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Messages - Tropxe

Sorry, this isn't 100% KOF-related, but how does this Cloud storage thing work? I'm familiar with it on Steam, but I just got asked to choose my storage device and could pick HDD or Cloud, I picked HDD because that's where my save data is, obviously, and now it hasn't mentioned the Cloud again. Does that mean it isn't saving it to the Cloud? If I do manage to locate the option to enable it again, and save to it, will I then have to load my games of it rather than off the HDD? What happens if I save to Cloud, then load up the game the next day and the 360 is offline? Will an up-to-date save also be on my HDD?
Is it just me or do all trials start out sort of tricky, then get a lot easier, then at around #6 or #7 get harder and quickly become mind-meltingly difficult? It's more the early difficulty that stands out to me. In SSF4 I'd say there's a very smooth learning curve with the trials, and in BBCS from what I can remember.
General Discussion / Re: Xbox 360 player listing
December 13, 2011, 05:35:59 AM

GT: Explosive Snow
Location: UK

I'm currently at the "Well I can do that combo in training mode!" level, so it's probably better if you're a lower-level player who just wants some practice in an actual match situation - or a mid-/high-level player who just wants a moving target!
General Discussion / Re: Xbox premium themes
December 10, 2011, 01:25:15 AM
Well I took DarKaoz's advice and searched YouTube. I found one with the first two, but not the third one. I guess that one was added more recently. Anyway, here it is - and I also prefer the 2nd one.

QuoteI was about to buy one, but the new dashboard killed my interest
I hate how Microsoft have the nerve to plaster ads all over the dashboard. About 90% of what you see is an advert for something. Now with this new look, they have a huge advert in the centre of the first screen and off to the left is a little square is "Play Game". That's their design priorities right there. It'd be shitty anyway, but it's extra shitty that they do it even if you pay them. Normally intrusive ads are to make up money in the absence of a subscription fee.
Quote from: MUSOLINI on December 08, 2011, 08:29:18 PM
fucking rising star games and their bs excuses, i should have went with atlus instead. more like falling star games, these dicksuckers. fucking dipshits.
Wow, calm down, kid. It's not Rising Star. The Xbox DLC is fine, and that version was also released by Rising Star.
General Discussion / Xbox premium themes
December 10, 2011, 01:02:44 AM
Can anyone link to any previews of them, or describe them? The XBL Marketplace description doesn't do either.
I was watching it last night at roughly 6PM GMT (EST +5, I think) but my friend came around and so I only caught the start of it. Is there still more KOF to come or is the event over now? Also, did anyone use King and, if so, can anyone link me to a video of that part please?
Training Room / Re: Which notation do you prefer?
December 02, 2011, 11:33:57 PM
I thought you were going to ask about preferring, say, LP to A, or HK to D. I have to admit, I'm finding it hard to get used to A, B, C, D rather than LP, LK, HP, HK. It wouldn't be so bad if A and B were punches and C and D were kicks. Every times I see people using the KOF notation, I have to stop and figure it out.
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
December 02, 2011, 11:31:24 PM
Would it generally be fair to say that rushdown characters tend to be battery characters and charge-move characters tend to be anchor or 2nd characters? Just in case that's not the generally used term, I mean characters that have move executions like M. Bison or Guile (sorry, coming from more of a SF background here!)
Training Room / Re: Shortcut inputs in Combos in KoFXIII
December 02, 2011, 11:26:07 PM
I think that any move that requires a dragon punch input can just be done with  ;fd ;dn ;fd and any move that requires a half-circle input can be done with just the cardinal points, i.e.  ;bk ;dn ;fd. Presumably that also means quarter-circle or hadouken movements can be done with just  ;dn ;fd.
Training Room / Re: How to battle zoners
December 02, 2011, 05:51:09 PM
So out of interest, when you're fighting against zoners, what's the most annoying things they can do? When you just think "Oh god damn it, it's one of those matches..."
King / Re: King
December 02, 2011, 05:09:44 PM
Thanks for the tips and advice, guys.
King / Re: King
December 02, 2011, 03:12:06 PM
A much simpler question after all this discussion, but I'm having trouble consistently comboing jump-ins into standing attacks. It seems like hitting around their thighs works most, but even that seems to only have around a 50/50 chance. Other times it seems to be about the stomach height that works most. Obviously hitting deep usually works, but in this case it's not such a certain thing, and I've comboed after hitting pretty shallow. So I guess the question is, what the heck? I don't think I've had this much trouble with this basic kind of thing in any other fighting game, possibly even other KOFs.
Training Room / Re: low low half circles motions
December 02, 2011, 02:40:17 PM
I understand the principle of this, I've used it in 2D fighting games before, but I'm having a real problem doing incredibly simple chains like  ;dn ;b, ;dn ;b, ;b. I don't know what it is, but I can do much more complicated and impressive-looking combos, but any time it asks me to do that, I'm screwed. Inserting it into the movements of a buffered move seems even harder. Just by way of comparison, I can do combos with King that are like: 

j. ;c, ;d (2-hits), ;df ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b , ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d

And with a lot more consistency than the humble chain mentioned at the start of the post. The main problem I have with that longer combo, and ones like it, is actually no comboing the jump-in to the standing D. Again, the simpler, more fundamental things seem harder to me.