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Messages - Dale

General Discussion / Re: Netcode testing
December 03, 2011, 11:08:24 PM
How do you guys check what country your opponent is from?

Edit: I'm playing on Xbox 360
General Discussion / Re: Netcode testing
December 03, 2011, 11:06:46 PM

I live in Sterling Heights, Michigan, I have Wide Open West cable provider, the connection was being used nowhere else. I use a regular Ethernet cable hooked to my router(then to my modem). I have a Netgear router that wasn't routing anywhere else and my modem is a Motorola.

I played about 4 Green bar matches just now they all ran completely smoothly. GG's to Acid Glow btw I'm Drawesome. I play very basically I wasn't trying anything that fancy I use very basic combos so keep this in mind.

I played a Yellow bar that seemed to run perfectly. I didn't notice anything but I was playing very basically. My experience with yellow bar matches is almost always good.

I played 2 red bar matches. The first ran decently then suddenly started stopping and going in slow motion. The 2nd match ran pretty well for red I guess I just had to be more deliberate with my motions and repeat motions that I really wanted to come out. The main thing red bar messes up for me is my jumping and avoiding projectiles in general. Usually red bar matches play much worse for me I think I was lucky today.
Even if room and matchmaking options are limited. they could still have 6 characters on six characters or unlimited super matches, but they won't.
Quote from: Running Wild on September 09, 2011, 09:31:47 AM
What's Adon doing in KOF?

Adon is nowhere near that ugly...or bald.... or actually somewhat Thai looking.
Has Atlus or RSG mentioned anything about the KOF12 backgrounds or music making an appearance? Their were a lot of things wrong with 12 but the stages and music were not it. The original stadium background and Egyptian stages as well as a couple of the other have details and artwork that would be a shame to lose. Especially the Moscow stage which I think is completely unique. SNK threw out that great song that went with the 12 trailers almost immediately which was a great track, I hope they don't do stuff like that again.
Meet & Greet / KOF player from Michigan
August 31, 2011, 08:59:52 PM
Hi all, I got into the series with Kof 11 and I have since played just about every game SNK has ever developed fighting game or otherwise(you guys need to play Lasso). But I'm really enjoying this forum everybody seems so nice. I hope I can bring some relevant posts to the board.
So is Saiki considered unlegit at this time?
General Discussion / Re: Xbox 360 player listing
August 15, 2011, 08:20:45 AM

Location:Sterling Heights, Michigan, Metro Detroit.
You probably should have gave that dude some pointers so people watching his web show could better understand the game. I was surprised you didn't do go into drive mode with Hwa.