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Messages - jurjur

Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972031600 - JurJur (dont know how to mask the link)
Location: Vancouver, Canada

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel i5-2500k
GPU: GeForce GTX670

0 Stock bar 1 Drive
j.C, cr.C, qcf+A, dp+C(DC on 1st hit), hcb+D, dp+C = 439 dmg, 55 stun
Corner Only.

1 Stock bar 1 Drive
j.C, cr.B, cr.C, hcb+BD, dp+C(DC on 1st hit), hcb+D, dp+C = 513 dmg, 51 stun
Corner Only.  Also, omitting the cr.B will net you 1 more measley damage and 45 stun instead.
General Discussion / Re: Xbox 360 player listing
November 26, 2011, 03:30:23 AM
Location: Vancouver, Canada
General Discussion / Re: Cabinet locations
September 11, 2010, 08:58:56 PM
I live in Burnaby and I can confirm that there are 2 head to head versus city cabinets at E-Spot.  Its a great time to come to Vancouver and play XIII. =D

EDIT:  Heres the address:

Suite# 160 - 7951 Alderbridge Way
Richmond, BC V6X2A4