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Messages - B1gblack

Training Room / Re: Options against roll-heavy players
January 17, 2012, 08:16:41 PM
rolls are a bitch...i have come across that shit myself and i also do it unconciously but rolls are invincible at the beginning and and you can rape them with attacks at the end of the rolls
thank you all for your help...i will definitely do alot more normals and pokes and work on my short hops to keep the pressure going as best as i can...
well yea i know my mix-up games from 3rd strike so i apply my knowledge from that game but KoF mix-up game is different it isnt as fast paced as 3rd strike so its a little harder for me because when i try no matter what i always either get countered  or something stupid  like we both hit each other at the EXACT same time so i wanna make my mix up game really fuckin good so i wont be countered or the other stupid thing happening that much but i will definitely do what you offered though
Training Room / sharpening my mix-up game and fluency
January 13, 2012, 08:55:28 PM
hey i been wondering how ppl do mix-ups so well and fast in king of fighters 13 its one of the basic things to do in any fighting game. but in KoF 13 its hard only for the reason that when i begin my mix ups no matter what i cant keep it going. i start my mix ups by putting my opponent in blockstun(or try to...to the best of my abilities) then go for highs an lows grabs,projectiles etc. but when i do a move that has fast recovery and my opponent is supposed to be in blockstun they seem to always be faster than me no matter what....i wish i can show what i am talking about but i cant tips would be appreciated
to answer your question of who i am using i am using between terry,andy,shen,kensou,vice,king those are the only characters i am familiar with thus far.
sorry i wasnt specific. i was talking about light punch and like kick pokes both crouching and standing...its very difficult to read and i dont really understand what to in those situtations. i have beein like that since my 3rd strike days and once again i cant figure out any strategies against them
Training Room / what to do against bullshit pokes...
January 09, 2012, 05:12:35 AM
man lately i know i have been getting good at KoF.....just not good enough one of my most difficult opponents are people that poke more than people that turtle. so i am asking if anyone have any tips to do with people that poke? i could never figure out what to do against them thanks much appreciated
can you repeat that process over and over. i do understand it but im just wondering if that is the only way to do it
hey its been far too long since i posted anything about KoF 13 and well i have the counsel version and LOVING IT! my question is about leona. i was thinking of going into to her to pick her up as sorta a fun/competitive character but i cant seem to understand how her moves work for DC combos or better yet HD combos...can someone help a brother out please thank you much appreciated
Training Room / Re: not as bad as i thought
October 13, 2011, 08:45:10 PM
oh dude i fuckin LOVE mark of the wolves shit is amazing a really good game and storyline i like how it takes place after everyone doesnt fight anymore just terry lol
Training Room / Re: a quicker way of doing things
October 13, 2011, 08:42:23 PM
i know all about the diificulty of a charge character...but if not like urien from 3rd strike then its doable
Training Room / Re: felt good
October 13, 2011, 08:36:56 PM
i did both...i played training mode for about an hour almost then i started playing ppl....its just one thing i have to stop doing....going WAY TO EASY on beginners cuz i lose when i do....not cool lol but it was feel an i am starting to feel some progress as in oppose to playin romance where i didnt feel any improvement whatsoever
Training Room / Re: a quicker way of doing things
October 13, 2011, 11:09:25 AM
well i will take that into consideration because i am still looking for a third MAIN character so i may think on that
Training Room / Re: a quicker way of doing things
October 13, 2011, 08:51:38 AM
yea thats what im starting to do now...at first i was(and still is sometimes) having trouble doing that after a light low attack for my mix ups
Training Room / felt good
October 13, 2011, 08:42:12 AM
today i trained really hard in KoF 13....played a few people FINALLY beat someone at my level...overall it felt really good to play KoF today i could do what i wanted to do and kensou is a really good character he is officially my main right along with terry(the one and only) and....well im still stuck on an actual 3rd character...but its between shen woo and robert garcia