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Messages - PurpGuy

My startup team is looking to be:

Kim, Andy, Billy

With King, Leona, Terry, Kyo... screw it, everyone else as secondary
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern
July 17, 2011, 03:23:25 PM
Does anyone know what, exactly, those things on her belt are?

The entire Ikari Team brought a beltload each.  It's pretty funny they came to a fighting tournament expecting to have to blow the place to smithereens.
General Discussion / Re: Xbox 360 player listing
July 16, 2011, 04:08:46 AM
GT: PurpGuy
Location: Negley, Ohio
V4 has arrived!

Here to showcase the new V4 are, Andy and Mai:

Andy Preview V4
Mai Preview V4

Billy Kane's V4 isn't finished yet, as his victory screen art is not yet available.  All other characters have been added to the (somewhat) restructured first post of the thread.
Billy Kane / Re: Billy Kane
July 15, 2011, 09:00:53 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on July 14, 2011, 05:41:56 AM
Check the 8:26 mark for Billy's combos... The second one he does goes a bit past 1000... Yeah its on!!!

and that's just his bnb
Pro-Gear / Re: Fight Sticks?
July 14, 2011, 05:47:36 PM
That's beyond cool.
Dark Ash is here, wrapping up the last of the V2 edition:


Adding these to the first post also.
Quote from: Rex Dart on June 27, 2011, 08:23:15 PM
This type of thing is enormously subjective, but my two cents:

I like that XIII (and XII) feel like an old school SNK fighting game. I'd really like them to maintain that atmosphere, since its something that I haven't really experienced since . . . maybe KOF 2000?

"Crazier" crossover games, like NGBC, KOF XI or, hell, even Maximum Impact 2/R.A can also be fun, but I don't like them as much. If they really want Metal Slug vs. Capcom vs. Fighter's History vs. King of Monsters, make another 3D game please.

Keep the main series SNK-only.

Gotta agree with this.  I much prefer "traditional" 2D fighters such as KoF XII, XIII, CvS 1&2, etc.  Zany games like BlazBlue can be fun sometimes, but I tend to lose interest in those after not too long.  I've always hated MvC.
Very nice, classic look.  Reminds me of Pac-Man for some odd reason.
Those are very cool.  I especially like the cartoony ones.  :)  And the backgrounds you used on the team images.  Very nice indeed.

I can blow up the cartoonies to around 3200x2400 to fit within the stick template, but the buttons cover up most of the characters.  In order to be viable stick images, they'd need to have the background extended towards the right, and the text bars either shifted or eliminated.

I'll play around with some of the other images over the next week or two.  Might I ask where you got the raw win quote images that you used in the starburst design?  I haven't been able to track those down yet, but granted I haven't looked particularly hard.
Meet & Greet / Re: Hello denizens of dreamcancel
July 07, 2011, 06:46:29 PM
Welcome to Dream Cancel!  If you haven't yet, be sure to watch Dandy J's "How to KoF" videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r75Lz1Drp8g&fmt=35 (part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF5yg2QH_Lw&fmt=35 (part 2)
I use a Square gate for Virtua Fighter, Octo gate for KoF/SF/etc.  Octo I find is easier for QCF and HCF type moves.
Pro-Gear / Re: Fight Sticks?
July 07, 2011, 06:26:50 PM
Quote from: omegaryuji on July 06, 2011, 07:59:22 PM
Yeah, the most annoying thing about the Mad Catz sticks is that they use Viewlix layout instead of Astro City.

I wonder if I could pull the buttons out, slap some Bondo into the holes, and drill new ones?  I'll need a pretty big drill bit.
Pro-Gear / Re: Fight Sticks?
July 06, 2011, 05:58:37 PM
Quote from: jedpossum on July 05, 2011, 07:51:00 PM
As for the best stick it is Sega's HSS-0130.

I love the Virtua Sticks, especially the ones with the straight stacked 3x3 button layout, and five buttons on the bottom row.  Not like the Mad Catz sticks that have a weird angle on the 3x3 stack that you need to play with two left hands.

If I had a machine shop handy I'd pull the face plate off my Mad Catz and make a plate with the Virtua Stick layout.