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Messages - Ken-Chan 55

Online Matchmaking / Re: KOF12 casuals JOIN!!!!!!!!!
March 08, 2011, 11:14:31 PM
You know i'll be there.
if we can get more than two ppl together sure im game. the more the merrier >:O
I'll be back Monday night, be ready.
Yeah me and HD had two matches this morning before i went to school. lol had me hype for the first half of the day
Whos showing up tonight for some KOF matches? i'm already game.
it's settled, free pancakes for running wild. i told you he had no argument
Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 02:09:38 AM
Problem with KOF12 is so many characters are un-finished, they are missing moves and lacking in options, and relevant gameplay elements to KOF are absent entirely. Let's take a look at what is not in KOF12 -

- Multi-Level Super Gauge
- Guard Cancel Attacks
- Guard Cancel Rolls
- Guard Gauge
- Dizzies
- Tech Throws
- Super Cancels

^^ KOF13 has all of these things, and more.

The only thing in 12 I liked was being able to combo into a CD attack because it gave characters without a command normal something to combo into.

Real talk, i just think your being overly pessimistic about it as people tend to do with this game. Back when i didnt know any better i probably would've made the same argument.

But really, even without all those said things the game is (mostly) balanced solid fun. Keep in mind that its a reboot, a fresh start so if your going to compare it to previous titles then i suggest that you dont do it so critically and actually try to enjoy the game for what it is instead of what it "should be". SNKP made it exactly what it was meant to be minus the occasional lagg issues.

P.S. Eat a pancake.
Quote from: Running Wild on February 05, 2011, 01:12:56 AM
I'm not gonna bother arguing with a bunch
yasee this is where i stopped reading. you have nothing to argue. Your perspective is that of ignorance and hateration. BE GONE!!!
Quote from: Running Wild on February 04, 2011, 10:32:19 PM
If you actually paid full price for this garbage game that is the biggest mistake in SNK's history, that should be obvious. The game is dumbed down to hell and missing alot of important gameplay features that are staples in KOF, not to mention all the characters are extremely barebones with limited options.

You have no idea what your talking about. XII is the foundation for whats to come, sure alot of staple gameplay features are missing but all the key elements are still there and if you were a true fan of the series youd know that. Biggest mistake you say? KOF XIII wouldn't be what it is without KOF XII. i suggest you go do some more Homework then come back with a reply.
You know you wrong 4 that....
But real talk we need to get some matches in this weekend, say Fri-Sun evenings?
Couldn't sign on today but i'll most likely be around Thur-Sat
Great games tonight crew, stay tuned for more critical supers!!!
You know it.