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Messages - MysticShadow1453

im having a hard time as elisabeth against people who just jump at me. what am i supposed to do in these situations? It feels like she can control ground space so well but the air is kinda free to her opponents unless you preemptively do etincelle. is this the case? I feel like there has to be more to this.

Also after DP or Etincelle on block what are my best options? I know its slightly negative but I can never figure out what I'm supposed to do.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
February 27, 2012, 06:20:10 AM
j.2C, j.2C, cl.C, qcf+D~D, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D,(DC), qcf+BD, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D

how is this combo possible midscreen? I cant get the qcf+A to connect after qcf+C and it doesnt even look like its remotely close to connecting
Kula Diamond / Re: Kula Diamond (Console)
January 18, 2012, 04:24:58 AM
is the rapid a that vital to her combos that you'd make it her hd combo?