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Messages - Mailorder

Awwww yea I'm down.
Did Atlus and/orSNK ever address the netplay lag issue?  I just know Atlus said they were looking into it.  I want to jump online, but I'm scared I will drop all the combos I already drop and rage-suicide.  Perhaps I should just play characters with strong normals online.
Wow.  That is some incredible backstory.  Glad to hear that he's a cool dude now, wouldn't have liked that someone with such a scrubby attitude had a hand on the HitBox.  I still want to change the art on my controller though, that HitBox logo is so ugly

In other news, the weeaboo spirit has awoken and I'm trying to build a team solely on a Persona 4 color scheme.  Athena was an easy pick with Yukiko, but I'm trying really hard with Raiden as an incredibly ugly Teddie and K-dash as Yosuke, who looks really plain and not really like Yosuke at all.  Tried Shen for Kanji, but I can't make the face and chest different colors.  Also tried to fit Kyo into something, but his hair is too different.

I may just give up and find another silly themed-team.  Sticking with Athena no matter what though, I'm digging her look and her playstyle so far.  Juice also informed me that I'd have to learn SNK-button layout if I wanted to stick with Raiden as well, which I probably don't want to do.  I did try holding the kick buttons on the default Tekken / Box layout and I can do it, but it's pretty uncomfortable.

"Advanced Strategy
Perform some grimmicks on a Hit Box."

Please tell me if this is some inside joke I am missing or if there is actually super hidden HitBox tech that I must know of.
Been distracted by MW3 and UMvC3 recently.  Will try to set a goal to play KOF13 at least 30 minutes a day - gotta keep the combos fresh in memory!
Been running Takuma through trials.  Combos feel fairly simple and natural so we'll see what happens.  He's not a complete shoto clone though, considering the absence of a dragon punch.  Are there a list of normals and/or specials I should be using instead?
Tag: Mailorder
Name: David
Location: Mesa, AZ (Extension and Southern)
PSN: mailorder2
Mains: Arthur | Sentinel | Haggar
Quote: "Anger rages through my vains you will soon feel my pains" -- Kyosuke Blood
Misc: Anime Games Only
Offline Matchmaking / Re: AZ Thread
December 19, 2011, 03:56:26 AM
Hi.  I like KoF13.