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Topics - Sikemopko

Training Room / HD Mode Activation
December 01, 2011, 06:03:26 AM
okay so here is my problem with it, i am new to KOFXIII having only played it on console so activating HD mode is still making me a little crazy.  I have played previous kof's and never had a problem like this.  Anyway, when i activate with shen woo, st.c f.b HD, sometimes shen will auto dash, other times he will automatically do another st.c, and rarely he will do a st.b.  Am I activating HD incorrectly? Why is it inconsistent?  Also i play on a TE stick with the four button setup, all other buttons turned off.

I did some searching through the forums and could not find an answer. PLEASE HELP!!! Consistent activation is all that is keeping me from my fatal combos
Archives / ST. Petersburg FL Post Food Coma Tournament
November 06, 2011, 05:06:55 PM
Serenity Games address 6151 Central Ave, St. Pete, FL 33710

Serenity games and Hate Inc. Presents: Post Food Coma SF tournament

Saturday Nov. 26 2011

$5 door fee (spectators are free)

Preregister at:

Sign ups start at 11am tourneys will start at 1:00


SUPER Street Fighter 4 AE Singles(360) - $10 ($250 pot bonus)
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- Winner may change Ultra but must choose before Opponent picks their Ultra.

UMvC3 (360) $10 entry fee 1:00 Start time
rules TBD

MK9 (PS3) $10 entry
-2/3, rounds 90 sec
-2/3 Matches, 3/5 Winner, losers Grand finals
All DLC's will be allowed
UMK3 skin Cyrax, MK2 skin Smoke are both banned
Kratos is Banned, The stages Chamber of the Flame and The Street are banned.

KOF13 $10 entry fee
System and rules TBD

SF3 3s: OE (360) $5
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- Gill is banned

CVS2 (arcade) $5 entry fee
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination

Breakers revenge (arcade) $5

Payout is 70/20/10 for all tournaments

Schedule is subject to change and will be updated in the coming weeks and months.

Meet & Greet / Sarasota, FL checking in
November 02, 2011, 01:50:21 PM
Hey guys I am Sikemopko from Sarasota fl and I am a huge SNK fan. I have been playing kof since '94    And I still have my neo geo gold aes system hooked up to play fatal fury, kof, samurai showdown 1&2, art of fighting 1&2, along with other awesome games.  I haven't played kofxiii yet but I have been studying the game for some time now. Part of my studying has involved me lurking around DC, so I finally decided to create an account. I love the site and the info, and I plan on being a major contributor to the forums once the console version is released.

I run a video game scene down here and a couple of us play 2002 um on 360. We also play mvc3 3rd strike and ssf4ae. However these games have only been helpin me pass the time until the release of 13 on console. I plan on really promoting the game in my area and I have been working on an event at my local game store during the week it is released. I hope to drum up major excitement in Florida for this game!

My gamertag on 360 is: Sike Mopko