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King of Fighters XIII => General Discussion => Topic started by: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 09:14:23 AM

Title: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 09:14:23 AM
Well as the topic says, what kind of sprites modifications would you like to see in KOF XIII that would make the sprites look different or close to their old designs?

I have 2, one is Andy KOF 2001 look alike outfit and the 2nd one is Kula showing some skin.


What other ideas would you like to see?
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on May 23, 2011, 09:51:36 AM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 09:14:23 AM
I have 2, one is Andy KOF 2001 look alike outfit and the 2nd one is Kula showing some skin.


Cool Andy.

I don't have many ideas for sprite modifications per se, but some alternates I'd like would be:

- A Blue Mary alternate for Leona (blonde hair, red top, blue pants)
- A classic-colored alternate for King
- Any alternate for Takuma that doesn't look hideous-dumb (black Takuma with pink hair: really, SNK? really??)
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Giby on May 23, 2011, 09:56:05 AM
Rex, thats my Takuma color :( That and Pink Mr Karate
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on May 23, 2011, 10:05:00 AM
Then I'm embarrassed for you. :P
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 10:20:00 AM
Quote from: Rex Dart on May 23, 2011, 09:51:36 AM

lol I was expecting that reaction. But is not like we aren't used to see 15 to 17 year old girls showing their belly or more *cough* DOA *cough*.

This could work also for King, having her Waist belt colored like her skin.

I think I did something like that for Shermie in 98UM with the color edit, I need to check again.

EDIT: Just to add to King, I would like to see another hairstyle for her sprite. For some reason that hairstyle she has in this sprite makes her look agressive or "evil" for lack of a better word.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 11:25:43 AM
I don't want to see Kula's skin. This girl makes me vomit.

King is cool when she looks agressive.

Andy's alternate outfit is the coolest outfit Andy never has got, so there's no need to change his original outfit for console version.

I would like to have classic black and golden color for Mai, but I guess black/purple with red hair will be fine.

I would like to have alternate "outfis" for the rest of cast, like Mr Karate, BigBear, Yuri's ponytail, etc. A ninja mask for Mai or two tails instead of one, a hat for King, Mature with a white vest and black shirt (like her 96 outfit). Things like that could be nice DLC and something never seen it before in a 2D fighting game.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on May 23, 2011, 04:31:13 PM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 10:20:00 AM
lol I was expecting that reaction. But is not like we aren't used to see 15 to 17 year old girls showing their belly or more *cough* DOA *cough*.
Nice try, but Kula's 14. :P Even Benimaru feels guilty after hitting on Kula!

Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 11:25:43 AM
Andy's alternate outfit is the coolest outfit Andy never has got, so there's no need to change his original outfit for console version.
No one's saying there's a need for any of this. It's just stuff you'd like to see.

This is a little off-topic, but I guess it does relate to sprite modification. Rather than more alternate designs, I'd like to see more special KO's. The clothes-ripping King and Yuri KOs ones got XIII lots of publicity. They could probably get some more with something similar with Elisabeth, Mature and Vice. Also, why not a lil' something for the ladies? Ryo and Robert both used to lose their outer layers back in AOF2, so why not bring that back?

I'd also love slightly more subtle stuff, like Terry's hat falling off when KO'd, or Mai dropping her fan. Both happened back in 94/95, and they'd be cool to see again.

Obviously, none of this stuff matters. But adding little extra touches like this can make winning a bit more rewarding.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 04:45:46 PM
Quote from: Rex Dart on May 23, 2011, 04:31:13 PM
Ryo and Robert both used to lose their outer layers back in AOF2, so why not bring that back?

I totally agree with you. King and Yuri special losing are cool, but the fact that only they two have it, looks too much fanservice. Ryo, Robert and Takuma, as AoF chars, should have it too. 

And if all characters have it, it would be awesome.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: THE ANSWER on May 23, 2011, 06:21:34 PM
I would like to see and Alt that makes her look feminine, I don't mind her classic look but just once show her in a sexier outfit.

Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: BiGGDaddyCane on May 23, 2011, 06:37:35 PM
Quote from: THE ANSWER on May 23, 2011, 06:21:34 PM
I would like to see and Alt that makes her look feminine, I don't mind her classic look but just once show her in a sexier outfit.

^Oh yes Agree.

For me this sounds a bit much but,

I would like to see Mature and Vice original outfits. Not really feeling the suits that much too. But i kinda dig them.

