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Messages - Dojo Destroyer

Archives / Re: Back on topic...
August 22, 2011, 10:59:36 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 22, 2011, 10:51:14 PM
Okay everyone back ontopic please, anyone that wishes to continue these long derailing topics I say please I'd be more than happy to do them in private if not then I simply will not respond...

Thank you,


Yeah, that's what you should've done in the first place instead of trying to humiliate and put me on blast! Yeah the truth hurts, doesn't it? Nuff said...
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 22, 2011, 09:46:17 PM
Quote from: PhoeniX on August 22, 2011, 09:42:14 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 22, 2011, 09:39:42 PM

Wow we've seen that argument before. And it's still as ridiculous and invalid as it was last time.

Right now I feel the time for that is over again I feel there are more worthy, more appreciative, more hard working and less drama oriented people that I feel are worthy of my time...

Whether that be in the USA, Mexico or wherever, they are out there, so why put up with this when I don't have to?  (Goes for Emil or anyone else for that matter, I've moved on now why can't the rest of you?)


Man, you're such a hypocrite. You should actually read your own comments then you'll see how retarded you are. You say you're not about the drama, yet you're only one on the forums bringing drama (hypocrite). You feel that I'm not worthy of your time play, yet you're the one who challenged me (hypocrite). You also talk all this shit about 20/20 hindsight, but this ONLY applies to your matches, then always you criticize other people's matches and give bullshit ass rankings (fucking hypocrite!).

Like I said before, YOU challenged ME! Not the other way around, but it always has to be on your terms right? It was never going to happen. Take the DirtyWerk situation for example. How did the wager originally go from $200 to $5000 in escroll??? Because every time your bluff was called, you kept raising the price! Yeah, you sound like a broken record.

It’s all good though. I’m not even mad at you anymore because you constantly entertain me daily with your baffoonery on here. So if this is what you call your “grand scheme of things”, then thank god I’m not involved! Lmao!!

Anyway, I’m not gonna sit here and go tit for tat with you or anyone of your cronies who believes the hype. 13 is coming out and I’m a definitely catch you at one of those tourneys whether it be MWC, FR, or EVO. And that’s when I’m a break your ass off for FREE! That is when the videos are going be posted on every single thread including Smash brothers, since you’re such the attention whore. You’ll get what’s coming to you.

Moderators please???
Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on August 22, 2011, 03:13:14 PM
I don't know what your problem with Dark Geese, but so far he seems like a stand up guy. I know online he seems to have an abrasive personality. But in person he's really respectful. And I don't find him uploading the vids of our matches in the least bit embarrassing. I'm an adult and I know where my skill level is at. If it turns out down the road that we don't get along I'll deal with it then.

Yeah whatever, dude. That’s on you then, but Emil’s right though. The guy is a super prick and a phony. I had to find that out the “hard way” after I was warned several times about him. But you can find that out for yourself. You’ll see how much of a “stand up guy” he really is once you start kicking his ass in the game.  He’ll drop you and move on to the next sucker.

It’s a damn shame to see that this forum is 10 times more biased than SRK. This dude can sit on here all day and talk shit about people and post videos up, but when someone says anything about him, he cries to the moderators like a little bitch and they cater to his every little need because they actually believe he’s somebody. So, who’s really the drama queen???

That’s why he rants on here all day because the other forums weren’t going for his bullshit. So you can ban me from this forum all you want, I don’t give a fuck. The forums are for the fans, NOT the players! Also opinionated and NOT factual! Once again Lukus, you’ve proved to me how much of a coward you really are.