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Topics - MyvTeddy

Meet & Greet / Sup! Hold your hormones, I know I'm here.
December 28, 2011, 09:28:54 AM
Hi guys!

Just wanted to drop by and say hello. I'm Canadian (Toronto) on XBL (MyviTeddy) and I noticed the toronto scene is kinda exploding... (for good reason, game is so much fun). I also want to ask a few questions if I can?

-I'm currently considering several characters:
Mai, Yuri, King, Billy Kane, K`, Benimaru and Kim. Can someone give me a general description on what each character is all about/strength/weaknesses?.

-I come from several fighting games. Tekken and Street fighter is my main forte (Tekken tag all the way to tekken 6 BR, Vanilla SF4 to AE2012) but I'm also pretty good at other fighting games. My question in this case is: What's KOF all about? in SF, its generally about controlling the space plus footsies. Tekken has alot to do with footsies primarily, MvC is kinda like putting as much crap on the screen as possible but since I never played KoF competitively, what's KoF all about?

-Btw, is there a Jargon dictionary for KoF specifically? and I hear alot of technical lingo like drive cancel. Is there anything I can use in street fighter 4 to make some sort of reference to make sense of what is what til it becomes common knowledge? (ex: EX attacks are Ex attacks obviously, drive cancel is FADC (I think?), etc).

Thanks guys :D<3 much love.

And Merry belated christmas, I couldn't sign up to dreamcancel a week ago ;-;...