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Messages - Poppy_Bros

General Discussion / Re: Question regarding replay videos.
September 30, 2012, 07:36:20 AM
I've always wondered the same. Whenever you play a match online, you are given two options:

Upload replay data, and save replay data.

When you save the replay data, obviously (duh) it saves the replay into the replay menu.  What's up with the upload replay data option? I sometimes accidentally say yes to the upload option, but it doesn't seem to do anything. When I first got the game I thought it had some sort of online replay channel, like SSFIV. As we all know, it doesn't. What is it for, then? Just an incomplete feature of the game, or does someone somewhere has access to all those replays?
Thanks for the support, guys.

@MezzoForte: I know, I used to think that I was missing my command grab after reset setups because I was doing it too early. As you can see on the video, I do them all immediately after landing, and only those 10 chars can't be grabbed.

When you say that certain characters have a longer hitbox extending towards the ground, it makes me think that characters with such properties should be bigger characters, right? None of the 10 characters ( Kyo, EX-Kyo, Daimon, Ash, Saiki, Robert, Vice, Shen, Athena, and Kensou ) seem to be taller than average (except for Goro, and maybe Shen).

And yeah, EX Hien is an amazing reset tool. I actually have a lot of secret (or so I believe) technology with Robert, and it's so frustrating that I can't apply it to some characters in the game.

@Reiki.Kito: I actually suck with all framedata and such. Do any of the 10 chars that I mentioned have longer invincibility according to your chart?

@Saiki: I'm not really following what you are saying. So, you want me to hit a grounded character with any sort of normal grounded attack, try to command-grab him after that, and see how it goes for different characters?

Hey guys, I'm a Robert player and I just found something weird with his command grab. There are 10 characters in the game that cannot be grabbed right after being attacked on mid-air. Why is that?

I uploaded a video about it:


Please read the video description for more details.

Do you guys think these 10 characters have some specific properties to their sprites that make them invincible to throws longer than everyone else? Or is it simply a thing with Robert's command grab?

If any, this is really important for Robert's game since a lot of his game involves making use of this move.
Meet & Greet / Hello, VA player here
August 30, 2012, 04:34:53 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm looking forward to meet people that play XIII on the Richmond, VA area. I've never played with another human being since the game came out, only XBL :( .

I have a crappy 1mb connection, but surprisingly, I usually get 3-4 bars with people in the NJ, NY, VA area. In case you'd like to play online, you know.

I'm on the top 10 in the XBL victories board... not that it means much in real life, though.