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Messages - Siren

Archives / Re: The Kumate #6 (9/7/12)
August 10, 2012, 06:13:30 PM
Cool, anytime.
Archives / Re: The Kumate #6 (9/7/12)
August 08, 2012, 03:28:15 AM
This is only the web version. I have the bigger bersion on Kirah's Hard drive and ready to print.
Archives / Re: The Kumate #6 (9/7/12)
August 08, 2012, 03:12:43 AM
Here it is, the flyer:

thanks for the notice bro. I'm definitely going to try and make it to that.
I don't see much of a point to it anyway. If a trial looks remotely useless, I just move on.
It's quite funny, me and a couple of my friends were struggling with that Elizabeth trial like 4 in the morning. We woke up later that day and it was completed, none of us know who did it though lol.
General Discussion / Re: Character Rise Speeds
December 10, 2011, 08:20:45 PM
It's basically there as a reference for your oki options, something that works for maxima while he's getting up may get mashed out by raiden. Most importantly, you should know the rising speeds for your safejump setups.
General Discussion / Re: Character Rise Speeds
December 10, 2011, 03:17:13 AM
Hmmm, seems like no one cared lol

where are the combos lol, oh man I love this forum.
Well, I won't be able to make it to next level saturday. I'm a pretty reluctant NAH at the moment. But PM me or Kirah if your willing to come out to jersey. (If you can of course)
Call Me: Siren
Gamertag: Blaque Siren
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey (Where fighting games come to die)

I need this guys, we need a good tight group of players, I'm sick of chasing after Kirah all the damn time, I need other players
Training Room / Re: Charge partitioning
December 07, 2011, 03:18:31 PM
Oh no, Ash likes to be a damn pain in the ass to those who play him as well as his opponents lol. It's not so hard though, you'll get used to it.
Quote from: Light on December 07, 2011, 02:42:53 AM
Okay bought Iori 98 today and, love him. Problem is, everytime I do  ;fd ;dn ;df+ ;c then try to do  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a ;c it super cancels instead of drive cancel's into ex fireball.

Same issue with his  ;fd ;dn ;df;c into  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a it super cancel's into his can of whoop ass (not what it's called of course). Am I doing something wrong? Is there a quick, shortcut, or is it just all done in 1f like SF combo's?

I'm having the same problem, normally you could shortcut that by double tapping P. It usually cancels your dp into fireball. However Iori refuses, I'm at a loss as well.
This game has a high buffer window so you will have to be strict especially on pad. Make sure you don't slide your thumb from f to b. Your going to have to pick your thumb off the d-pad and hit each direction.
King / Re: King
December 03, 2011, 05:26:50 AM
So has anyone come up with any mix-ups off her corner throw? It having hard knockdown and all. So far I've just got her safe jump down. I really want some help with her mix-up game though.
Training Room / Re: Charge partitioning
December 03, 2011, 05:24:48 AM
I saw the name of this thread and almost got giddy. "I've been playing ash all wrong, how could I!" I are have been trolled lol. Charging in this game ain't so bad though.