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Topics - steamwolf

Meet & Greet / I'm back
June 01, 2016, 07:46:26 PM
Been a while. Used to be a mod for the RB2 section. Left to focus on school and personal life. Tried to focus on being competitive in Street Fighter but I have no love for the game so I just had to face facts this is where I belong and the game I am meant to play. Looking forward to KoF XIV!
What - An online matchmaking event to garner interest back into playing KoF XIII Online

When - This Saturday starting at 3:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM EST

Why - Because the netcode patch has really made a different with the online experience for KoF XIII, and it's worth doing this to get everyone playing more.

Who - Anybody! Doesn't even have to be DC members. Play anyone you like. Invite them to DC or chat with them wherever. Doesn't matter who is playing so long as people PLAY!

Where - Games will be played on PSN/XBL (obviously) but players are encouraged to meet up in the DC chat. If you cannot make it there (or really prefer other means) then use PSN chats or XBL parties. Skype is an option, however I do recommend doing as LITTLE on your internet connection as humanly possible in order to have a more solid, stable, online experience. Remember to WIRE in as well: no wireless!

How - Fill out the following form:

PSN/XBL Handle:
Speedtest.net/Pingtest.net results (Connect to a server FARTHEST away from your own connection!)
Most played team:
Matchups you want more experience against(optional):


PSN Handle: steamninja
Location: Florida
Speetest/Pingtest results:

Most played team: Terry, Kim, Mr. Karate/Takuma
Matchups you want more experience against: K', Clark, Billy, NESTS Kyo, Kyo, Chin
Joe Higashi / Joe Video Thread
February 07, 2012, 12:28:21 PM
Post 'em if you got 'em.


Match Videos

Combo Videos

Joe Higashi / Joe Combo Thread
February 07, 2012, 12:26:34 PM
Post combos. Discuss which ones are most useful or not etc etc. Please post the most useful combos in red, and the rest in black.

No Stock, No Drive Gauge

- s.A, f.B, hcf+B/(semi close) hcf+D/(close) dp+B = 145/163/169 damage

- j.D, s.C, f.B, dp+B = 272 damage

- c.B, s.A, f.B, hcf+B/(close) dp+B = 145/189 damage

- (Corner) j.D, [A] (1~3 hits) - qcb+P, dp+B, [A] (1~3 hits) - qcb+P, j.D = 311~325 damage

No Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

- (Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+B (DC) dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P< j.D = 420 damage

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge

- j.D, s.C, f.B, qcf,hcb+P = 364 damage

- (Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, qcfx2+P = 411 damage

- (Corner) j.D, s.D, (delay) f.B, hcf+A, [AC], qcb+D, dp+B, [A](2~3hits), qcb+A, j.D = 465 damage

0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

- j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+B (DC) dp+B = 326 damage

- c.B, s.A, f.B, hcf+B (DC) dp+B = 243 damage

-(Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+B (DC) dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P< j.D = 420 damage

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

-(Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, qcf+C (DC), qcfx2+P = 462 damage

-(Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BD, dp+B (DC), qcb+D, dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P, j.D = 515 damage

2 Stock, No Drive Gauge

- j.D, s.C, f.B, qcfx2+AC = 479 damage

2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

- j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+B (SC), qcfx2+AC = 521 damage

-(Corner) j.D, [A] 1~3 - qcb+P, dp+B (SC), qcfx2+AC = 442 damage

-(Corner) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BD, dp+B (SC) qcfx2+P = 524 damage

Hyper Drive


(1) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB), (HDC) (dp+B, qcb+D)x5, dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P, j.D = 608 damage (0 Stock)

(2) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB) (HDC) (dp+B (HDC) qcb+D)x4, dp+B (HDC), qcfx2+P = 644 damage (1 Stock)

(3) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB) (HDC) (dp+B <HDC> qcb+D)x4, dp+B (HDC) qcfx2+BD = 767 damage (2 Stock)

(4) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB) (HDC) (dp+B (HDC) qcb+D)x3, dp+B (HDC), qcfx2+P (all hits) (MC), qcfx2+BD = 840 damage (3 Stock)

