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Messages - Supreme Warrior

The Hori Wii Fight Stick and converter came today, very decent stick I must say for $33.

has to be the best cheap method so far.
Quote from: Running Wild on February 08, 2012, 12:59:33 AM
I thought X-Arcade's Dual Stick was like 200 and the single was 100?


the Single is no longer being sold and the Twin is temporarily $100, the trackball model is $200 which is nuts.

I would of grabbed the twin because thats like $50 each for 2 sticks in one but the button placement is not what i was looking for.

I just learned about a Solderless PCB kit called Cthulhu , its not too expensive and seems to be the best bet on making a Arcade Stick.
Thanks a ton for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.

RunningWild, im kinda on a tight budget and was only going to get the X Arcade Since it is on sale for $100 and is 2 Sticks in one.

I guess il just go with niicams advice and grab the Hori for Wii and use it via the Classic controller to PC converter.

In a few months I may attempt to build my own stick and im sure you guys know of some noob friendly guides on doing so?
Quote from: nilcam on February 07, 2012, 03:37:33 PM
It's not a very good stick. The PCB is laggy, the parts are cheap Happ clones and the sticks are too close to each other. I bought one and gave up on it rather quickly.

Thanks for the heads up niicam.

I came across this Fighting stick and hope it may be a better alternative,


After reading the reviews it seems to be a decent stick with a proper layout and Will work with a classic controller to PC converter.

I Wish to buy X-Arcade Dual Arcade stick but im a little bit worried about the button layout since it is not in a 4 button row,

Also is it worth the money ?  I really want a quality Arcade stick for my PC and for $100 that seems pretty reasonable.
Quote from: Aenthin on November 15, 2011, 07:21:06 AM
Look at this abomination!!


It's the Crimson Chin!

Also this:


Good god man, I cant unsee that image............il think im gunna puke......
Social Club / Re: Godhand
November 15, 2011, 08:28:03 AM
I Gotta say Godhand is prolly the most unique Beat em up I have ever played, the Games Hilarious, The Character Detail is well done for a PS2 Title, and the difficulty is so high you will be ripping your hair out trying to beat most enemies.

all in all, this gets a 10 from me .
Meet & Greet / Re: Hello From Chicago
November 07, 2011, 07:24:48 AM
Howdy Light, Glad to have ya aboard.

You happen to play any Neogeo Fighters online?
Nice ta have ya DR

Hope yo play ya in some Neogeo games via FBA some time.
Online Matchmaking / Re: FBA Kaillera Casual Matches
November 04, 2011, 11:23:07 AM
anytime soon, does anyone want to play FBA on a server? like The Galaxy?

in Garou,RBFF2 and the like.
Meet & Greet / Re: Longtime reader, first time poster
October 31, 2011, 03:31:40 AM
Cool, nice to have ya bro, hope to play ya via FBA via Hamachi some day .
Thanks a ton for the Well made Guide Nocturnal, very informative and helped my game out alot, (and a little help from Shoryuken.com )
Everyday .

Definitely needs a everyday check.
Online Matchmaking / Re: FBA Kaillera Casual Matches
October 26, 2011, 05:15:42 AM
is anyone else up for some Hamachi Kailerra FBA P2P action?
Quote from: Shiki Tohno on October 26, 2011, 01:44:18 AM
I have never played that before, tell me what it is?

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Bro .