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Messages - Valiastice

Steam ID: Valiastice.


I have 4gbs ram and a video card thats a couple years old.

Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan.

I think Im one of the only people in my area who plays this, so I suppose it's good to get test results from everywhere?
As an owner of the Vita I will say that the share thing is really only cool for specific games. Also, I guess if you really want to Co-op with people, you can see which games are popular in your area.

Disgaea 3 is one of the games that is awesome with Share. The further you travel (and not play the game), the higher your Honour Quotient gets. Which lets you gain more exp, sell items for more while buying them for cheaper, etc. etc.
Feel my pain bro. I live in Detroit and its like pulling teeth to get anyone to game up here. If its not tekken or streetfighter, no one will even take interest.
Meet & Greet / Re: Hello Everyone!
March 09, 2013, 05:06:01 PM
Yeah ive noticed. The thing thats making me kinda turn my back on kensou is that he does very little damage. Its very disappointing. I like how fast he is and I like the way lots of the moves work and are strung together, but the damage is so low.
Meet & Greet / Re: Hello Everyone!
March 08, 2013, 09:01:55 PM
Totally! My current team is Goro, Maxima, and Kensou. I switch maxima in and out with Benimaru though. The problem I have with Goro is that Im not too great at stringing together combos and throws. Combos in general arent too much of my strong point.
Meet & Greet / Hello Everyone!
March 08, 2013, 04:31:44 PM
Im Valiastice and Im relatively new to the SNK scene. My main exposure is getting my ass kicked by my room mate is just pro at fighting games in General. Im here because Id like to get better and actually win a few games against him and other people. Right now my main focus is KOFXIII.