(5) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB) (HDC) (dp+B (HDC) qcb+D)x3, dp+B (HDC), qcfx2+AC (MC), qcfx2+BD = 872 damage (4 Stock)


(1) (Midscreen only) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDC)(HD), hcf+BD (HDC) (dp+B (HDC) qcb+D)x4, dp+B, [A] 1~2 - qcb+P, j.D = 647 damage (1 Stock)

(2) j.D, s.C, f.B (HD) s.C, f.B, hcf+B (MC), qcfx2+BD = 655 damage (2 Stock)

(3) j.D, s.C, f.B, hcf+BC (HDB) (HDC) (dp+B (HDC) qcb+D)x3, dp+B (HDC) qcfx2+P = 670 damage (2 Stock)
Andy Bogard / Any Bogard Combo Thread
February 07, 2012, 12:22:01 PM
Combo thread. The goal is to illustrate the most useful combos from the less useful. I'll mostly leave this up to feedback from you guys, as I'm just one guy with rather basic knowledge. I'll post any findings I discover here though and my thoughts. Discuss, see what you guys thinks. Post the most useful combos in red, and the lesser useful ones in black. I'll share what we have thus far on our wiki.

f + A Combos

1.) d.B x 1~2 -> f + A = 107 dmg

2.) j D, s. C -> f + A = 194 dmg

3.) d.b, d.a -> f + A = 102 dmg

NOTE: first damage number is from the first combo start, 2nd damage number is from second.

0 Stock, No Drive Gauge

s.C, f.A, db~f+P = 161/179 dmg

d.B, s.B, s.D, dp+P = 163/179 dmg

d.Bx2, f.A, hcf+K~BD, dp+C = 231 dmg

-> hcf+K~BD, db~f+A = 180/242 dmg

-> hcf+K~BD, hcf+D = 228/290 dmg

-> hcf+K~BD, dp+A = 193/255 dmg

-> hcf+K~BD, db~f+A, db~f+A, dp+A = 278/349 dmg

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge

s.C, f.A, qcb+AC = 215 dmg

d.B, s.B, s.D, qcf~hcb+P = 313 dmg

-> hcf+K~BD, qcf,hcb+P 312/417 dmg

-> hcf+BD, d.D 307/369 dmg

-> hcf+BD (dash), dp+C 294/356

0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

s.C, f.A, db~f+C (DC) hcf+D = 298 dmg

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

-> db~f+A (DC), dp+AC = 252/343 dmg

-> db~f+A (DC), qcf~hcb+P = 311/400 dmg

-> db~f+A (DC), hcf+BD, d.D = 295/357 dmg

-> db~f+A (DC), hcf+BD, db~f+A, dp+C = 355/417 dmg (corner only)

2 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

-> hcf+BD -> qcf~hcb+P = 357/446 dmg

3 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -

-> hcf+K, BD -> qcb~hcf+AC = 492/555 dmg

(more coming soon)

B/D Combos

the B/D combo is: (d.b) s.b, far D.

The far D will automatically chain from the s.b. The d.b is an optional if you would like to start the combo from a low attack. You can also connect a j.C or j. D before the d.b if you are jumping in.

0 Level, No Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcb + A/C = 181 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, dp + A/C = 163/179 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A/C = 181/198 dmg

- (ONLY d.b), s.b, far D, hcf + B = 213 dmg

- s.b, far D, hcf + B/D = 190/216 dmg

- s.b, far D, hcf + B/D, B+D, dp+A/C = 166/182 dmg

0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A/C (DC), dp + A/C = 242/297 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A/C (DC), hcf + D = 297 dmg

1 Level, No Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcf + A+C = 232 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, dp + A+C = 243 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A+C = 256 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A+C, dp + C = 356 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, hcf + B+D = 286 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, hcf + B+D, dp + P = 327/352 dmg (corner only)

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcf~hcb + P = 313 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcb~hcf + K = 374 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcb~hcf + K, dp + P = 321/339 dmg (corner only)

1 Level, 1+ Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + P (DC), dp + A+C = 294 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A+C (DC), dp + P = 288/256 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + P (DC), qcf~hcb + P = 346/378 dmg