Especially, when Vice does her Max and pulls her shirt half way down (Probably exposing them Nips but you cant see cause her back is turned. lol) to activate the Orochi from her tattoo IRC.


I would also like to see Chin's 2002 outfit or Kensou's old outfit with the hoodie, jacket, and shorts.

Other then that I too would like to see some AOF modifcations for Ryo and Robert. Also, a Shirtless Takuma modification from AOF 2.

OffTopic : Lmao when Yuri top Fly's off when you KO'ed her in AOF.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: SAB-CA on May 23, 2011, 07:47:14 PM
Hmm. Ok, only way to properly do this for me is to ignore what makes sense, and just throw ideas out there, lol. So I'll be tossing out a few "Why not just make a new character?!?" ideas along in here...

Ash Crimson - Saiki. Modify face, voice samples, maybe a few mannerisms, and of course, the hair.  

Team Japan
Kyo Kusanagi - Maybe a Syo Color palette? With the extra outfit designs atop his normal wear.

Benimaru Nikaido - Loose hair! Ramp the Bishonen factor up a notch. Or just add his hair falling down as a special chip damage KO.

Goro Daimon - Brian Battler style Football Armor, with a refernce to the Football guy from World heroes thrown in as 2 color Palettes.

Team Elisabeth
Elisabeth Branctorche  - I'm not much of a fan of the "boob window" compared to her new outfit, but if it could be added as an alt, so be it. And she needs a Color thet references Phoenix Wright's Von Karma!

Shen Woo - A shirtless design, so that you really get to see his arm and back tatoos. Put in a 100% Mukai color while you're at it, for fun.

Duo Lon - Give him Vampire Hunter D's hat + loose hair, since he's based on him. Make a color based on Classic Red Mage from Final Fantasy while you're at it!

Fatal Fury Team
Terry Bogard - MOTW Terry. Alt win pose has him tossing off his jacket, rather than Hat. Oh, and make normal Terry lose his hat for special KOs. And make the hat come back down from space in default costume's win pose.

Andy Bogard - DarK's alt is solid in style. Go for that, give him Galford and Hanzo colors for the set as well.

Joe Higashi - Muy Tai Chamionship Belt, (the one he taunts King with in some games), or just totally lose it, and give him that Kimono-style jacket he's worn in some intros.

Kim Team
Kim Kaphwan - More variety between top/bottom colors. Fit a back emblem / Headband that has some Kanji for "JUSTICE!" or something on it.

Raiden - Is perfect already. Big Bear + Colors are great.

Hwa Jai - Add some more arm and ankle wraps to differentiate him from Joe. Have an opponent chuck a bottle of special drink to him upon KO, leading to either he cradling it (haha), or it falling on the ground, and shattering.

Women Fighters Team
King - Hat + modified haircut, Maybe a Jacket, a few mono-color outfit schemes, that's about it. Really don't want to see her "tart'd up", lol.

Mai Shiranui - Leggings would be OK, MI Alt would be amazing, but I'd settle for some embroidery on her outfit. Iralf can get CAMO PANTS, she should be able to get some Sakura petals / tree branches! Oh yeah, and drop fan upon K.O.

Yuri Sakazaki - Really is fine already, her alt is great. Maybe a few more colors to make use of the varied pants designs, though.

Art of Fighting Team
Ryo Sakazaki - Bloody / bruised face upon KO! Apply this to the whole team, maybe make Ryo's outer Gi burst /tattered pants upon KO. Make colors that allow differnt top/bottom Gi colors for 2nd palette.

Robert Garcia - NGBC older Robert look. Make coin fly out when he's KO'd. Return coin-flip victory pose.

Takuma Sakazaki - Mr. Karate already rocks. Increase colors on both palettes, make Karate Mask shatter upon Special KOs. (Explode for special move unblocked, shatter in half and fall for chip KO.)

Yagami Team
Iori Yagami - Forget Colors, just make w/Flame Iori. Give him some unique colors.

Mature - Dress outfit from older KoF's (O.O). I really like their current outfits personally, but it'd be nice to see them.

Vice - Same as Mature. Maybe give hers a tattered/Rip bottom, since she's the more brutish of the two.

Ikari Warriors Team
Ralf Jones - He's got CAMO PANTS! Increase color selection, give him a few Metal Slug Colors.

Clark Still - Remove hat, alt winposes has glasses adjustment. Or give him an alt "hat" such as a military troop helmet.

