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Topics - Hagaishi

Pages: [1]
Online Matchmaking / XBL KOF XIII
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:55:44 PM »
I'm always looking for new people to play, plus seeing how NEC 2011 went down. I need to play against more good players in KOF 13. Were are only as good as the people we play against! So hit me up, i rather play someone way better then me but If i can make someone better. It was all worth it! Hope to see yall online......oh and if you want to know my speed is 35/35 (Fios) so we would should have a lag free spar!!

Mod edit: Hijacking this thread to make it a general XBL thread. Post your XBL info and meet up with other players. Also be sure to check out the Netplay section of the Wiki to search for others in your region.

Meet & Greet / Fighter Fan From Philly!!
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:59:49 AM »
Been playing fighting game since i was 9. Ive played them all, but though out the years SNK games always gave me a lil more. I also collect game/systems so i still have most of the fighting games that have came out. And if willing, i also go to tournaments. Minor and major. Ive never won but placed 33rd at this years NEC in KOF 13. Aimming for something better at Winter brawl 6. Im a down to earth player who plays all games but love fighters. If you play on Xbox live hit me up, Im always down to play new people. Thats the only way to get better! We can can always learn something from one anougher! Obaiyo mina...... 

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