2 Level, No Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A+C, dp + A+C = 380 dmg (corner only)

- d.b, s.b, far D, hcf + B+D, dp + A+C = 353 dmg (corner only)

- d.b, s.b, far D, hcf + B+D, db~f + A+C, dp + C = 422 dmg (corner only)

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcb~hcf + B+D = 382 dmg

- d.b, s.b, far D, qcb + A+C, dp + A+C = 355 dmg (corner only)

3 Level, No Drive Guage

- d.b, s.b, far D, hcf + B+D, db~f + A+C, dp + A+C = 436 dmg (corner only)

2 Level, 1+ Drive Gauge

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + A+C (SC), qcb~hcf+K = 393 dmg (corner only)

- d.b, s.b, far D, db~f + C (DC), hcf + B+D, dp + A+C = 378 dmg (corner only)

Guard break Combos

[corner]j.CD -> st.C -> f+A -> (HD) st.C -> f+A -> db~f+A -> (HDC) hcf+BD (guard crush)
Edit: Locked. Check Online Matchmaking for a similar thread.

1. Post your speedtest.net/pingtest.net results. Be sure to select a connection on the OTHER side of the country
2. Post number of matches and players faced
3. Post the bars and/or color for the connection between you and EACH player you played
4. If possible, list the locations of the players you played. If you aren't from the USA, please also mention that
5. Post your thoughts on the lag, whether it be input lag or visual lag and tell us how you felt about it


2. Three Opponents. 3 matches with the first, one match with the second, two matches with the third
3. First opponent was 4 bars (blue), second and third opponent were both 3 bars (green)
4. First opponent was from Virginia. Second player's location unknown. Third player's location is Wisconsin.
5. The games all felt pretty good with very minimal lag. I didn't feel too much input lag if any and there wasn't a whole lot of visual lag either. It could be my lack of skill in KoF so don't take just my word for it or anything but this is just what I noticed thus far. Edit: Just played Desmond. I didn't think there was any lag but I was too busy being bodied to really tell lol. Would like to hear Desmond's opinion.
Terry Bogard / Terry Video Thread
February 05, 2012, 06:03:11 AM
Terry Bogard KoF XIII video thread. What else more is there to say? Post all Terry and Terry-related videos here and I will organize them all into the first post. I encourage everyone to try and post match videos and helpful combo videos/tutorials. I feel there are far too many 5 Stock training mode combo videos. Post them anyway even still, but I'm seeking to get more informative vids into this thread.


[spoiler]KOF XIII KCE公開動画その344現役声優による基本解説講座(Terry)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]KOFⅩⅢ 練習対戦研究実況プレイ 013 テリー① (Terry Master Class)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]KOF XIII Technical Reference TERRY BOGARD
(Arcade version)[/spoiler]

[/spoiler]A video showcasing differences between the left and right side damage values for the same combo.

Tournament Matches

STA Fall Brawl Finale - 12/04/11

Laban vs Hellpockets

J' (Reiki) vs. Michel S.

Jack Burton vs. Char-Rex

CJ SoulStar vs. Tyram

Hellpockets vs. Michel S.

Geovanny vs. Tyram

Freedumb vs. J' (Reiki)

Jack Burton vs. Rodger Dodger

Jack Burton vs. Fixel

CJ SoulStar vs. Hellpockets

Tyram vs. J' (Reiki)

STA Ranbats 3.3 - 02/05/12

J' (Reiki) vs. RogerDodger

J' (Reiki) vs. N4US

J' (Reiki) vs. Geo.YUC

Hellpockets vs. BBZ

Hellpockets vs. RogerDodger

Online Matches

SamsonK vs. Saitsuofleaves

Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 1

Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ 2

Saitsuofleaves vs. MastaCJ

Combo Videos

[spoiler]KOF XIII: Terry combo tutorial - Terry the lone Wolf[/spoiler]



This thread is for the sole purpose of the community submitting info to be placed onto Terry's KoF XIII wiki entry. Anything from match-ups, frame data, strategies, and damage/stun for normals, command normals, specials, supers, or even cosmetic recommendations etc can be placed here. This is however NOT for combos! To submit combos, please do so in the combo thread and read over the first post.