Leona Heidern - I like Rex's Mary color idea. I'd be happy if they gave her the old outfit back, for nostalgia. Or just shorts rather than full pants for alt. Give her a "Resist tapping into Blood Riot!" glare when knocked out by Special Chip KOs. Add full Orochi HOWL victory pose when win by Neomax.

Psycho Soldier Team
Athena Asamiya - A traditional outfit design, A pure Goddess Athena design (O.O!), or for Irony's sake, Give her back the Biker Shorts, and make her skirt suddenly become less obedient. A cool Chip KO could have her shifting through a few looks as she falls, until she settles on a slightly tattered one.

Sie Kensou - Give him his old "Regular nobody" outfit back as an alt. Can be based on any version of it. Loose a Nikuman Dumpling upon special KO. Chip KO has him fall on a Red Bean Paste dumpling, lookin' like Bloody murder as he lies defeated! (haha).

Chin Gentsai - Give him his 2K2 outfit, along with a color that resembles Tung Fu Rue. Or give him a Fisherman's hat, and a color that calls back to the old man from Last Blade.

K' Team
K' - More colors that seperate Top from Bottom. Iori and Kyo Palettes to go with this. and a Nameless referncing color, just for fun. Lose glasses upon Special KO.

Maxima - More Top/Bottom division colors. A few of those w/o his undershirt, like the current black/red design. Have his bionic parts explode / become damaged upon special KO. Give him more colors that reference Giant Robots (So a Gundam Color is mandatory. And like Windows K', I'd take a Voltron / Go Lion Maxima!)

Kula Diamond -Have Foxy and Diana return to assisting her back throw. Top / Bottom variety improves like DarK suggest, dunno if she needs to bare skin, lol. Maybe Make Foxy / Diana appear to catch her / Check on her for special/chip KOs.

Global Changes:

Make the victory quote pictures take on special colors! Highly unlikely, but if it can be done dynamically, this would be fantastic.

Get the artist to drawn special "Winner" pictures for special Matchups, and Neomax victories. They already did some of this for 2K2UM...

If no Color Editor is added, add up to 10 more colors per character. Either through the Alts, or just to their defaults. Give us back some of the colors we lost since the loketest, and maybe give every character on a team some kinda fun "Team Theme" color.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: MUSOLINI on May 23, 2011, 07:50:17 PM
yeah i got a few:

ryo with his top haning down from his gi, but with the tight black shirt still on. also with grey hair and a goatie, and a different stance but as aggresivve or even more so (like takuma who seems ready to pop somebody head off).

iori with long coat and with his old outfit.

ralph with topless upperbody and instead of a bandana a red headband (rambo style)

clark with a white tshirt under than vest, something like the art from snkp themselves when they showed the other ideas for sprites. also without hat but with glasses like the terminator.

terry in motw outfit.

robert in 96-98 outfit.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 08:51:40 PM
Quote from: SAB-CA on May 23, 2011, 07:47:14 PM
Mai Shiranui - she should be able to get some Sakura petals / tree branches! Oh yeah, and drop fan upon K.O

That! Man, I never thought this before, but now you have mentioned... Oh, Sab-CA, I hate you. From now on, every time Mai opens her fan I will miss Sakura petals! lol
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: marchefelix on May 23, 2011, 09:03:11 PM
Someone on GameFAQs suggested a fully-clothed Mai. It's actually a cool outfit, considering how it's more ninja-like.

Also, Iori's original costume plox.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 09:45:32 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 23, 2011, 09:03:11 PM
Someone on GameFAQs suggested a fully-clothed Mai. It's actually a cool outfit, considering how it's more ninja-like.
In anime/manga/videogame universe kunoichis tradiotionally wear reveling outfits. Is said that kunoichis used her body as a weapon, to distract their male enemies (and this why Mai wears that ouffit of her), but I think is said because most part of kunoichis were spies dressed like prostitutes, to kill their targets when they sleep with them.

Anyway full-clothed outfit for Mai doesn't fit with her, is like have a reveling King or a full-clothed B.Jenet.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Delta on May 23, 2011, 09:52:41 PM
Andy: Like Darkaoz's Andy, that looks awesome.

Kula: I'm meh about Kula showing some skin, not matter if she is 14 or 80. But i would like to see her with a Diana/Foxy/Whip palette. And why not, sunglasses like K'.

