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Messages - Phoenixazure

Yea. Despite the whole hubub about him essentially throwing the match at the end, he seemed to be enjoying himself and asking bala for tips and tricks here and there. Kudos to Chris at least sticking it out with the game. That's one thing that has impressed me is that there are a few crossover players but at least they seem to be playing the game seriously.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: NYC: SNK
April 15, 2012, 10:48:24 PM
A heads up, Local Battles is doing a casuals stream on saturday nights starting at 8pm called Drive Cancel, and will be going on until the Drive Cancel Tournament which is in May. More people that can turn up, the better.
Local Battles presents the KOF Drive Cancel Regional Tournament
Pre-registration: http://dcr1.eventbrite.com (take advantage of our early bird special!!)

Organizers: NJ Marco Polo (@NJMarcoPolo) & Local Battles (@LocalBattles)

Marco is a dedicated KOF player and 2 time Kumate champ. Local Battles has helped boost the fgc scene in NJ/NYC ever since they opened. They have experience in organizing tournaments for multiple games.

Date: May 12, 2012
Casuals and Registration begin at 12 PM
Brackets start at approximately 3pm â€" 4pm

Please call one of the organizers if you will be late so we can hold a spot for you!

Local Battles
1207 Anderson Avenue
Fort Lee, NJ, 07024

Streamed by Local Battles twitch.tv/localbattles
Venue Fee: $25 at the door *save 5-10 dollars through pre-registration at http://dcr1.eventbrite.com
Pot Entry: $20 (BIG MONEY HYPE!!!)
Top 3 Prize distribution: 70-20-10

Update 4/18: $10 dollar spectator fee. Allows spectators of the tournament to play casuals or any other games that LocalBattles has in their store (pretty much all the current gen fighting games)

The Drive Cancel Regional is here for The King of Fighters community. We believe in building a community that is strongly dedicated to KOF so in response we have created the Drive Cancel show and regional tournament. The purpose behind our show is to boost the KOF community for the East coast. We have a stream show every Saturday to discuss about fundamentals, matchups experiences, interviews with veterans and newcomers joining the scene, and live casuals. With that being said, we are going to host a big KOF tournament for all to attend.

This tournament is an open invitation for any player that wants to prove their skills as well as players that simply love the game. Particularly, it is to see who is deemed the best out of their respective regions. Spread the word! Who is really the best in the Northeast?

The rules are as follows:
King of Fighter XIII (Xbox 360)
3v3 format of course!
60 second rounds
All characters legal
Best 2/3 Games
Winners/Losers Finals are 3/5.
Grand Finals is 3/5, the player from loser’s bracket must win two 3/5 sets in order to reset the bracket and win the tournament.

Players may change team/order after a loss. If this occurs, winner may change the order of his team.

Guest to attend: NJMarcoPolo, RogueYoshi, FC NYChris G, DJ Huoshen, Jaguar, Zerp, Steve H. and other competitive players on the scene. Maybe you! We will also have exhibition matches upon request so we are really looking forward to a great event!

More details will be posted soon (good food/hotel/traveling tips). Stay tuned and support your scene! I hope to hear from all of you soon and perhaps see you at our event.

Please RSVP!

To follow us and help build the community please follow us on Twitter and Facebook @Drivecancel and watch our weekly show at Local Battles Gaming Center every Saturday at 8pm Eastern time. The show is streamed at www.twitch.tv/localbattles. So let’s get hype and have fun and build something amazing together. We are family we are KOF.
I wish i knew about the previous one sooner. I'll def. make an effort to go!
been hoping for this since 2008. Feeling vindicated right now
Reynald, the Answer, Bala, Romance, Mr. KOF, Kane317, Poongko, KCE
Big news.


Demo out for XBL, on PSN Next week. 6 chars,  2 stages. They're working on netcode
Archives / Re: The Official What's Streaming Now Thread
December 04, 2011, 10:31:12 PM
Congrats to Reynald. 8.2k viewers!
Everything went as expected with the possible exception of Justin Wong sending RogueYoshi into loosers. Props to Justin playing Athena like its 1998. Was cool to see LI Joe play as well, and he's got solid offense, but his defense was exposed. Same with Arturo. Hope they keep at the game and continue to work on it.

Li Joe vs Rogueyoshi
Dunno if you guys saw but he re-reviewed it and gave it a 3/5. Unsurprised but made more sense than the 1/5.
I got a Verizon FIOS connection but connecting wireless to my 360 as i always do and only found 2 bar matches, which was pretty bad. Playable, but with the game running at maybe 75/80 percent speed? Tried finding others but i'm currently in class. hopefully tonight i'll play with some of the regulars, and I plugged my 360 directly to my router so the connection should be better.
Damdai working on KOF XIII's netcode would be a huge score, as the supercade experience is on par with GGPO's for the most part. Wish there could be some confirmation though.
Yea he had the fundamentals and reaction time, just had no idea what moves did what for the most part. I wanna see more people pick up the game and adapt.
Rex. I think the XII version of Esaka is the Japan Team's alternate theme (mistakenly counts it as their XI theme)