Terry Bogard / Terry Bogard Combo Thread
December 12, 2011, 05:21:29 AM
This thread is a WIP

The purpose of this thread is to talk about combos for Terry. Beyond that though, I want some community help and feedback on this subject. I'll be trying to handle this same approach with other characters as well, so same said assistance and feedback will be great. Basically? I'd like to try and highlight the combos that are the most useful/damaging/viable for competitive play. I have decided to take a page from dustloop, and for the most useful combos? They will be highlighted in red. That will be up to you guys to help us decide. I'll of course mess with what I can to see what is viable and what is not. If you wish to submit new combos, just post in this thread a combo and I will place it in the op post. Same goes with strategies and frame data. Otherwise? Take this information if it helps you, or help me help everyone else and point out the ones worth using and what's not.

I'd also like some help in pointing out which combos are bnbs, and what aren't. Listing if something is corner, how much stock/drive it uses, etc is also appreciated. For consistency's sake, I'll be posting everything up here the same way it is on the wiki. Everything in the wiki can just be viewed below:



No Stock, No Drive Gauge -

[spoiler]You can do the following as a starter:
st.C, df+C =>
st.D, df+C
d.B, d.A, d.C =>

d.C, df+C (Need to be close) => (Very impractical, the above is much better)
d.B, d.A, df+C (Need to be really close) => (with the new target combo, this is obsolete)

All of the above starters link to the following:
=> qcb+K (Crackshoot) (blockstring)
=> qcf+A/C (Power Wave) (blockstring)
=> qcb+A

d.B x3, st.B, qcb + B/D

Safeish enders
=> qcf+A (Use against grapplers. is vulnerable to guard roll, but otherwise its completely safe. try baiting guard rolls)
=> qcb+B/D (Use on everyone else. B version is -2 frames on block, D version is +1 if they block low and like -1 if they block standing. Either way, very safe but can be command grabbed) (many characters can make this move whiff by whiffing cr.b. the move is dangerous to use excessively especially if the opponent knows about the exploit)

d.D, df+C, qcb+B/D [blockstring] - Does a lot of guard damage for not putting you very close to your opponent as well as being whiff cancellable. Sets you up to guard crush people from a frame trap. [/spoiler]

No Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

[spoiler][corner]st.C, df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+K, d~u+C - (337)

st.C, df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+B, st.C - (313)[/spoiler]

No Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

[spoiler]You can do the following as a starter:
st.C, df+C =>
st.D, df+C
d.B, d.A, d.C =>
d.C, df+C (Need to be close) =>
d.B, d.A, df+C (Need to be really close) =>

All of the above starters link to the following follow-ups:
=> qcb, hcf+A/C (Power Geyser)
=> qcfx2+B/D (Buster Wolf)

d.B x3, st.B, qcb db f + P/qcf x2 + K/ qcb + AC/qcb + BD

Combo Starters
st.D, df+C =>
st.C, df+C =>
d.D (blocked), df+C =>
d.b, d.A, d.C =>

Safeish enders
=> qcf+AC (Use to continue pressure or add in a mix up_
=> qcb+BD (Use after d.Bx2 or a blocked d.D for low-high mix up_

[Blockstring] Standing D, df.C, qcf+AC -->

st.C (2), df.C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B/D, d/u+AC

d.D -> df+C -> qcf+AC -> qcb+D -> st.C (2 hits) -> df+C -> qcb+D -> st.C[/spoiler]

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

[spoiler]You can do the following as a starter:
st.C, df+C =>
st.D, df+C
d.B, d.A, d.C =>
d.C, df+C (Need to be close) =>
d.B, d.A, df+C (Need to be really close) =>

All of the above starters link to the following follow-ups:

=> qcb+A (Burn Knuckle) [DC] qcb+K (Crackshoot), d~u +AC (EX Rising Tackle) OR d~u+A/C (Rising Tackle) (#1 BnB) (392-407 dmg)

=> qcb+A (Burn Knuckle) [SC] qcfx2+K (Buster Wolf)(EX too)/ qcb, hcf + P (Power Geyser) (EX too)

