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Messages - xiceman191

I would like to sign up for this tournament even tho im a total beginner but ill do my best.

My Psn is: Datdudeiceman191
I live in Oklahoma
My speedtest (far away from me):
My pingtest (far):

My characters: Kyo, andy, terry, kim, k, and robert
Meet & Greet / Re: New to the forum
April 06, 2012, 09:22:15 AM
Quote from: solidshark on April 06, 2012, 09:13:23 AM
Welcome to DreamCancel xiceman. We've got lots of resources for you for getting good at 13, especially with our KOF 13 Wiki. Ask any questions you can think of in the forum, and hope you can get some great matches in with other DC members; we've also got monthy online tournaments to join, including the 4-7 tournament on Saturday.

Hope you're already having fun with it in the meantime. Who are you using right now?
I apologize for having it in the wrong section. I honestly havent played it since i picked it up release day i guess because i never had anyone to play with and the netcode has kinda been impeding me from enjoying it. But i played before it officially came out and ever since ive played kof ive always used k, andy, kyo,and terry. I would love to join the tourney even though ill get destroyed. Like I said i mostly play marvel but i wanted to learn this game and wanted a change from pace.
Meet & Greet / New to the forum
April 06, 2012, 08:22:05 AM
Hey everybody the name is xiceman191 and im new to these forums. i have kof 13 but im a complete noob at this game. I play on psn so i would love to get tips on how to play and some casual matches as well to increase my skill. So you can add me on psn. My Psn is: Datdudeiceman191. I also play marvel 3 as well just throwin it out there. Hope to learn this game and have some fun matches.