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Messages - Delta

Just give me I-No and Jam and i will love this game. Other good additions would be Johnny and Slayer/Zappa.


Page updated with some info, it looks like the gameplay system is not that complicated.
If some games make something cool and fun with sharing, then it's fine. But if this share thing turns out to be the "3D" of PS4 (as in hella hyped and now forgotten by Sony) then no thanks.

I liked the PS4 so far, but still not crazy about getting one the first day of release.
^--- Chicks with guns.
It has its moments, but still i'm not that fan, at least i can see why a lot people love that.

BTW: Sawyer is my waifu.
Actually i think is going to be Ryu (or Chun) VS Scorpion.
Quote from: Xxenace on December 02, 2012, 06:51:04 PM
i like this place to much to leave even though jack shit happens around here

I know that feeling bro Q_Q
Well, i watched the anime, and according to some people it's basically K-On with superpowers.
Haven't read the manga but it's apparently much better, more serious and maybe mature.
Crap, forgot to tell why:

- Fast gameplay.
- Nice/many mechanics (Rapid Cancels, That parry thing, drives, negative penalties,etc) even if some are underused.
- Crazy-ass and unique characters. Yes, i know it has a heavy animu flavor, but still.
- Almost all characters have really unique gameplay product of the Drive System.
- The story may be too complicated or just bad, depending of who you ask. Personally i love it and i like how all characters are developing at least a bit.

That's what i remember from the top of my head right now.
I don't know why some characters are there if it's a popularity contest. I'm talking about some VF (Wolf), Darkstalkers (Bulleta), that DoA guy.
I like most of those characters, but you have to admit there are tons of other more popular people around.
BlazBlue for me, i take BB over any other fighter.
Vs XIII is gonna be released in a pack with The Last Guardian.
These games are being total jokes, specially in the case of VS XIII. i'm talking abour the development.
What is wrong with the swimsuits? I don't have the game so i ask.
If this Super Slim deals with the heat better than the Slim, then it's an instant-buy.
And what does DC think about the PS3 Super Slim? Yup, the word "super" is not a typo there. Now is a good time to get a PS3.
We can't complain because it's not a Capcom game, right?

Well, in a serious tone, it happens, it's not like vG makers can see all possible glitches and bugs in games. At least now we have patches, which still doesn't mean such patches will fix everything, they even can create other glitches.
The annoying thing is Sega wasn't interested about publishing the game, so Platinum had to go to Nintendo and the deal was made.
I know Sega is having some money problems, but c'mon.