=> qcf+A (Power Wave) [SC] qcfx2+K (Buster Wolf)(EX too)/ qcb, hcf + P (Power Geyser) (EX too)[/spoiler]

1 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -

2 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

[spoiler]Corner only => qcb+A (Burn Knuckle), [DC] qcb+D (Crackshoot), qcfx2 + BD (EX Buster Wolf)[/spoiler]

2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -

3 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

[spoiler]st.C, df+C, qcb+A, qcb+D, qcb hcf+AC (EX Power Geyser), qcfX2 B/D or BD (Either EX or regular Buster Wolf)
Regular does 551 dmg, EX does 656 dmg.[/spoiler]

Hyper Drive Combos -

[spoiler]*2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -
j.D, st.D, df+C, [HDA] st.D, df+C, qcf+A, [HDC] qcfX2+AC -delay- qcb+A = 696 dmg

*Note: You can run up and do burn knuckle or if you're too far away and have another bar, you can use EX burn Knuckle to hit him.

2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -
(corner)j.D, st.D, df+C, [HDA] st.D, df+C, qcf+C, [HDC] qcfX2+AC -delay- qcb+A, d~u+C = 750 dmg

3 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge -
(corner)st.C, df+C, qcb, hcf+CB {HD BYPASS}, [MC] qcfx2+AC, run up qcb+A, d~u+C = 805 dmg

Position: 2p starting position(a bit less if you use the alternative listed in notes.).
j. D, D, f + A, BC, D, f + A, qcb + A, qcb db f + AC, qcfx2 + AC, qcb + A, qcb + B, d~u + C

j. C, D, f + A, BC, D, f + A,  qcb + A, qcb + AC, d~u + C, qcb + C, qcb + D, d~u + C, qcb + C, qcb + D,  d~u + C/AC

Position: 2p starting position(a bit less if you use the alternative listed in notes.).
j. C, D, f + A, BC, D, f + A, qcf + C, qcf x2 + B/D, qcf x2 + AC,  qcb + A,  qcb + B,  d~u + C

j.D, st.D, f+A [HDA], st.D, f+A, qcb+AC, qcb+B, d~u+C (1) [HDC], qcb+C [HDC], ~delay~ qcb+D , d~u+C (1) [HDC], qcb+C [HDC], ~delay~ qcb+D [, d~u+C = 727 dmg

s.C ->  df + C -> (BC) s.C, df + C xx  qcf + A/C xx  qcf x2 + B/D xx qcf x2 + AC

j.D ->  D ->  f + A -> BC ->  D ->  f + A ->  qcb + A ->  d~u + C (HDC) ->  qcb + C (opponent in corner) ->  qcb + B ->  d~u C (HDC) ->  qcb + C ->  qcb + B ->  d~u + C (HDC) ->  qcb + AC ->  qcb + D (DC) ->  d~u + AC - 789 damage, 2 power gauges. Also requires all your drive meter and the corner, of course.

Cross-up j.D -> D ->  df + C -> BC -> D ->  df + C ->  qcb + A(HDC) ->  d~u + C (HDC) ->  qcb + C ->  d~u + C(HDC) ->  qcb + C ->  qcb + D  ->  qcfx2 + B (MC) -> qcfx2 + AC (opponent in corner) ->  qcb + A  ->  d~u + AC

Hop D, stand D, towards+A, HD Activate, stand D, towards+A, A Burn Knuckle, Super Cancel Level 2 Power Geyser, Max Cancel Trinity Geyser.  935 Damage Potential, 830 Damage Actual if you wind up in the corner, 746 Damage Actual if you start near the corner (both Power Geyser and Trinity Geyser lose a hit here).

Hop D, stand D, towards+A, HD Activate, stand D, towards+A, A Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel B Crack Shot, Level 1 Buster Wolf, Max Cancel Trinity Geyser.  800 Damage Potential, 710 Damage Actual if you wind up in the corner.

2 Drive, 4 Super (same as above but sans B Crack Shot):
Hop D, stand D, towards+A, HD Activate, stand D, towards+A, A Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle, (Turn Around), Level 1 Buster Wolf, Max Cancel Trinity Geyser.  887 Damage Potential if you stay out of the corner, 790 Damage Actual if you go there.

