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Topics - Qu_Ane

Pro-Gear / Wine Tricks with KOF
September 13, 2014, 01:28:01 AM
Anyone have any experiences porting games to Mac or Linux? I found out my Windows computer is crap (again) so the driver isn't good enough to run KOF XIII:SE. Now I'm jumping it over to my Mac to run it using Winetricks. I've actually heard it can be done (from Steam community, in fact). Wish me luck.
Meet & Greet / Player from SC Old Fighter, New to KOF!
August 25, 2014, 09:11:00 PM
Sup guys. I'm basically new to the online scene as a whole. My younger brother got hyped up by Daigo and 3rd Strike, then later really got crazy about KOF (I'm talking ranting for twenty minutes being a low for him).

So I went and bought KOF XI, we had a freaking blast. I love the play style and it feels a lot less restrictive than other fighter's I've played, but still has hardcore mechanics that force you to do your best.

I also rented KOF XIII and after some delegation I went and bought a new copy (for unit count's sake I guess). I love Kula.

I also love Kula a lot.  Most of the characters I wish to main are from XI, I'm alright with Athena and Kula. I can play on PSN so if you're ever looking for a new fighter just look for 'Qu_Ane'!