For K' , a true Windows palette (the 4-colored one is a reference to UNO) , i would use it :)

Maxima: Make him look more like a cyborg, with red glowing eyes ala Terminator. And again why not, sunglasses to make the Sunglasses Team :D

Shen: Something like a big tattoo on his chest or something like that.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Xxenace on May 23, 2011, 09:57:00 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 09:45:32 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 23, 2011, 09:03:11 PM
Someone on GameFAQs suggested a fully-clothed Mai. It's actually a cool outfit, considering how it's more ninja-like.
In anime/manga/videogame universe kunoichis tradiotionally wear reveling outfits. Is said that kunoichis used her body as a weapon, to distract their male enemies (and this why Mai wears that ouffit of her), but I think is said because most part of kunoichis were spies dressed like prostitutes, to kill their targets when they sleep with them.

Anyway full-clothed outfit for Mai doesn't fit with her, is like have a reveling King or a full-clothed B.Jenet.
i think a b. jenet alt for mai would be bad ass

also only ones i can think off yuki and ai alts for kyo and yuri
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 10:23:56 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 09:45:32 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 23, 2011, 09:03:11 PM
Someone on GameFAQs suggested a fully-clothed Mai. It's actually a cool outfit, considering how it's more ninja-like.
In anime/manga/videogame universe kunoichis tradiotionally wear reveling outfits. Is said that kunoichis used her body as a weapon, to distract their male enemies (and this why Mai wears that ouffit of her), but I think is said because most part of kunoichis were spies dressed like prostitutes, to kill their targets when they sleep with them.

Anyway full-clothed outfit for Mai doesn't fit with her, is like have a reveling King or a full-clothed B.Jenet.

Well it wouldn't be that bad to see Mai with some tights or long sleeve gloves (or whatever they are called), she will still look sexy.

I would like to see Clark and Ralf have their skin colored to some part to make it look like they have shirts. I think that is possible for SNKP to do.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: FataCon on May 23, 2011, 10:29:15 PM

Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: THE ANSWER on May 23, 2011, 10:38:27 PM
Quote from: FataCon on May 23, 2011, 10:29:15 PM


LMAO! Also your avatar gives me the lols every time you post lol
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on May 24, 2011, 06:37:02 PM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on May 23, 2011, 10:23:56 PM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on May 23, 2011, 09:45:32 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 23, 2011, 09:03:11 PM
Someone on GameFAQs suggested a fully-clothed Mai. It's actually a cool outfit, considering how it's more ninja-like.
In anime/manga/videogame universe kunoichis tradiotionally wear reveling outfits. Is said that kunoichis used her body as a weapon, to distract their male enemies (and this why Mai wears that ouffit of her), but I think is said because most part of kunoichis were spies dressed like prostitutes, to kill their targets when they sleep with them.

Anyway full-clothed outfit for Mai doesn't fit with her, is like have a reveling King or a full-clothed B.Jenet.

Well it wouldn't be that bad to see Mai with some tights or long sleeve gloves (or whatever they are called), she will still look sexy.

In MI2, Mai had an alternate that made her look like Okuni from Sengoku 3. The ninjas from that game (Okuni and Kurenai) both had outfits a bit similar to what you're describing. Here's Kurenai, for those who haven't played Sengoku 3:


I agree that something similar to this (stockings and elbow-length gloves, I mean) could work for Mai. It's definitely a more realistic idea than some of the ones suggested thus far. (Actually, I think Mai's alt.8 may have been based on Kurenai. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.)

Great pic, Fatacon.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on May 25, 2011, 05:23:33 AM
^ And I just notice someone from KOFUnion did some Mai Sprites that are similar to our ideas:
(http://pic.yupoo.com/kofxiii2010/262889718f1e/qp84ug11.jpg) (http://pic.yupoo.com/kofxiii2010/208729718f1e/2i8yjw03.jpg)
They are just missing the arm gloves, which I might add tomorrow ones I have some time to do that.

Vice and Mature look awesome here too, but Mature should lose the glasses:
(http://pic.yupoo.com/kofxiii2010/2734496458bc/0o8gdh7t.jpg) (http://pic.yupoo.com/kofxiii2010/8441096458be/x0kmj23u.jpg)
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on May 30, 2011, 08:21:22 AM
Two more thoughts:

1. I wish K's alternate sprites (with the mixed colors) weren't simply mirrored. I know it's a small detail, but it would be really awesome if SNK could create proper 1p-side versions and 2p-side versions of all those sprites. Very few fighting games have ever gone to the trouble to do this. (SF3's Gill is the only example I can remember.) Anyway, I'd be impressed if they did this.

2. Benimaru needs his 2003 leopard-print top. That was hotness! And would be easy to do.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on May 30, 2011, 09:24:01 PM
Quote from: Rex Dart on May 30, 2011, 08:21:22 AM
Two more thoughts:2. Benimaru needs his 2003 leopard-print top. That was hotness! And would be easy to do.