Hop D, standing D, towards+A, HD Activate, standing D, towards+A, A Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle (into corner, Don't Turn Around), HD Cancel B Crack Shot, (Pause a few frames here or else the EX Burn Knuckle will miss), C Rising Tackle, HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle (this is not as bad as Trial 5), A Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel D Crack Shot, C/AC Rising Tackle.  812 damage/860 Damage

Hop D, standing D, towards+A, HD Activate, standing D, A Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle (into corner, Don't Turn Around), HD Cancel B Crack Shot, C Rising Tackle, HD Cancel C Burn Knuckle (this is not as bad as Trial 5), HD Cancel EX Burn Knuckle, HD Cancel B Crack Shot, Level 1 Buster Wolf, Max Cancel Trinity Geyser.  830 Damage Actual, unfortunately there's no way to set up a Damage Potential scenario with this combo.[/spoiler]

Pro-Gear / The Razer Beta Xbox 360 Fightstick thread
October 05, 2011, 07:33:40 AM

So here's the deal guys. Razer is making an arcade stick to which they unofficially revealed at TGS. However, it is still not complete. They have a prototype which is being distributed via community beta. They are accepting community feedback and suggestions.

So here's the deal. Anybody can sign up to participate in this closed beta. Razer will select people based on what they think of the person's application, and if Razer likes your application they will send you a FREE 360 stick to beta test for them. I think everyone here involved on Dreamcancel should sign up for this. There isn't a main fightstick the SNKP community has ever gotten behind and this is an opportunity for us to really galvanize and build a stick for KoF by KoF players and fans. Not to say that Tekken and SF guys couldn't enjoy this, but it would be nice to have a "KoF" stick if you know what I mean. Even if it's not official!


Go here and click apply to be part of the beta. Make sure to also click recommend and recommend anyone you know who has signed up. To recommend someone, you must list their e-mail. I've all ready signed up, and if anyone is courteous enough, recommend me if you like. E-mail = steam.ninja@gmail.com. If anyone wishes I will also do the same for them. Also make sure to click feedback and provide thoughts and share with Razer your ideas to help make their stick better.

Known details about the stick:

-The current beta is ONLY for 360. However, that will work on PC so it can still be tested by a broad audience

-This stick is truly mod friendly and it will not void your warranty to modify it UNLESS you touch the PCB

-The stick has an easy switch in the front that snaps shut ala the PDP MK stick that will allow you to easily access the inside parts to swap buttons, tops, etc

-It has a bar inside on the left side to hold up the front panel while you have it open, making it easier to make quick adjustments

-It uses all sanwa denshi parts

-Has a bat top hole and two button holes inside for easy storage and swapping around

-Currently includes turbos in the same style as the Madcatz sticks

-Has a similar overall design as the Madcatz TE S stick

Known information about Razer:

-They are a leader in computer accessories

-They have a reputation of their stuff breaking in a few months (this is subjective to a case-by-case basis)

-They are primarily an American company

-They do sponsor competitive gaming teams, meaning if the KoF community supports Razer and gives strong feedback to help them out, we could see some Razer sponsored KoF teams (hopefully) in the future

Further reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razer_USA
This thread will serve the purpose of helping people get in some matches for RB2 if they're looking for competition or just some casual play. A statement I have heard many times: "I always wanted to play this game but nobody ever plays." This is a self-fulfilling prophecy my friends. That means if we DON'T play, obviously nobody will be playing! In this thread, all you need to do is post that you're looking to play/reply to someone else's request and then hook up with either GGPO, Supercade, or Arclive and play! I'll start things off...

Looking to play some RB2 today to brush up on my skills. Willing to teach anything to anyone who is unfamiliar with the game anything I can. Any questions I can't answer personally, I will find the answer to. Reply to this thread if you wanna get in some matches with me.

