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Messages - Jhonry Prud

Clark Still / Re: Clark Still (Console)
February 02, 2012, 05:54:32 AM

Interesting  with Clark  and want to  learning him, how to fight projectile spammer like Ash or Saiki,how  to get close to punish them ?
did you have tips and trick fight against Final Boss, True form Saiki and Dark Ash ?

and how to do SAB(hcf+D) after input std D,df A ?
usually whiff on that, i practice J. C std D,df A and miss SAB(hcf+D)
any tip ?

Thanks in advance :)

Why SnK now release useless add on like Extra Color and unlock all icon
they are available  can do unlocked by play much
Are they following Capcom ?
Robert Garcia / Re: Robert Garcia (Console)
February 01, 2012, 04:29:14 AM

How to do Hien Shippuukyaku  after Target Combo( ;fd ;b  ;fd ;a)

its harder than Takuma basic combo( std C,fwd B,Hien Shippuukyaku) ?

What Robert best meterless combo beside that ?