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Messages - milesw

Yuri Sakazaki / Re: Yuri Wiki Building Thread
July 02, 2013, 03:58:08 PM
In the corner I like to do cr.b x 2> far C
if you see the far C hit its booty time.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
March 21, 2013, 02:04:12 PM
Saw Rinomoto performing this combo

Anyone know how hes managing to get that DP after the orochinagi?
Yuri Sakazaki / Re: Yuri matchups
July 26, 2012, 03:45:04 PM
Anyone got any cheesy command throw gimmicks? I've lost my creativity. And I've only been focusing on landing that recently.

I've been doing stuff like throw>normal jump land>D binta if they don't dp you this will catch them(including roll)

Srk>full jump>b binta

All these are gd against quick risers
Anyone got any tips vs billy.
His corner pressure is annoying as hell and I cant seem to keep him off me once hes in.
Quote from: oricon on May 30, 2012, 03:16:22 AM
I really liked Hiroaki's art what happened to him?
I love hiroaki's work the most and 2nd is shinkiro

Got my girls lookin juicy :)

Nice one bro. Sitting back and watching these now.

Yonegugu's mai so far was real nice.
I wish I had Joe Higashi's voice~
Yare yare...dat weaboo talk lol
I live in north london and there's a large and consistent scene in london.
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
April 19, 2012, 08:04:09 PM
You mean qcb a
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
April 15, 2012, 09:31:51 PM
Quote from: Demerson on April 15, 2012, 09:56:03 AM
Quote from: milesw on April 13, 2012, 01:50:27 AM
which super?

misete yaru kusanagi no kobushi yo



Thanks, I appreciate it.

Fixed something
Sie Kensou / Re: Sie Kensou Match Up Thread
April 14, 2012, 08:57:46 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 20, 2012, 07:04:50 PM
Pretty much all of his specials other than his fireball and his QCB+B spaced perfectly are unsafe.  His Fireball doesn't even do a proper blockstring off of anything but his heavies. 
I found that very useful saitsu
So i investigated further...

I have compiled a list of fraudulent fireball blockstring characters lol
all of these moves can be rolled through and punished/rdped/ ex rdped/NMed through
kensou(sweep xx) :(
kula(st.b/st.C xx)
beni( st.C xx)
saiki(st.C xx)
joe (st.a>f.b> xx) (not from st.C)
mature( lol)
duo lon( lol)

will refine more later. afaik those are the normals they love to use to cancel into fireball and exert pressure.

As for everyone else. You have to block or guard cancel roll through em.
Tokido is very good at this game. Much respect to his talent at all the games he picks up.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
April 13, 2012, 01:50:27 AM
which super?

misete yaru kusanagi no kobushi wo

kurae yagare

Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
March 13, 2012, 02:14:59 PM
Heh. Its funny watching people play Mai on anchor. Has anyone noticed people actually use their head when its always down to Mai? I've seen some very close reverse OCVs when people use that character. Myself too.

I just wanna throw out there that too many people are cancelling their cr.C into ryuenbu or kachousen on block too much. Trying to do fancy frame traps and blockstrings.
And they just end up get guard cancel rolled and eating huge damage.


And Mai st.A and j.A are really underrated.