I personally think a good crossover where profits are shared evenly will be a great way for publicity and a way to get money. Imagine King of Fighters vs. Blazblue! I think people would love a fighting game like this. A true to it's core 2d fighter with amazing sprites, story, and complex fighting engine.
What are your opinions?
some things would make sense as in the gamnesystems would at least look alike, somehting like sf vs kof. tekken vs sf or kof vs bb would change the games soo much that it would neither be kof or bb or be too much like one of them. terrible idea, unlike sf vs kof.
bb vs ds would be nice though. or gg vs ds, or bb and gg combined into 1 game. all better than bb vs kof. not to shit on your idea, cause yoy could make a good game out of anything. just dont see these 2 fighters coming together and retaining their identities (either 1 or both lose it).
Well I used bb vs kof because I know SNK got screwed in the ass when they last collaborated with capcom. Considering capcom is also taking the 3d route with all their games a 2d sprite fighter (hence bb vs kof) sounds good. CvS2 had changes in control but similar gameplay to both respective franchises, but I think it could work with arc system. Not to mention the soundtrack arc system makes compared to capcom matches the kof mood a lot more in my opinion :p
I hate crossovers.
Lol i like em but well...ya know. It was an idea. :p I want people to suggest their ideas how the series can be put back in the limelight. :)
Best way to revitalize series: <insert idea here>
kof X Street fighter in XIII's engine and gameplay would rock
thats pretty much the perfect fighter if there ever was one. but it has to be kof with sf elements and not sf with kof elements (so it wouldnt be as turtle and sf and the characters having exelent mobility like in kof. the 2 worst aspects of sf, lack of mobility = easier to lock down thus more about poking and defensive turtling cause of the lack of ways to get in. pretty much).
KOF is a crossover itself. I think it has a great formula, FF and AoF chars along with new ones or others from others games like Psycho Soldiers or Ikari. SNK doesn't need SF to rise their series, they only need money to promote the game, a good international marketing manager who knows well international market and continue impoving KOF series from this starting point called KOF XIII.
I don't want to sound like a fanboy...but I think KOF just need to keep the way it has and continue growing and improving.
New story , new characters, returning classic characters or characters who never made the cut in KOF (like Hwa). Try to get close to 2k2UM in terms of number of characters and number of moves, new system (maybe come back to tag combos like kof2003), more balance, espectacular 2D anime cinematics (like story cuts in XIII) for story mode and endings, great online, MazCat official sticks, EVo, Tougeki, t-shirts, corn-flakes, girls cosplaying Mai at every event... And KOF will become hard competence for SF.
I think the hype machine when 13 is finally released on consoles should do it. Then after that they can focus on 14 or CvS3.
Quote from: LouisCipher on May 06, 2011, 12:16:06 PM
More like SvC3. But I don't support idea of company crossovers anymore.
Technically it would be SvC2. ;)
But yeah, Firebrand vs KOF13 Raiden, I'd play that.
Quote from: LouisCipher on May 06, 2011, 01:55:31 PM
Technically it would be SvC2. ;)
No it would be SvC3. SNK made Match of the Millenium for NeoGeo Pocket and then they made SVC Chaos.
SNKP is in a tough spot to make it a mainstream hit. SSFIV has taught the mainstream to expect super easy inputs and slow, simplified gameplay. SNKP already tried simplifying the game with XII and the resulting rejection from the hardcore fans played a large part in stunting the growth of the fanbase.
SNKP needs to focus on keeping its core fanbase happy. It's not the healthiest situation for a company to be in but that's their reality. XIII is proof of that. Remove every new idea from XII, add in refined mechanics from 2002UM and the fanbase goes nuts.