Useful links:

List of RB2 players currently here at DC:

Tutorial on how to make any arcade title work on GGPO:

Download link for what you'll need to do the save state glitch with in GGPO:

Download for GGPO:

Download for supercade:

Download and tutorial for arclive:

Skype and other voice service info:

RB2 section and information:

There wasn't much info out there I could find. Unfortunately, google translate of rbgarou.fc2web.com is very...hard to understand at times. No one has ever done a write-up on Sokaku before. The best player for Sokaku I've ever seen is Yor, though he's currently uninterested in RB2 again. I'm going to link him this and ask for some suggestions/feedback so we'll see what happens from here. If anyone else has anything to add, please do so!
Fatal Fury / Fatal Fury 1
September 01, 2011, 02:52:32 PM
Obligatory Fatal Fury 1 thread. There isn't much reason for this thread to be here, but I figured since we got FFS, 3, RBS, RB2, Garou, and Wild Ambition, might as well have this one too eh? I don't expect too much serious conversation about this title though.

From wikipedia:

Fatal Fury: King of Fighters (餓狼伝説 ~宿命の闘い~ Garō Densetsu Shukumei no Tatakai?, "Legend of the Hungry Wolf: The Battle of Destiny") is a 1991 head-to-head fighting game released by SNK for the Neo Geo arcade and home platforms. Fatal Fury was SNK's first fighting game for the Neo Geo system and served as the inaugural game in their Fatal Fury series, as well as the first game to depict the fictional "King of Fighters" tournament (which became the basis for the later The King of Fighters games). Many of SNK's mainstay characters, including the Bogard brothers Terry and Andy, and their arch-nemesis Geese Howard, made their debut in this game.

So since a lot of people are using skype these days, I think its only fitting we have a thread for people to be able to see who has skype and is willing to add and play people. Don't know what skype is? Never used it before? go here:


The Vampire Savior community has been utilizing skype to do matchmaking and its apparently been working out. There are also some alternatives out there to skype: good and bad. I'll mention a few in this OP post after the skype listing. Everybody just post their skype handles and I'll list them here in this post afterwards so its easier to find. The handle on the left is the DC username, the handle on the right is the skype user name.

Skype Matchmaking Listing:

Mightymar: mightymarcurse

RunningWild: RunningWildWolf

Deadlyrave Neo: deadlyrave-neo

Desmond Dellaghetto: themotioninvisiblesmusic

steamwolf: steam.ninja








Skype Alternatives:


Downright my favourite voice chatting service. Its browser based, slightly interactive to provide a bit of fun to bored chatters, and is easier to use and lags less than skype. This I believe is a better option for DC players, especially since you don't really need to register. Its basically like creating an XBL party and just linking the webpage url to whoever will allow anyone to join. You can also chat with text if you desire. I've used this a lot with small groups of friends and its provided the best results when dealing with lag in games.


The old staple for PC gamers playing World of Warcraft. I was going to create a vent server for DC, but I don't think its a good idea right now. I have noticed a lot of WoW players now use skype ironically...it seems to be the staple for gaming. I still prefer voxli though as its free to get started and no need to port-forward to make a server etc...


We had a steam group for DC but it was disbanded since no one used it. Very good voice chatting service, top quality and very lightweight on the internet connection as well as computer resources. If we got enough people interested in this again...a steam group might not be a bad way to go about it. As it currently stands, voxli seems like the best and easiest option.

And that's about it. Anything else I can't overly recommend that I know of, or I don't actually know of anything else on the top of my head. The top two contenders I still have to say would be voxli and skype. Voxli seems the best imo since its free, browser based, light-weight, and requires no registering or installation. Text and voice options available as well.

Lemme know your thoughts guys. If anyone notices any issues, please post in the thread here and let me know so I can change/add etc...
Fatal Fury / Fatal Fury series hitbox script
August 27, 2011, 09:00:18 AM

