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Messages - The K1 Effect

K' / Re: K’ (Console)
September 13, 2013, 11:22:29 AM
okay so this combo is really annoying the shit out of me and idk what im doing wrong. His 1 bar HD combo.....this:

cl.st.C > f+A xx qcb+D~qcb+D > [ DP+A > hdc qcb+D~qcb+D(whiff)] x4 > DP+A hdc qcf+C~f+D > f+A > super

okay....I can do all of the parts of this combo 100% of the time....I can do the 4 reps into the ender.....I can do the confirm into HD....my issue is when I put the whole thing together, the combo drops at the end (DP+A > hdc qcf+C~f+D > etc)

It ALWAYS drops at the ein trigger when I put the " hit confirm > qcb+D > stuff " in there. The ein triegger / second shell NEVER juggle.....it seems to happen anytime I start with a qcb+D xx qcb+D before the DPs start. For example. If I do this:

activate HD >  [ DP+A > hdc qcb+D~qcb+D(whiff)] x4 > DP+A hdc qcf+C~f+D > f+A > super

It works 100%

but if I do this:

activate HD > qcb+D(whiff)~qcb+D >  [ DP+A > hdc qcb+D~qcb+D(whiff)] x4 > DP+A hdc qcf+C~f+D > f+A > super

it drops at the ein trigger > second shell.

Ive got no idea why, but this is driving me crazy. I can record it for yall if that might.

does anyone know whats going on?
Duo Lon / Re: Duo Lon (Console)
September 07, 2013, 10:48:36 AM
Hi Duo Lon players. Im just curious if Duo Lon really as meter intensive as ive heard......basically, can I play a team of Duo Lon / Leona ? The main reason im asking is because Leona loves her meter......but from what ive seen / heard, Duo Lon is kinda a meter hog too. I kinda want to run a team of Duo Lon / (Terry / Kyo) / Leona, but I dont know if there will be enough meter to go around. If there wont be enough meter for Leona, then ill just make a second team.....Leona is my girl and is my true main, so shes non negotiable.

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
September 06, 2013, 10:04:58 AM
Ah there it is. I had a feeling I was forgetting something. It was just too easy. Welp, there goes those setups lol
thanks for the quick and in depth responses guys, much appreciated
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
September 06, 2013, 01:23:55 AM
uhh....are you guys sure there arent any safejumps off of VSlasher? Because im almost positive I just found one and idk how it would have gone undiscovered for so long......its basically just VSlasher > immediate hyper hop j.C (delayed). It probably works with any jumping normal, but yeah. I tested it vs XIII Kyo's EX DP and Kim's EX Flash Kick. It worked vs both.

Am I really the first person to post this? Doesnt seem possible considering how simple the setup is......Anyways, yeah. Just trying to contribute.

Also, theres a safejump vs 4f reversals (tested vs XIII Kyo's EX DP) if you end a combo into light X-Calibur. Just hyper hop j.C (delayed). Can only be done in corner since they dont fly away after the XCalibur.

Also, something else I found which is kinda interesting. Its not a safejump, but its a little setup that might yield something.....or not. Idk. Basically I did (in the corner) combo > C XCalibur > Moon Slasher > instant hyper jump j.C. This is how the situations worked out:

vs XIII Kyo's light DP - Leona wins
vs XIII Kyo's heavy DP - Leona wins
vs XIII Kyo's EX DP - Kyo wins.

Also, if they try to delay their DP, or if they move away from the corner AT ALL, it crosses up. That stuff being said, it seems to be timing sensitive regarding when to push j.C. If you time it wrong, light DP will beat you. Also, this doesnt work at all vs Kim or Ash, and im assuming Saiki too.......or any character with a non traditional DP animation. This will almost certainly make Terry's Rising Tackle whiff though, so theres that. Testing should be done to see vs which characters it works and which it doesnt and all that jazz. I might get to it later today, idk.

Hey guys....im not an Elisabeth player, but im very interested in her. Ive got a few questions though.

1) Is she meter reliant? Or is she a solid character even without heavy meter use (I dont want to spend more than a bar or two with her). Does she build good meter?

2) What characters / matchups does she have a hard time with and why?

3) Is she really as execution intensive as Juicebox says in his Elisabeth primer?

4) What does she excel at ?

Thanks to anyone who is willing to answer the questions ! The reason im being so adamant about not spending a lot of meter with her is because Ive got Leona on anchor.....and Leona is non negotiable. If anything I can put Elisabeth on my secondary team though.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
September 05, 2013, 10:36:02 AM
thanks for the response, much appreciated
Robert Garcia / Re: Robert Garcia (Console)
September 02, 2013, 11:56:52 PM
fair enough, thank you sir. Much appreciated. So...hes kind of similar to Andy in the sense that he has options for any scenario ?
Robert Garcia / Re: Robert Garcia (Console)
September 02, 2013, 09:18:34 AM
hey guys, if I may ask, what exactly does Robert excel at / what does he have trouble with? Also, is he meter reliant or is he capable without meter use?
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
September 02, 2013, 05:24:33 AM
got another question that I would test myself, but im not at home. is cr.C xx D Grand Saber a legit blockstring, is it a good frametrap, or can people mash normals during it and hit me out? Im curious because I was thinking about doing more cr.B > cr.C xx D Grand Saber > stuff, for pressure / to keep myself in. Also, same question applies for st.CD xx D Grand Saber. Opinions?

Edit: Also, I went back and watched that vid on page 12 of Pikachu.....in the first match he was pressuring kyo in the corner with cr.A xx A Baltic Launcher......is that legit o.O ? For some reason im under the impression that the opponent can stick a normal in there and interrupt the A Ball.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
August 31, 2013, 09:21:59 AM
Hmmm....I was hoping to be able to use him as a battery / point character since I want to build meter for Leona.....any other opinions / suggestions?
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
August 31, 2013, 04:23:18 AM
what is the general consensus of K' as a point / battery chracter? How are his matchups with zoning characters like Kensou / Saiki? Opinions in general?
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
August 30, 2013, 11:10:13 PM
thanks guys <3
Terry Bogard / Re: Terry Bogard (Console)
August 30, 2013, 04:23:38 AM
so I just went to look at the wiki frame data for terry since I got blown up today but a terry that kept doing crack shoot > cl.st.C and looping it over and over.....

is that shit really -1 on stand block and +2 on crouch block? Wtf ??
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
August 29, 2013, 10:05:20 PM
thanks for the response! is that safejump safe vs things like kims EX flash? Any other safejumps that yall know of? Anything off of cr.D maybe ?  

Also, are the combos that Juicebox lists in his character primer the optimal HD combos for leona? im trying to squeeze as much out of her as possible