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Messages - GunsTariq

Ryo Sakazaki / Re: Ryo Sakazaki (Console)
March 13, 2013, 05:08:11 PM
You guys think Ryo can win tournaments?
Ryo Sakazaki / Re: Ryo Sakazaki (Console)
December 21, 2012, 07:17:05 PM
I wish some of the things Ryo specializes in the corner he could do midscreen. 
Quote from: MonoTekETeA on December 10, 2012, 06:37:10 PM
Tournament Entry IS free!

You still have to pay venue though. Tell your friends, spread the word, and get hype!

You got it all Rage. Thanks.


For Preregging, the website has KOF at $5.  Just trying to be clear of what's what. 
I just got word that the event has been cancelled for good. 
Quote from: MonoTekETeA on December 10, 2012, 06:38:15 PM
Is mister Bogard going to be there? Any by that I mean Steve H? I haven't seen that guy in a hot minute!

It's actually Mr. Bogard's event.  So he will indeed be there. 
Quote from: MonoTekETeA on December 04, 2012, 06:10:46 AM
Hey Guys, this is Jeremy.

I wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone that came out this weekend for KoF. I was really energized and motivated by everyone and their attitudes. I also wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and informative feedback. When a few of you said that these were the smoothest brackets you played in out of the whole tournament I was surprised and humbled, after all this the first time I ran brackets at a "major." Summer Jam is like a minor major if you know what I mean. I also wanted to make a public post to address some concerns. This post reflects only my personal thoughts on how KoF (singles focused) went this past weekend, which was my responsibility. This is not an official Big E Gaming statement.

First off I would like to address the issue of feeling "shunned." This feeling can come from a few different areas, but I feel as if it all branches off of two issues, and that was starting late with a limited number of setups. We started 30-45 minutes late, and that was due to me trying to do too many things at once. I was setting up the stream feed in the bar way too close to having to set up the brackets. I would like to personally apologize for that. While I haven't received word that we may have made it on the big screen, we would have had a better chance to do so. The number of setups also goes hand in hand with finishing earlier and a chance on stage. Late into the second pool, monitors opened up that I could have utilized, but I didn't have systems to place there. I apologize for not asking everyone if they had extra setups because again, we may have finished earlier providing a greater chance at recognition.

This is why I feel there is a feeling of being shunned. We had to then play our top 8 during the two largest (and loudest) finals of the weekends, incidentally towards the corner of the ballroom during the last few hours of the whole event.

The stream quality wasn't something that I could control, but I would like to thank bifuteki for streaming, because I remember a time when it was a big deal just to be able to record game play for youtube (it is standard fare now a days I know, but no reason we shouldn't at least appreciate it.) I just hope that he looks into a dedicated hotspot and not phone tethering for the future.

I will be working all year to make NEC14 much better then NEC13 for all of us. I will be more involved with the community and will make it something to remember; seriously, I don't mess around. With that said, I will start playing more KoF then Garou:Mark of the Wolves, but I don't expect my skill to amount to much in either title, lol.

Any feedback is appreciated, both positive and negative. You can count on me using it either way to make a positive change in any future events I run or I am apart of.

Again, thank you all for coming out and being rock solid community. Cali, you guys were amazing coming out to NEC, I hope return the gesture and to see you all at EVO (I haven't traveled out of the tri-state area majors, so it is a big deal to me). To all my East Coast players, keep your eye out for me, I hope to kick off a few KoF only events in the coming months. To ATLUS if you are reading, you are the best company a FGC community could ask for when making and supporting a game. Thank you for your continued support.

Goodnight guys and happy holidays. Congratulations to our winners this weekend.
-Jeremy @DES_Mono out


If you are the guy I'm thinking of that ran SJ6 and NEC, this is Gunz.  I'm 75/25 for WB cause I'm trying to be ready for Atlanta.  I can also help out as well. 
Am I reading that right in this tournament being FREE?
Come out and play KOF with the likes of Ryry, Jaguar, Zerp, DJ Houshen, and others.

Tuesday nights from 5pm - 1030pm.  Dave and Buster's.