Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 08, 2012, 08:17:05 PM
Lol... If ralf does gatling you can punish him on block with a full combo... Specially clark can command grab punish him easily... Hop D is an instant overhead so u just have to stuff it before it comes out or block it...
LOL, that was actually how I reacted in that split-second! I figured, I have the same move and I'm all charged, so this'll hit and I can Super Cancel into his EX Super! But, alas, he was able to block my Gatling Attack, much to my suprise and I was punished, severly, lol!
And the problem with the Jump D is that he mixes up the short hop D with low normals, so I'm constantly blocking high and low and end up getting it by one or the other! I just have to learn which normal I can use to stuff his Jump D, early!