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Messages - oilstain

Looking for anyone on the east coast (preferably southern, GA/FL/Louisiana etc)
Quote from: loffemand on August 23, 2013, 10:16:58 PM
Quote from: oilstain on August 23, 2013, 10:13:53 PM
For the record I have the kof 13 beta now so I don't need a key.

Maaan :/
I'm so jealous.
Make sure that SNK knows what you think of KOF SE

I'm doing my best to make sure it can be as good as possible inside and outside netcode wise. there's some stuff left to be desired for me I'll say though but don't let it deter you..
For the record I have the kof 13 beta now so I don't need a key.

Speed: 10mbs down, 5mbs up

Verizon FiOS, wired connection directly to my modem

Location: Tampa, Florida

Windows 7 x64 premium
Processor : intel core 2 quad
RAM : 8gb ddr2
GPU : 9800GT 1gb

I actually thought I had an account on here, I've lurked dreamcancel for awhile, mainly for real bout 2 and kof 13 stuff. As far as fighting games go, I really only play super sf2 turbo on ggpo(would like to change that to be KOF 13 as I enjoy it more). Although I did get an xbox 360, evo monitor and vga cable specifically for kof 13 and was lugging it around my city trying to get people to play. ended up selling the set up for motorcycle parts. As for SNK stuff, I love real bout 2, kof98, etc my local arcade here has a neo geo cab with rb2 and kof97  and it's the only one I play on (top score on RB2). Everyone else plays mvc2/xmen vs sf (ew). kof 13 has been the only next gen fighter I've been interested in. I actually think SNK chars have a lot more depth and better design to them than capcom.

Why I think I'd be a good tester, well, I'm unemployed atm for one so I got plenty of time to kill. Second, what's been interesting me is messing with the game files to find any exploits if possible (have 3 of the same char on one team? boss chars? who knows) and yeah I do know how to play the game! just not as high of a level as juicebox etc due to lack of players in my city and the bad netcode that was on console (my main team is billy/terry/exiori). I've also downloaded the arcade dump to see how it would run and it runs butter smooth so no worries there. I've also got pc game technical know how as I was mainly a Quake/fps player before really getting into fighters (I have speed run records in doom 2) so I can give advice on how to best optimize the game for PC aswell (refresh rates, resolutions, etc)