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Messages - m1x4h

General Discussion / Re: KOF 13 Patch Review Video
April 06, 2012, 02:49:22 PM
I'm on PSN, and I find blue bars in about 3-5 seconds...
That said, even with those blue connections, they're laggy as fuck. I was dropping fireballs... not combos... I was dropping fireballs... I was dropping hops... occassionally, it drops rolls and blowbacks too and only puts in one of the commands. Yeah...

I heard something about port forwarding, and I'm intrigued. Any information?
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
January 05, 2012, 05:00:26 PM
Yo RayNex... I decided to actually get rid of Ash, after hesitation...
Running Billy/Kyo/Yuri OR... Billy/Kyo/Benimaru.
What do you think?
Quote from: robisntdrunk on January 03, 2012, 01:16:35 AM
Quote from: m1x4h on January 02, 2012, 06:48:06 PM
Quote from: robisntdrunk on December 31, 2011, 09:46:00 PM
I play this on PSN, id probably play more if I had people to play.
Add me then!

Hope you know you already have me added lol.

Even better. Let's play at some point.
Quote from: robisntdrunk on December 31, 2011, 09:46:00 PM
I play this on PSN, id probably play more if I had people to play.
Add me then!
AHHH full HD meter... I didn't realize that, which is why I should go into the tutorial mode.
Thanks a lot. I will say though... After DandyDLC's video about the built-in C to HD mode, it's so easy to combo into NM attacks.

Thumbs up, I'd give you a +1 or like or something... but this isn't Failbook.
Anybody still playing this on PSN?
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
December 27, 2011, 08:20:19 PM
So after experimenting a lot, I've decided to drop Mai for Billy.
Currently, my team is Billy/Ash/Kyo, but I feel like there's something missing. I think Billy's a lot more solid than Mai, especially for my play style. I can't figure out a solid and consistent anti air with her.
Other characters that I've been toying with lately, and I really like are: Yuri, Robert, and Shen. The only person I'm willing to part with in my team is Billy at this point. Ash and Kyo are definitely fitted to the way I play fighting games, which is a semi rushdown, semi zoning style. I can do some stuff with Kim, Terry, and Takuma as well, but I don't think I like them that much. Kim's fun for rushdown though.
So I have a few combos that I can do into various Neo Max combos... that part's fine... SOMETIMES though... I do the NeoMax and nothing happens. It ONLY requires 3 bars, right? I mean... I'll do it, and miss, saying, "hey, execution, no big deal" but then I'll take a step back and try just the Neo Max several times, and nothing. It's not my execution on that, as I have a solid foundation in fighting games... or am I missing something? Do I need full HD meter to do it also? I haven't figured out when I can or can't consistently do it.
13 and CvS2...
Meet & Greet / Re: New Challenger from NY
December 19, 2011, 07:38:07 PM
Where in NY?
Classic King of Fighters / Re: I love KOF XII
December 18, 2011, 07:52:19 AM
Thanks for that.
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 15, 2011, 10:41:31 PM
But here's the thing, even as a whole, the FGC is somewhat splintered between games and different subtypes of FGs.  Why is this important?  Because Esports aren't going to take on ALL FGs, just the most popular ones.

As of now, that's AEv'12 and UMvC3...but considering the unlikelyhood of getting those due to licensing issues, then we move on.  eSports are also EXTREMELY unlikely to pick up any 2D games tbqh, so that takes out KOF and Blazblue.  That pretty much leaves the 3D Fighters, which is no surprise as the only two FGs supported by eSports were 3D Fighters.  Which means, more than likely Soul Caliber V and Tekken Tag 2 as the only candidates.

TBQH, anyone who doesn't play 3D Fighters should not get involved in this unless Capcom actually decides to deal with the licensing, which I doubt will happen.  I don't play them, so I personally should not have an opinion and rightfully so.
This is important to realize as well.
I don't know that I will say to get rid of sponsorships as a whole, but the FGC is way too diverse to accommodate everybody's games for coverage, and the united FGC that we are will be heavily divided. I enjoy hearing opinions from players that play unheard of FGs, as you can apply fundamentals these games to any game. The FGC is strongly linked like that, but if the community becomes the Street Fighter 4 community, and not the Fighting game community, we're going to miss out on a lot of this diversity. I believe the diversity is what makes us strong, and to have eSports get involved will cause us to lose that diversity. If anybody thinks that the old schoolers are elitest, like I've been called many times, what's going to happen when we have these elitist old school gamers, the elitist "pro gamers", and then everybody else? Fuck that... There's enough separation within the community, that we don't need another facet of segregation affecting it like that.
Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson (Console)
December 17, 2011, 05:23:31 AM
Hmm. Hardest thing about the J.D is when I hop, it often doesn't come out... I suppose I can just start it much earlier, but then I can't combo off of it... Hmm, I'll play with that. THanks.
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
December 16, 2011, 03:53:31 PM
Quote from: CrazyI505 on December 16, 2011, 03:16:42 AM
I been training with King a lot but i have been having having a hard picking two characters. Does anybody have any idea's.

A friend of mine runs King (His second KoF game), and he's super picky about the characters that he likes. He claims DuoLon and Robert complement his team very well.
Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson (Console)
December 16, 2011, 03:51:45 PM
Quote from: Parapets on December 16, 2011, 12:06:55 PM
cr.B, st.C, st.D, and cr.D are all pretty useful as poking tools. st.C is probably the least useful due to how slow it is, but it's still better than some similar moves of other characters because it hits many crouching characters and is cancelable. st.D is nice for its lower body invincibility and faster startup than b+B. cr.D has pretty good range and startup and is also cancelable, so it's a good sweep overall. Remember that cancelable normals can cancel into command normals (b+B, b+D) or specials (qcb+X, b~f+P) even on whiff, so as long as you make use of this, you don't have to worry too much about being whiff-punished, especially with the extremely fast b+D available.

Thanks for that. On hop, is A the best option?