41:24 AM

Title: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Kane317 on March 25, 2011, 12:41:24 AM
Riding on the newfound momentum with XIII internationally, The Answer thought it might be a good idea to help newcomers to give XIII for a spin by creating a video tutorial.

This is not a combo video.  This video is designed to highlight the new mechanics of XIII first and foremost and secondly anything that you guys suggest seems relevant.  Just keep in mind we already have technical reference and combo videos out there already.

So, if you were/are a newcomer to XIII, what else do you want the video tutorial to illustrate?   Once we get enough input we'll get to work. =)
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: metaphysics on March 25, 2011, 12:57:50 AM
explain things that are unique to king of fighters XIII, like explaining the limitations and gains from drive cancels, and hyper drives.  For example how you can't drive cancel on block or how you can in HD, and simply where they are in the game lol. Also how drive canceling in combos build meter and how HD doesn't.

The importance of stock management in this game maybe provide an example for a specific character like how he needs ex's to do damage or for defensive reasons. Also team cohesion possibly? battery, middle, anchor
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: meiji_99 on March 25, 2011, 06:13:07 AM
imo maybe you can make the tutorial video like dandyj kof tutorial video, start with fundamental like
- roll > attack > throw > roll
- 4 type of jump
- little coverage about cancel move (eg ryo fwd + A that cancelable to DM but not cancelable to Special Move)
- guard cancel AB & CD
- counter hit state which have special juggle property
- explain about the basic and the difference of drive gauge, hyperdrive & power stock management
- separate video about BC cancel (like you do on Systems/Technical thread :D)

it is up to you if you want to add commentary to the video or just like dandyj do which he explain it via text.
just my 2 cent, thx.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Aenthin on March 25, 2011, 09:49:59 AM
- BC early vs. BC late
- A brief coverage regarding EX moves
- A brief coverage regarding NEOMAX moves
- How to use training mode
- Single Target Action feature
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Giby on March 25, 2011, 03:05:11 PM
Drive Cancel
Roll Cancel (AB out of normal attacks)
AB Evasion (AB on block)
CD blow back (CD on block)
Drop Kick
How gauges work
Command Normals
Rolls ( I remember some rolls having more recovery time than others)
Drop Kick
How to use different level supers/Neo Max
Limits of BC cancel
Combo into command grabs ( huge in KOF games, but nonexistent in other series to my knowledge)
Short hops/Hyperhops
And of course Drop Kick (can't forget this one)

The main thing you guys should do is a rundown on things that are exclusive to KOF, or things that a SF/BB/Tekken player would find foreign.  Do you guys plan on making it direct capture?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: THE ANSWER on March 25, 2011, 04:16:24 PM
Yes Giby we'll be doing Direct capture at 480 unfortunately we haven't been able to get 720 to work but for a tutorial we think that 480 should be sufficient.

I was thinking of showing input shortcuts such as running grab super and dp into fireball without canceling into super.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Diavle on March 25, 2011, 04:25:30 PM
Run into normal throw.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: THE ANSWER on March 25, 2011, 05:59:12 PM
Quote from: Diavle on March 25, 2011, 04:25:30 PM
Run into normal throw.

Yeah!, I haven't even mastered that :)
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Kane317 on March 25, 2011, 10:58:25 PM
Quote from: THE ANSWER on March 25, 2011, 05:59:12 PM
Quote from: Diavle on March 25, 2011, 04:25:30 PM
Run into normal throw.

Yeah!, I haven't even mastered that :)

That's old school, isn't it dash, neutral, back+P/K?

Good lord the list is getting long, do we want this to be too much like Dandy J's?  Isn't this more like XIII specific?  Although, admittingly, I haven't finished watching Dandy J's tutorial (maybe that's why I'm not placing higher in these tourneys lol) so I dunno to what extent it covers.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Demoninja on March 25, 2011, 11:50:02 PM
From what i remember about DandyJ's tut he covered basics such as movement (the types of jumps, running stuff like that), basic anti air triangle, ground triangle. Uh I don't think it was really in depth, it just touched on what KoF is. I'll rewatch it sometime just to brush up on my basics and confirm what I said.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: metaphysics on March 26, 2011, 12:16:19 AM
everything that has been listed so far is in the dandy j video, with the exception of Kof XIII specifics. The guide covers a whole lot maybe not everything in  perfect detail, but it was still a job well done.

I think we need to figure out exactly what the goal is. A complete and comprehensive guide on how to play KoF, which already for the most part exists.

or a comprehensive KoF XIII exclusive guide. also consider how much time you want to take on this you can make a very effective exclusive KoF XIII guide in short period of time, and just site and tell people to check out  Dandy J's video for universal KoF gameplay

Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Gravelneed on March 26, 2011, 03:08:32 AM
SNK's character guide videos for XIII were really good. Hopefully, you guys can make an overall tutorial vid as good or better.

Everyone above me has pretty much said what I would like to included but maybe Battery/???/Anchors should be described. I forgot what the middle characters are called.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: BOT2K on May 05, 2011, 08:00:42 PM
Coming over from SSF4 I would like to know what links and what combos. Please touch on any joystick shortcuts especially the metered moves. Also what character suits what kin of player...defense...rushdown
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: MUSOLINI on May 06, 2011, 01:25:54 AM
basically dandy j tut with XIII exclusive mechanics added.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Aenthin on June 30, 2011, 06:08:15 AM
A bit of thread necro here.

Actually, I had this idea a few months ago but Don't Drop's (http://www.youtube.com/user/DontDropThatCombo) comments from his Duolon video made me even think more about it. Why not make a video for each character similar to DJ-B13's CvS2 Tricks of the Trade (sample video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIf3BDoL9Xk))? That is, besides combos, you're to also show some mixups, guard crush combos and other useful information you could think of for each character?

