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Messages - Darkguyver

Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
July 25, 2013, 05:20:33 AM
point taken and noted
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
July 25, 2013, 01:51:04 AM
Well as of right I no longer open people came to my house any more due how bad my trip to evo was here video link http://youtu.be/e7uJ8NFSPjY of how FGC almost got me killed
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
May 25, 2013, 11:52:34 AM
So if need ride to event I am will pick people up if put gas in car came out of Forest Meadows CA
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
May 19, 2013, 12:17:21 PM
Well game room is set up if want place to hit me in Forest Meadows CA pm or what ever latter
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
January 29, 2013, 01:03:25 PM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on January 29, 2013, 01:06:28 AM
There's a tournament in Pentaluma on the 18th of February. The premise is mostly Capcom games, but the NorCal KoF community can come to do a tournament. We need atleast 8 committed players to make a tournament. Venue fee is a dollar and we can make the pot any size we like (I'd go for the standard of 4).

I'd like to organize a KoF tournament there, but I want to see who is willing to go. Pentaluma is a few miles from Santa Rosa along the coast and about the same distance away from San Rafael. I can't get out there at all without carpool. If someone can give me a lift on top of being interested in going, lets do this.

If not, no harm done.
Anyone live near Forest Meadows, California looking play KOF can host and if need be can rent space for bigger events latter.If ever need place to play let me known
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
January 24, 2013, 09:58:01 AM
Well if anyone in my area want hang out got 3 crt tv ps3 and 360  one ps3 controller and 3 for xbox hit me if want play sometime
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
January 02, 2013, 12:45:40 PM
Well I talk to my wife so and she agree to have people over causal play and if there any high lv player want help with sessions let me known got 2 tv and ps3 xbox 360 and got game for PS3.

Update found out that we can rent the club house where I live. It is of fairly big. I can cover the deposit on club house, so event organizers if you are looking for a place to hold an event contact me. We are located in a gated golfing community, so there is a restaurant/bar down the street from the clubhouse. 
Real like go to workshop on KFO and love see video on pad work.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
December 31, 2012, 08:35:38 AM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on December 31, 2012, 05:57:41 AM
Quote from: Darkguyver on December 31, 2012, 04:03:20 AM
Quote from: Judgemastar on December 31, 2012, 12:52:25 AM
Just make a thread showing the community agrees like, every Sunday kof will be at Game Center and every Thursday it'll be at golf land or something. Southtown even. Then if anyone wants to join the fun they know "if I go here on this day, I'll have someone to play with."
I all so think should be a carpool thread to I drive be happy pick up people if kick in for gas or food lol.I think be helpful to community over all.

Yeah, that would be amazing!

Well start it thread up so people let get wheels rolling help support kfo in NorCal
Offline Matchmaking / NorCal KOF Car pool thread
December 31, 2012, 08:32:29 AM
I see and hear a lot how people can't get to events due to the fact they don't have a car or what not. I think this community could us a carpool thread. I think we should pool our resources and help each other out. In my opinion here are some good ground rules

1. If you need a ride try offer gas money or cover lunch or  something but offer something, it's right thing to do.

2. Be up front if you are broke say so. People might still be willing to help you out, but up might get a bad rep if you aren't upfront about it with people

3. Don't get salty if you get told no to your request for a ride

4. If you give someone a ride don't leave them stuck, if they are being an ass that's another story, but really if pick them up you should take them home.

In my case I have a car but right now we need new tires. Once we get them if I'm on the way to an event like in SF I would be able to pick you up. Just be respectful of the car and we will be cool.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NorCal KOF!
December 31, 2012, 04:03:20 AM
Quote from: Judgemastar on December 31, 2012, 12:52:25 AM
Just make a thread showing the community agrees like, every Sunday kof will be at Game Center and every Thursday it'll be at golf land or something. Southtown even. Then if anyone wants to join the fun they know "if I go here on this day, I'll have someone to play with."
I all so think should be a carpool thread to I drive be happy pick up people if kick in for gas or food lol.I think be helpful to community over all.
Location: Forest Meadows Ca  

Games played
KFO 13

PSN/ Darkguyver_3

Overall new to game learning how play this ;)
Well use analog stick and D pad think getting better pad set over all
Quote from: Great_Dark_Hero on December 30, 2012, 12:24:08 AM
Welcome to Dream Cancel!

If you need help with anything, feel free to ask questions! Be sure to visit the sub-forums, the wiki, and video sections for more information! Everyone here looks forward to your contributions, as well as your game play! Have fun!

Well form what seen and heard this fighting community real want be part of but sucking hard core on kfo 13 lol thank aging 
Classic King of Fighters / Re: PS 2 port of kfo
December 30, 2012, 03:27:19 AM
Quote from: Zen Woo on December 29, 2012, 05:05:32 PM
Quote from: yamazaky96 on December 29, 2012, 02:22:22 PM
get the king of fighters 2002 unlimited match (KOF02UM)
the best completed kof ever

I will agree with the "best completed kof ever" part, but I dont think it's a good idea to start with the most heavy execution title first, I would recommend you to start with KoF98 Vanilla, so you can learn the basics then you can jump into a more complex system.
So better port King of Fighters Collection- The Orochi Saga or King of Fighters 98: Ultimate Match
same with kfo  2002/2003 or get import of game