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Messages - Zerrminator

Quote from: SAB-CA on December 08, 2011, 12:03:24 AM
It's actually possible. If you look at the "Track A / Track B" soundtrack option, there is enough space for something like a "Track C" option to fit in there... much like there's room for the DLC characters to fit into Mission Mode Trial screen.

Yep and it's not like it hasn't been done before. Capcom released two DLC Music Packs for 3rd Strike Online Edition. In terms of development cost providing new music options is fairly straight forward as long as the game was setup to handle DLC music from the get go.

I just hope there's more DLC apart from the three announced characters...
Ah that's a bit of a disappointment. If I wanted to listen to the NEOGEO version I would just play on my MVS Cabinet :)

Well hopefully that means that they're planning an AST DLC pack, because the AST's from 94-00 are the best.
Quote from: SAB-CA on December 07, 2011, 08:34:44 PM

Iori has Arashi No Saxaphone 2 (Arranged) For A side, and Arashi No Saxaphone 2 (NEOGEO Version) for B side.

Which version is the side B? Is it the original OST version or the AST version from 96?

OST '96
The King of Fighters '96 - Arashi no Saxophone 2 (OST)

AST '96
The King of Fighters '96 - Arashi no Saxophone 2 (Arranged)

It's hard to hear it in this trailer. Is it Tears Arranged? And does anyone know if switching the Music option to B enable different music tracks for the DLC characters? I forgot to check last night with Flame Iori.

I really wish they release DLC Music packs with KOF96-99 Arrange tracks. I would pay $10-20 for that no questions asked!

The King of Fighters XIII: NESTS Style Kyo Console Combo Showcase
Does anyone know why some backgrounds only seem to appear when you play Online matches? I see the Junkyard Stage from 95' (i think) with the American Sports Team in the background and the Esaka 96' background all the time but only when I play matches in Online mode.

Am I missing something? Are these unlockable in the game somewhere? Are these DLC? Is it a bug??

Since the Netcode Testing thread was locked I'll post this here, not sure if anyone else has noticed this.

I did a test between myself and my brother in KOF, in the same city on Vancouver Broadband. When initially connected via my Router it showed us as having a 3 Bar Connection, which we found very strange as SSFIV always shows us as 4 Bars Green. Then I decided to go right from my Cable Modem to my PS3 and it changed to 4 Bars in KOF. The bad news is that even when it shows us as having a 4 Bar connection the game still had noticeable input lag and didn't feel any better than when it showed a 3 Bar connection. It's actually shocking how bad it is under optimal network conditions when you do side by side tests with SSFIV.

SNKP, please fix this.