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Messages - Laocorn

Alright so I've had this problem in the game for some time. Thought it only applied to Joy Joy Balloon but it happens with Hotaru's stances too..

It seems that at times, there are instances where I can't even stay in one of the said stances. The animation for entering the stances only stays for the first frame then automatically cancels itself out, without pressing anything. This stops when I do reset the stage though.... is this an intended mechanic or is there something wrong with my controller?
Luong / Re: Luong
August 24, 2016, 07:06:19 AM
^Good stuff. I hadn't thought about using falling hcb kicks.

I've mostly been working on super/climax cancels..

climax cancel


I hate Goodman all because of that damn reflector he can use anytime to knock you across the screen. Idk how to even get passed that.

Tried King Lion mostly last night. He seems to hate Joy Joy Block & Balloon.
Yea, problems beating them. Mizuchi seems doable at least but I get outplayed eventually.
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum / Re: NGBC - Ai
April 29, 2016, 07:07:07 AM
Does Joy Joy Balloon have some kind of hidden timer or limit on it? She tends to automatically hop off as soon as I enter at times.
I'm just wondering if anyone has a guide to all 4 bosses anywhere? I'd like to take them on but they're so overwhelming. Can't find any written guides anywhere.
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum / Re: NGBC XBLA Players
April 29, 2016, 05:18:58 AM
Just got XBL Gold finally. Would like to get into this game, I love its concept. GT is PrettyTonyTiger