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Mature / Re: Mature
November 15, 2016, 01:23:03 AM
Is there a reason why the block advantage is blank for the dps? Or are still working on it?
How long have you played the game? Because this sounds like you simply lack practice. SNK can't make such a change because one person said so. I've herd very little players struggle with hops and hyper hops but that's because they didn't spend the time to practice.

Another option is to quickly press down after jumping. So it would look like this:  ;up ;dn;ub ;dn;uf ;dn

So yeah if you have only put 50 or less hours in a game, then you still lack experience and/or practice.
Updated September 13th
Results / Combo Breaker Results
May 31, 2016, 02:15:17 AM
King of Fighters 13 �" Results

I'll post VoD links soon

1) KCO|Pedro (EX Iori, Benimaru, Mr. Karate)
2) Mario E (Ralf, EX Iori, Terry | Others)
3) HDK|Prinny (Mr. Karate, Clark, Kim | Kim, Mr. Karate, Iori)
4) Flanagan (Clark, Mr. Karate, EX Kyo)
5) James Jr. (Mr. Karate, Kim, EX Iori)
5) LazieFreddy (Raiden, EX Kyo, EX Iori | Raiden, Athena, EX Iori)
7) Unwieldy (Duo Lon, Kyo, Elisabeth)
7) Moony Blues (Kyo, Mature, Vice)

King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match �" Results
1) Mario E (Chris, Seth, EX Takuma | Chris, Orochi Yashiro, EX Takuma | Others)
2) Flanagan (Ryo, Kasumi, Clark | K', Kasumi, Clark | Others)
3) DesmondKOF (King, Kusanagi, Kasumi | Hinako, King, Kasumi | Others)
4) Sam W (Andy, Benimaru, EX Robert | K', Benimaru, Xiangfei | Others)
5) Domino (Athena, K' Ryo | Terry, Leona, Athena | Others)
5) KCO|Pedro (Iori, EX Takuma, Kasumi | Kasumi, Benimaru, EX Takuma)
7) BZerk (Kasumi, Yamazaki, Orochi Chris)
7) LazieFreddy (Mai, Kasumi, King)

King of Fighters 14 �" Results
1) James Jr. (Sylvie, Tung, Andy | Sylvie, Andy, Terry | Sylvie, Andy, Iori)
2) UA|Terry Bogard (Ryo, Terry, Kula)
3) Flanagan (Banderas, Clark, Leona | Clark, Robert, Leona)
3) Bzerk (Athena, King of Dinosaurs, Kyo)
My friend Myjojob is running a special online tournament:

Friday Fightcade Fantasia

The game is Real Bout Fatal Fury 2. We already have 12 players signed up but if you want to join in, just click the link and follow the rules. http://challonge.com/fantasia11


WHAT: The King of Fighters on Fightcade, First to 3 games session
WHEN: Sunday, July 31st, 2016 @ 12pm Pacific/2pm Central/3pm Eastern until 4pm Pacific/6pm Central/7pm Eastern. Check in is 30 minutes before the event.
WHERE: Games will be played on Fightcade and we will meet up Dream Cancel Discord
HOW: All players signed up will play each other first to 3 games.

1.) Wanna play??? Just show up in the discord chat, you can find it here:

Front page of Dream Cancel


Optional check-in is 30 minutes before the session starts (1:30pm CST, 2:30pm EST) and we will stop collecting scores at 6pm CST/7pm EST.

2.) All players in attendance will play each other in a first to 3 wins set. Everyone will play at the same time. After you have finished playing with one person, move on to the next available player and so on (in the chat say "FREE" when you are available). When you are playing, please try to keep track of your score either through chat reminders or tally marks on pen and paper.

You can pick and choose to play as many people as you want, and you can also rematch with previous opponents too.

If you're playing someone you've never faced before, be sure to run a test match to make sure both of your connections feel playable to each other. If they don't, you can opt out and face another person with a better connection.

While you are playing in the session make sure your connection is free and isn't being used to stream video or upload or download files. Also make sure that your connection isn't being used or shared by anyone else on your network. (Unless you have fiber connection, you can ignore this sense it's fightcade.)

Updated (April 13th)
Winter Brawl X


* Winner: KaneBlueRiver
* 2nd: DC| LazieFreddy
* 3rd: Sai
* 4th: Galley the Pirate   
* 5th: Shadow780
* 5th: Master Jay
* 7th: X
* 7th: Dynicksty
* 9th: RG|Pachukof

Winter Brawl X playlist (Big thanks to Kick-Punch-Block) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkUHi_-sPL0IFUz-ym0RsCZOgASi9tUqH

Cannes Winter Clash


* 1. Kindevu (EX Iori, Chin, Mr. Karate)
* 2. Arcade Cafe|Zantetsu (King, Saiki, Yuri)
* 3. Frionel-KOF (Kim, Chin, Iori)
* 4. Bash (Iori, Vice, Kim)
* 5. Dr Dooms (EX Iori, Shen, Vice)
* 5. Wawa (Kim, Mr. Karate, Shen)
* 7. General (EX Iori, Benimaru, Kim)
* 7. Mr. Wolf (EX Kyo, Mr. Karate, Kim)

There was a team tournament as well: http://gameslines.challonge.com/CWC2016KOFXIIITeam
Quote from: a11111357 on March 07, 2016, 05:38:40 PM
a YT channel with a lot of casual match videos from Taiwan and China

Lawl you beat me to it.

Videos of Xiaohai and ET streams are on this channel.
If anyone is looking for ideas to color your favorite/main characters and your favorite color is purple,
Try Saint's Row palette concept:

I figured you can update your upcoming XIII event post with these:

[Date / Name of the Tournament / Location]

* [September 17-18 / Thunderstruck IV / Monterrey, Nuevo Leon - Mexico](https://smash.gg/tournament/thunderstruck-iv/details)
* [September 24 / Never Give Up 2016 / Santiago, Chile - South America](https://www.facebook.com/events/156290511455228)
* [September 24 / The Colosseum - Autumn 2016 / Rome, Italy - Europe](https://www.facebook.com/events/1781718908730057)
* [October 1-2 / Rumble in the Tundra 6 / Buffalo, NY](https://www.facebook.com/events/208868509503694)
* [October 1-2 / CEOtaku / Orlando, FL](http://ceogaming.org/ceotaku)
* [October 7-9 / The Fall Classic / Raleigh, NC](https://www.facebook.com/events/1660638077526142)
* [October 14-15 / SoCal Regionals 2016 / Santa Ana, CA](http://scr2016.socalregionals.com)
* [October 15 / Northern Conflict #6 / Traverse City, Michigan](https://www.facebook.com/events/1073234399418153)
* [October 28 / Canada Cup Gaming / Toronto, Ontario, Canada](http://canada-cup.ca)
* [October 11-13 / G.U.T.S. 4 / Mashantucket, CT](https://smash.gg/tournament/guts-4-game-underground-tournament-spectacular-4)
* [November 18 / Revolution 2016 / London, UK - Europe](http://ngi-revolution.co.uk/event-information)