No t-shirt Benimaru is hotter.. :)
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rukawa on June 11, 2011, 08:46:27 PM
clark and ralf with no steroids

I want kyo to resemble his old sprite more

iori back with his old outfit or 2000 striker outfit
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: LouisCipher on June 12, 2011, 12:01:27 AM
King in a bikini. I'm dead serious.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 02:58:48 AM
Give us Wild Ambition Ryo and AOF3 Robert.

MOTW Treey would be good too.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: asociale on June 12, 2011, 04:31:57 AM
i d like to see clark and ralf Ikari Warriors outfits, if i m not mistaken back then they didnt wear anything on the upperbody xD Clark without the upperbody outfit could reseamble arnold swarz in Commando xD
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: blackjack on June 14, 2011, 07:49:41 AM
I would like to see MOTW Terry and/or Robert Garcia in either his '98 or '03 outfit.

If none of those are possible, extra colors for all characters would be just fine.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: MUSOLINI on June 14, 2011, 12:15:29 PM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 02:58:48 AM
Give us Wild Ambition Ryo and AOF3 Robert.

MOTW Treey would be good too.

agreed, and motw terry btw.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Running Wild on June 14, 2011, 08:15:20 PM
Also I think Mai's foot guards should be edited so she can show off some of her feets. SNK doesn't seem to like having barefoot fighting gals as much as Capcom, but Capcom overdoes it by giving everyone NBA sized feet.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: sibarraz on June 15, 2011, 05:18:26 AM
School Outfit kyo will be cool to see
Mai Fatal fury special or 3 version
maxima using the color scheme that appear on the video maxima guardpoints everything
Remove the eye patch of mature, I fucking hate those patches, are not sexy for me, I only think that they must had their eye very screwed to use one
raiden using vader's color scheme
king and yuri only wearing their bras, or some bikini, specially king, I really want to see her showing some flesh, and now that this goes against his character and that's why is awesome, in the other side, I would love to see a mai using full clothes
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Remzi on June 19, 2011, 08:09:35 AM
Honestly, I'd like all the costumes and outfits from previous games to be in this one.

You know, Kyo's old outfits, Benimaru's leopard top, Another Benimaru outfit KOF2000), Terry's MOTW outfit. Ryo could use a Duke Edwards outfit and 2003 / NGBC / AoF3 robert.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on June 19, 2011, 11:13:21 AM
I know wishes don't have to be realistic and everything, but I just want to check.

Everyone does know the difference between a sprite modification and a new sprite, right?
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 19, 2011, 11:35:51 AM
Quote from: Rex Dart on June 19, 2011, 11:13:21 AM
I know wishes don't have to be realistic and everything, but I just want to check.

Everyone does know the difference between a sprite modification and a new sprite, right?

Well my idea was to make suggestions of realistic sprite modifications that SNKP could do. But well, I didn't wanted to neglect people imagination, some of the ideas are good, IMO.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: sibarraz on June 19, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
I'm sure of that, this is why I believe that will be hard to see MOTW terry, or other things, but I don't know how SNKP made their palettes seeing some curios alternative schemes, I believe more in the part with playing with those colors rather than see new costumes, even though I didn't know that head swaps were possible, maybe something from that line could help to made some modifications
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 19, 2011, 08:57:33 PM
Quote from: sibarraz on June 19, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
I'm sure of that, this is why I believe that will be hard to see MOTW terry, or other things, but I don't know how SNKP made their palettes seeing some curios alternative schemes, I believe more in the part with playing with those colors rather than see new costumes, even though I didn't know that head swaps were possible, maybe something from that line could help to made some modifications

Yes, like giving Goro and Shen a shirt, or take off K sunglasses like old K. Those stuff are thing SNKP could pull.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: Rex Dart on June 19, 2011, 09:16:11 PM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on June 19, 2011, 08:57:33 PM
Quote from: sibarraz on June 19, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
I'm sure of that, this is why I believe that will be hard to see MOTW terry, or other things, but I don't know how SNKP made their palettes seeing some curios alternative schemes, I believe more in the part with playing with those colors rather than see new costumes, even though I didn't know that head swaps were possible, maybe something from that line could help to made some modifications

Yes, like giving Goro and Shen a shirt, or take off K sunglasses like old K. Those stuff are thing SNKP could pull.

