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Messages - Count Demha

Pages: [1]
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:02:30 AM »
Ok so Frionel isn't going to be at Next Level tomorrow til about 8pm (if I understood Damascus properly Frionel's plane isn't arriving til late afternoon or something).
Also, Damascus spoke with Henry Cen and apparently Henry said that if we have at least 8 people there for kof tomorrow he will add kof to battle circuit tomorrow (and I'm assuming just for tomorrow since Frionel will be there).
Dynicksty (hope I spelled it right) said that Frionel posted on facebook that he's not leaving til 7pm Thursday. I haven't asked Damascus about that as I'm going to be busy with my family Thursday anyway, but you guys can ask Frionel what his plans are for Thursday when you see him tomorrow.
I wish we could've gotten more time to play him but oh well. Hope to see some of you guys tomorrow. Also, good luck to those of you going to evo. Vamos Pachu! Freddy, I think I saw you got duc first round, bad draw but I think you can beat him.

Edit: Nvm freddy they moved you. Duc is thanking the kof gods for his luck right now.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:22:43 AM »
   Hey guys, Attia the mothafuckin Hun here. So I have a friend from France who's been here fora little while named Damascus (plays ssf4). He still keeps in contact with his friends in the French community and a French kof player named Frionel (one of the best in France, don't think I've ever seen a match of his) is going to be in the city next Wednesday (and only Wednesday apparently). He wants to visit Next Level and he'd like to play the kof competition in the area, so Damascus asked me to let you guys know.

   I pointed out to Damascus that Wednesdays are usually busy at Next Level (which he already knows since he normally goes to battle circuit). He told me that there's normally 1 or 2 casual stations, so we should be able to use at least one for kof. I don't know what time Frionel intends on being there, I'll ask my friend and let you guys know (hopefully earlier than later so we can get games in before things get busy).

   Um... I think that's it. If you have a question let me know. I don't have a facebook, but I know Malik does, so if you wanna mention this on the kof page we have (I think we have one, right?) and let everyone know who doesn't check this thread. I'll be there with Damascus and Frionel, so you should be able to spot me.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:08:55 AM »
I ended up showing up thinking it was still going on (I knew it would be tough for out of towners, but I figured those of us living in the city would have an easy time. I had no problem getting there taking the 2). I got to Bum's house and rang the bell several times, laziefreddy and garoumike texted me back telling me that they think it's postponed (thanks to mike and freddy for responding, hope i wasn't too annoying with the texts). Finally I buzzed one last time to make sure and finally Bum responded and though I couldn't hear him cuz the intercom was all scratchy, he didn't sound happy. I'm assuming he was living up to his name and being a bum sleeping.
Luckily I have a friend who lives near Bum (they actually know each other from their smash days) so I ended up going to his house and playing sfxtekken.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
« on: February 09, 2013, 07:38:48 PM »
What makes you say that? Malik hasn't said it's cancelled.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:29:37 PM »
2 quick questions:
1. If it's cancelled, will you let us know here?
2. I just realized, I have no idea where the House of Crack is. I just know it's somewhere in the Bronx. So where is it?

Offline Matchmaking / Re: New York / New Jersey Players! Stand Up!
« on: February 03, 2013, 11:20:07 PM »
Sounds cool. I know he has a tendency to have late night sessions, is this going to be at a reasonable time?

"All games are $1 single elimination tournaments. Remember for all games: Loser of the match can change character. Winner is locked in character."

Single elimination, as in no loser's bracket?

Online Matchmaking / Re: Building a better online player listing
« on: March 21, 2012, 10:21:31 PM »
Location: New York City

Games played:
-The only SNK game is kof xiii, though I recently bought kof 98 um and 2002 um (but I've only really practiced in XIII).

xbox live- Count Demha

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