Of course, it will take time but I do think this would be a great idea.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Kane317 on June 30, 2011, 06:44:14 AM
Quote from: Aenthin on June 30, 2011, 06:08:15 AM
A bit of thread necro here.

Actually, I had this idea a few months ago but Don't Drop's (http://www.youtube.com/user/DontDropThatCombo) comments from his Duolon video made me even think more about it. Why not make a video for each character similar to DJ-B13's CvS2 Tricks of the Trade (sample video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIf3BDoL9Xk))? That is, besides combos, you're to also show some mixups, guard crush combos and other useful information you could think of for each character?

Of course, it will take time but I do think this would be a great idea.

Actually, we're working on something as we speak, so it's not a dead thread.  Your idea is great but of course it'll probably be the next series.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 30, 2011, 06:53:46 AM
I was actually thinking of doing a video too, having small "scenarios" with the KOFXIII cast showing up the basics of the game.

One of the examples was having Ryo and Robert the basic movements of the game (move forward, back, jump and duck) in a mirror fashion. Then they will show the attack buttons used in the game (LP, HP, LK, HP and CD). All while having some bubbles conversations before that and the reason been that Takuma convinced Rose to have them as a exhibition show before the tournament started, just to get money and TV time for the Kyokugen School.

My other idea was to use Chin and Kensou, Chin will tell Kensou to practice all his jumps (Hops and Jumps) for several times, while Chin is telling him how to do it properly while he keeps drinking.

But I kinda wanted to find official art and stuff to use to make it as official as possible. Also this tutorial is just for simple things, just to show new people to fighting games in general how the game works while showing story/character interactions.

But yeah, dunno if I will ever do it, but I kinda want to try it out at least.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Kane317 on June 30, 2011, 07:05:14 AM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on June 30, 2011, 06:53:46 AM
My other idea was to use Chin and Kensou, Chin will tell Kensou to practice all his jumps (Hops and Jumps) for several times, while Chin is telling him how to do it properly while he keeps drinking.

That's a brillant idea DarKaoz, can I steal that?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 30, 2011, 07:09:50 AM
Well sure, I mean, if I have time I would like to do my own version of it, which are those 2 scenarios I thought of so far. So sure you can use it, I bet the results will be different yet similar.

Besides having more than 1 tutorial will be good, but I will take my sweet time, since I want to make it as official looking as possible. lol
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: metaphysics on June 30, 2011, 07:19:57 AM
Kyo, and iori. Kyo talking shit cuz he can't do flames haha, takuma being the teacher running through various situations, with ryo, robert and yuri.  I think that's the best idea mr karate
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Balabani on July 06, 2011, 10:35:49 PM
This is a great idea.  :)
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: MUSOLINI on July 07, 2011, 05:44:06 AM
um, i think snkp might actuaslly make a tutorial gamemode for this game. maybe its best to wait and see what they do first...?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: DarKaoZ on July 07, 2011, 10:07:00 AM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on July 07, 2011, 05:44:06 AM
um, i think snkp might actuaslly make a tutorial gamemode for this game. maybe its best to wait and see what they do first...?

The more the better IMO. People can choose which one to see, I bet SNKP and the guys in here will do a great job on it. Since they have more experience in the game, specially in a tournament scene.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: MUSOLINI on July 07, 2011, 09:38:52 PM
id like to point out the devs in skill > best tourney players in skill. the devs would probably tear everybody in japan and the west appart. especially the 2 devs that went last, the kyo and terry ocv guys. i think they have as good as an understanding of the game as the best players in thw world, probably better because they made the game.

back on topic, this doesnt have anyhthing to do with the vids you guys are talking bout though.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: Ryudo on July 19, 2011, 05:53:49 AM
Yes!! This would definitely be something i would be looking forward to. Dandy J's comprehensive KoF tutorial was very good. Making one for XIII's gameplay mechanics is a really good idea. I don't really understand certain gameplay mechanics for XIII. I think a video tutorial is a way better tool. Speaking for myself I'm a very visual person and sometimes need some visual examples to understand certain aspects of whats going on. I'm sure others feel the same way as well.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: luminair on August 23, 2011, 06:20:51 AM
Quote from: Ryudo on July 19, 2011, 05:53:49 AM
Yes!! This would definitely be something i would be looking forward to. Dandy J's comprehensive KoF tutorial was very good. Making one for XIII's gameplay mechanics is a really good idea. I don't really understand certain gameplay mechanics for XIII. I think a video tutorial is a way better tool. Speaking for myself I'm a very visual person and sometimes need some visual examples to understand certain aspects of whats going on. I'm sure others feel the same way as well.

Yeah I feel exactly the same way, especially when it comes to HD cancels and the HD mode. I thought you could cancel anything into anything a la cvs2 A-groove. After finally getting some more game time I realize I was wrong, I'm guessing some moves cancel into other specific ones during specific times?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII video tutorial
Post by: BioBooster on October 11, 2011, 04:40:46 PM
Was just wondering as some time has passed. Is anyone still working on a video?  :)

I think it would be pretty cool if we had a remake of the DandyJ vid with KOF XIII sprites whilst adding in XIII specifics at the same time as well. I understand if no one wants to take that on right away seeing how useful the DandyJ vid still is.

I also agree that it would be good to have a chr specific compilation. DDTC and SNKP's own vids are good combo resources and showcases, but they don't cover frequently used tactics for each character. Use this move in this situation and the EX in this situation type of commentary would be awesome.