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Topics - Alucard DX

Meet & Greet / Hello Dream Cancel friends.
August 12, 2011, 02:38:49 AM
I am Alucard DX from Portugal, and i love to play fighting games mostly HNK,KOF 98 UM,KOF 2002 UM,ST,CVS2, at the moment i am playing SSF4 AE and trying to learn MVC3 because there is no competition on the games i like to play more here in my country.

I have been playing KOF games since 1996, my main game in the past was KOF 98 until 2006 then i started to play Guilty gear games until KOF 98 UM and HNK came out on consoles, my main kof games are 98 UM and 2002 UM and soon XIII.

The KOF scene here in Portugal is dead, there are a bunch of players who play KOF 98 on GGPO but they refuse to play KOF 98 UM,KOF 2002 UM or even other fighting games, maybe i can make them play KOF XIII when the game comes out on console.

I dont have gold service on XBL right now so i cant play KOF 98 UM,KOF 2002 UM,Garou or NGBC with you guys sorry, maybe i can do some matches when KOF XIII comes out to X360. :)

Sorry for my bad english and i hope we can play some matches in the future. ;).