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Topics - MisterRockett

Meet & Greet / Yellow Hello, it's Rockett Man!
March 08, 2015, 09:56:29 PM
Hey guys, I'm new to KOF. Own the Steam versions of 98 and 13. Currently bumming it in Sacramento trying to learn how to play this game cause I've made a few friends online who are into it. The only fighting game I'd say I'm really good at is Skullgirls but I try to pick up any fighting game I can when it's available. I've got Guilty Gear Xrd, Skullgirls, Virtual Fighter, DOA Last Round, USFIV, Persona 4 Ultimax and 3rd Strike on PS3. Skullgirls, 98,XIII, Lethal League, DiveKick, and USFIV on Steam.

Anyone know if I should focus more on King or EX King in 98?