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Messages - Mr_KriegsMarine

Meet & Greet / Re: Hello from a newbie in New Zealand
February 20, 2015, 07:36:44 AM
I am in New Zealand, the Wellington area
I have been wondering if SNK decides to make another King of Fighters title, I have been wondering should Elisabeth or Elisabeth's team return in the next King of Fighters installment?
Meet & Greet / Hello from a newbie in New Zealand
February 20, 2015, 07:24:28 AM

I am quite new to the King of Fighters series, I played it back in the day when the game was available on Game Boy and the decided to take the advantage of getting the KOF XIII on Steam when it was on discount, I am going to admit my favorite fighter is Elisabeth and the Elisabeth Team from KOF XIII and would not mind to see them return to the next the King of Fighters installment

Besides from playing the King of Fighters XIII, I do NavyField 2 as well, I am a man who is also strategy games