If you mean a skin-tight t-shirt, then yeah, they probably could. Not sure that would really suit Goro though.

Even something as relatively simple as removing K's sunglasses would mess up his win pose and chain drive animations.

I don't want to sound like I'm dissing peoples' ideas. I just feel the need to point out some potential complications.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 20, 2011, 01:54:02 AM
Indeed, I was talking about giving them Skin-tight T-shirts. I know i won't fit Goro, but it might make him look different. Like a mix of MMA with classic Martial Arts outfit.

Regarding K sunglasses, you are right, is a small complication I miss. But I bet there would be a way to play around that. Or maybe they can change the glasses to have different ones. That is another plausible idea.

I think they could also make Elizabeth outfit look like her old one if they wanted. Shouldn't be that problematic to do, since they are only changing one section of the body. It should be kinda like headswaps.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: sibarraz on June 20, 2011, 03:04:52 AM
I always wondered if the sprite of goro from kof 2000 (striker) was a modification of his original one or if they created a new sprite only to make him an striker

Joe has an alternative color to resemble gai tendo? that will be something cool to see
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: The Gentleman on July 10, 2011, 09:11:05 PM

^This, this oh GOD this. I really grew to love Leopard Top Benimaru.

Honorable mentions go to:

1)KOF XI styled Elizabeth (I just saw a fan interpretation of this on a mugen board, and it was wonderful)
2)RBS Mai.

Title: Re: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: BustaWolf on July 13, 2011, 01:17:16 PM
Original non hulk versions of ralph and clark, then a non akuma looking ryo. :-)

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Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: X_Factor on July 13, 2011, 09:05:21 PM
Quote from: FataCon on May 23, 2011, 10:29:15 PM


Where did you find this pic?  I have never seen Leona in Mai's outfit before.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: MUSOLINI on July 13, 2011, 09:35:14 PM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 14, 2011, 08:15:20 PM
Also I think Mai's foot guards should be edited so she can show off some of her feets. SNK doesn't seem to like having barefoot fighting gals as much as Capcom, but Capcom overdoes it by giving everyone NBA sized feet.

well girls can be separated in 2 categories, ones with ugly feet and ones with sexy feet. snkp got sexy feet but they dont show it. capcom chicks got huge men feet but they are not ashamed to show them.

non akuma looking ryo u can agree with, especially one with a goattie and grey hair like in wild ambition. non hulk army boys? are you crazy, they need to bulk up if anything.

again for those people not knowing, r&c weigh more than alistair overeem and are shorter than him. has anybody ever seen how bulky overeem is? watch some yt links or google pics and tell me again r&c need to slim it doen. they finally look their part and people bitching about them being too big. their fine, they where bitchmade and unreal before, now theyre fine.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: omegaryuji on July 13, 2011, 09:51:09 PM
Quote from: X_Factor on July 13, 2011, 09:05:21 PM
Where did you find this pic?  I have never seen Leona in Mai's outfit before.
That picture's been floating around the internet for a while.  I know someone sent it to me sometime between 1998 and 2003.  It's a cute idea, though I'd prefer to see Leona in her classic outfit if she gets an alternate sprite, which won't happen because that'd mean making a whole new set of sprites for someone who isn't Kyo/Iori-popular.  Realistically, I'd like to see her in some kind of camo prints (ideally with body paint as well), but I'm happy with color 10 for zombie Leona *laughs* .  XI-attire Elizabeth would be great (keyhole top > pirate shirt), as well as leopard shirt Benimaru, Shen Woo in dressed like Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken (or any of the Hokuto brothers, for that matter, but Kenshiro is probably the easiest), or 99 Kyo.

Console-exclusive Heidern with a Thouzer attire would be beyond awesome, too, but it's not gonna happen *laughs*
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: X_Factor on July 13, 2011, 10:58:05 PM
Didn't say I would prefer it, just something that kinda took me as surprise at seeing it.  If the alternates are more joke themed, I think it would be an interesting idea.

Even though I am not a huge fan of the KoF regulation games, some of the outfits from there would be something else they could go off of.  Can't remember the ones I really liked right now.
Title: Re: Sprites Modifications you would like to see in KOFXIII Console
Post by: omegaryuji on July 13, 2011, 11:54:47 PM
I know you were just asking about the picture.  I felt like combining replying to you with posting my thoughts on the actual topic in order to be more confusing.

Slight joke alternates would be cool (like the manly Shen Wooshiro *laughs* ), as long as they weren't ridiculously stupid like some of the SSF4 alternate outfits.