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Messages - Kurdijef

Location: Finland

Games played


My internet connection is wonky, but I'll at least give a try with any Scandinavian players.
Yeah, I've seen that a couple of years ago and it was actually the original spark for me to get into KOF. I've rewatched this video a lot of times. It's just so good. And this friend of mine has seen it too, but I don't think it left as big of an impression on him. I already liked Garou alot and seeing that video opened my eyes in a totally new way.

However, XII just received so much hate along "not being true KOF" I decided to leave it be altogether. My internet has also been too unstable for me to play GGPO or I would've gotten into 98 that way. Then came the console release for KOFXIII finally, but pretty much none of my friends bought it with me. UMvC3/Tekken rules our local weekly and beyond that, Tekken, is by far the most popular game in Finland. The only likeminded person lives too far away from me and on a different console... :D

I've kept the flame alive but kinda low. Thanks for all the tips you guys.
Yeah, I wouldn't say he's a scrub but when it comes to new games he is definitely very judgemental. He's made so many sweeping statements about Tekken too. It's like he becomes a total scrub everytime he's learning a new game.

It's hard to get good at a game by myself, but I guess it's the only way to go. Thanks for the answer!

Another noob question! Are there any known (or less known) safe jump setups for EX Kyo? He gets a hard knockdown from a couple of things.
My problem is this:
So, I fiiinally got a friend to try this game with me. I really like KOF and would want to start a scene here, but I'm still a beginner myself so it was hard for me to defend it when my friend complained that "this game is horrible and all you can do is reversals". He feels that there was nothing he could do when on defense except DP'ing everything.

I did try to explain that if I was a better player he shouldn't even get those DPs on me and that heavy attacks generally push him out of close pressure. I don't know what else to say because I don't feel qualified enough to say anything else. I'm sure he was salty for losing so many in a row (we usually play even in SF/Marvel), but yeahh...

I wanna get people to play this game and if I can't counter their arguments.. It's like doing a disservice :D

PS. Dunno if it matters but I was mostly using Andy/Mai/EX Kyo. Dabbled with Iori (claw), Yuri, Shen, Terry and Clark.
Podcast / Re: Drive Cancel Radio Episode 7
May 11, 2012, 05:11:50 PM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 10, 2012, 06:10:24 PM
We will talk strats, but it will be a balance of actual gameplay strats with more player psychology outside of the actual game (like how to overcome nervousness, and how to focus and concentrate).

Thanks again.
That's just better than I hoped :D
Podcast / Re: Drive Cancel Radio Episode 7
May 10, 2012, 05:44:26 PM
No probs. Good to see my long-time lurker info was of some help :D
Podcast / Re: Drive Cancel Radio Episode 7
May 10, 2012, 02:49:19 PM
Thanks for bringing this podcast back!

About Tokido's name. The origin of it is not an Iori combo, more like Iori scrub tactic. His friend called him out for using only three moves. Tobu = jump, kicku = the sweep, DOOUUSSSHAAAAA = what Iori shouts when doing fireball. To(bu)Ki(cku)Do(ushaa) > Tokido. He got it while playing '98.

Hope you can talk strats more often because other fighting game podcasts don't really cover that anymore.