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Messages - Tdotimus

Quote from: Mailorder on December 21, 2011, 12:24:19 AM
Been running Takuma through trials.  Combos feel fairly simple and natural so we'll see what happens.  He's not a complete shoto clone though, considering the absence of a dragon punch.  Are there a list of normals and/or specials I should be using instead?

I don't know much about Takuma, but DC does have a pretty good wiki on characters.
The Takuma one is missing some info, but it has some combos and basic info.   ;a and  ;dn;c seem to be his AA normals.

Quote:  "Are you ok?"
Offline Matchmaking / Re: AZ Thread
December 19, 2011, 12:33:59 AM
I really need to step my game up if I'm going to be referenced as a "top player".

XBL: Tdotimus Pryme
PSN: Tdotimus

but I only got KOF 13 for 360.  I might get it for PS3 if everyone else has it for that system.