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Messages - leegray99

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I can cope with the lag if its not too bad.....but after playing several player games online today with no probs.....I decided to play some ranked matches and all 4 matches never even got underway before it lost connection...........checked my player data and my match completion percent has dropped.

General Discussion / Re: KoF XIII Iori DLC : Sony Europe fails again !
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:12:42 PM »
Only 2 days to go plus nests Kyo is meant to be released on the same day (lets hope so)

my mistake I now have 100 percent.........what happened was after completing story mode before I wanted to do it again so wiped off all data to start again and a couple of the things i had already achieved counted towards the puzzle and I never bothered doing them again till just now after doing the 10 colour customizing and completing on very hard again. It does mean though as others have said, the 2 trials are not part of the puzzle.

The only trophies I am missing are the 2 trial ones and platinum.......have no patience for the 200 though so looks like I will never be able to zoom in on the puzzle........I have 3 pieces missing which I presume is the 2 trial ones and the final piece for platinum.

General Discussion / Re: KOF XIII Console Unlocking & Miscellaneous Thread
« on: December 06, 2011, 11:28:38 PM »
I meant by winning a fight using several targets with one fighter, then performing several targets again with the same fighter on the next fight then making sure you lose that fight, it allowed me 5 rounds of targets per stage rather than winning 3 straight fights and that way it gives you more chance to get the amount of targets needed to get saiki.
just completed time trial with 30 fighters now but it doesnt mention it clearly that you have to use the 30 team players and using billy saiki or ash doesnt count towards the 30 so I had to use crappy chin and dou lon.
The only trials I wont be attempting though are the  command move ones as its no fun at all lol
This is one great game.

General Discussion / Re: Official "Show your Color Edits" Thread
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:00:10 AM »

terrible picture, those are bright yellow trousers and shoes bottoms raiden is wearing

General Discussion / Re: KOF XIII Console Unlocking & Miscellaneous Thread
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:59:34 PM »
Hello, this is my first post.
Once when trying to get Saiki, I performed as many targets as I possibly could, making sure I lost with fighters so I would have 5 chances at the targets and neo max moves and Instead of getting Billy or Saiki after stage 3, I got Ash instead which surprised me as usually if I get him its after stage 5

What I am having problem with now though is the jigsaw... for the last day now it has been stuck on 76 percent and I am not sure what I need to do to complete it and completed 100 percent gallery.

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