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Topics - obiiwan

I've been thinking about this lately, since I switched from joypad to a fightstick.
I know there was an era when binds were not allowed on tournaments in some countries, not even on joypads.
Comentators during EVO 2014 KOFXIII were mentioning that many KOFXIII players complained about how easy it is to miss an EX input. Yet, I see most people only use the default four buttons, not assigning binds despite having the risk to miss EX commands.
So, my question is, is assigning binds like LP+HP and LK+HK considered playing the easy way and is it even allowed on tourneys? Do people really think about that as playing the easy way?
What do you guys think, which non-edit team is the strongest in KOFXIII? I can't decide between Japan team or Kim team...
I know that the question may sound a bit weird, but since I already have two MadCatz fightsticks (for the Wii itself, not for GCN), and that stick is pretty good IMO, if I was about to start playing XIII on a fightstick, I would like to play with the sticks I already own (since I'm about to have another two investments which are KOFXIII-related: purchasing the Steam version, and getting a graphic card for my PC in order to be able to play the SE, getting another arcade stick would be a bit too much for my budget right now).
What's the most efficient way to make those work both on XB360 and PC? Any reliable converters?
General Discussion / Joypad player needs some advice
March 28, 2014, 02:53:49 PM
So, hi to everyone@Dream Cancel, I have my first question on the forum... As much as I would like to start playing this game with a fightstick, I just feel it's the best to stick with a joypad because I am a joypad player and 'till now, I played all my fighting games on a joypad, SF2 till today.

Because the Xbox 360 has a pretty bad controller, I bought the MadCatz/Capcom fightpad. I have to admit, in general-I really like that pad. The grip, the buttons, everything about it is great. D-pad, as much as I needed to get used to it, I really think it's good for executing moves. Tried playing a lot of other fighting games, and it's great. For fighting games, it's even better than Playstation controllers, and there's no need to compare it to the default 360 controller.

But, there's one huge problem that I have while playing KOF: hitting hops and hyperhops.
I'm not sure is it something that I can get to work efficiently with time (I practice hops/hyperhops every now and then in training sessions but I just don't seem to improve in that category), or is it something that will mark my playstyle and become a handicap on it's own that I would need to cope with?

Even though my MadCatz pad is in a pretty good condition, I sometimes think the hop issue may occur because I bought it second-hand, or is it maybe a flaw in design that really isn't that much exploited in games that don't have small jump/long jump mechanic, pretty much every other game except KOF). I have no idea what it really is, but hitting the diagonals for jumping feels weird, especially with an hyperhop input. Most of the times I get hyper jumps or regular jumps, sometimes I only jump straight, I really need to concentrate on hitting a hop/hyper hop towards the opponent while in trial mode, and while in actual matches, it's really a pain. I never had this issue in an fighting game, that a basic movement options troubles me that much that even if I position myself correctly (which seems to have a success rate generated randomly, most of the times).

I would love some advice in general, and some advice from other joypad players. Also, did anyone else had that specific issue and maybe thought that it's because of the controller?
Meet & Greet / Hello from Croatia
March 28, 2014, 02:29:34 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm actually new to the series. I played older KOF/SNK games, but only casually, vs CPU, getting ripped by the CPU Bosses :D

KOFXIII managed to capture my attention and ever since EVO 2012 streams I wanted to get this game and get good at it. Last year, I actually bought an XB360 and this was one of my first games, but I decided just recently that I'll play it for real, no matter what, because the game is so good and I know it's gonna be worth it. The Live matches are unplayable, even with other European players, so I'll basically practice on my 360 and later I plan toget the Steam Edition in order to play online.

So, for now, I found one, maybe even two full teams that I'll try to get good with, and the more I play this and SF4 at the same time... I don't know, SF just doesn't do it for me. The more i play SF4, the more I only get to learn to appreciate KOF more as a fighting game. In XIII, everything felt right from the start, the stocks, HD mode, Neo Max, guard bar, hit confirming, combos, and I just can't get into SF4 (which is a shame, because actually I would have some folks to play with offline, which is not the case with KOF-but I won't let that stand in the way, I'll just try to build a scene for KOF ;))
The other fighting games that I really like are Capcom VS SNK2 (this is where I first got introduced to the awesome SNK cast), Guilty Gear series and Tatsunoko vs Capcom UAS (the only fighting game in which I got really good at).

So see ya all on the board, I'll probably need some advice