Dammit has just released a script that works for mame rr. Now granted, you can't run this on FBA/GGPO or anything but its still a useful tool that can be used by players for any Fatal Fury game. This goes for RB2 and Garou players especially, and heck...even Fatal Fury Special players! Considering what this is, I figured this deserved its own thread in the entire FF section. I'd like to see feedback on this and hear everyone's thoughts and provide any input on it if they've done any testing with it or not. I'm not quite sure myself how to set it up and get started using it... :(
08/21/11 - Session 1

steamwolf vs Giby

Giby wins 7-0

I missed these as well! If everyone could please reply or PM me the results, I'd appreciate it!
Real Bout 2 / RB2 Wiki Information and Template
August 13, 2011, 11:00:00 AM
Okay guys! So here's the situation. The RB2 wiki is SERIOUSLY lacking in growth and updates. I mostly blame myself, for trying to do everything BY myself mostly and just focusing on these forums. HOWEVER, that's not been very good for progress. SO! I'm hoping some of you would like to volunteer to help out. Every little bit counts! Now obviously, we want things to all kind of look similar. It'd be weird if we had five different character threads that all looked different!

As such, I've modified the KoF XIII Wiki template in order to fit for RB2. The & symbol will be used next to sections only to show the absolutely REQUIRED section for the template. Everything else is optional (but I hope you do so anyway!) Thus far I've got about two others or so helping me with this, but we need this done soon! With 3rd Strike leaving GGPO this month, and RB2 and RBS being included savestates with the new GGPO, I predict RB2 will be making its official appearance on GGPO which should draw in more people. As such, the more info DC has up the better it will be for returning/new players to this game.

Any questions about editing/creating pages on the wiki, any DC staff members should be able to help with. You can PM any of us at any time, or post your questions here. Don't worry, its not as hard as it may seem! A small amount of trial and error (make sure you always use the preview page option) will help you figure it out with relative ease. Good luck to anyone who decides to help out!

Edit: Oh yes and if you wish to start doing wiki editing, drop nilcam a PM and let him know and he'll get you set up with a login and password.


*character image goes here*, yes a character image will go here just to show what page are they on

Upload file, browse image whether it's in the folder/desktop/etc, then go back to the character page, "Edit" then put the tags [[Image:*image name*.png/jpeg/whatever]]

==Gameplay Overview==
This section is used to describe what the character can do and specifically what they're good at, are they proficient with throws/grappling? can they fight well in the corner? can they zone well? do they have unique move set-ups? are they a speedy character or are they slow? etc. Also explain the moves and what/where they excel at, this section is supposed to get people interested about said character and possibly have them in their team.

===Gameplay Notes===

- Info about what the character excels goes here, 4-6 descriptions is usually good enough

- info about what the character succumbs to, once again just a couple descriptions is good

This is the section for normals whether it's jump/stand/crouch

===Blowback Attack===

*image(s) goes here*

'''normal goes here, it's suggested that you abbreviate it but it's not required e.g. st.A:''', input goes here, description goes here, can it be used as an anti-air? does it chain with other moves? is it cancel-able? does it lack range? does it have a slow/fast start-up? note all of it here, this template goes all the normal sections (stand/crouch/jump)

- Cancellable: info goes here, if it isn't cancel-able (Including kara/feint cancels) just erase this part

- Hit Detection: high/mid/low etc

- Damage: Yup that goes here too

*Image goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Can be broken, regular throws can be broken so this will always go here, Air throws also go in this section, they also cannot be broken so be sure to note that

- Hit Detection: Close, throws are always close range

- Damage:

&==Command Moves==
*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Since it's a command normal be sure to describe what the character does when they use it, do they use their arm or leg? is it fast? is it slow? is it kara cancel-able or is it feint cancel-able? does it hit high/Mid/Low? how many hits does it do? which hit is cancel-able? do it combo well from lights (A/B) or strong attacks (C)? does it do a lot of hit-stun? does it have really bad recovery? is it safe or not, once again be descriptive

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

&==Special Moves==
*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- If there is a difference between the weak & strong version be sure to describe it, once again be as descriptive as possible

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

If there is another variation of the move simply put the information below the regular version of the move, e.g. Joe's P-Power (D Version)

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- *Cancellable specific information goes here*

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:

*picture goes here*

'''*Move Name here* (*input here*)''' - **description here**

- Hit Detection:

- Damage:


(FC) - Feint Cancel

(KC) - Kara Cancel

DMG - Damage

Some templates you may end up using

'''No Meter'''


'''S-Power/Yellow Life'''

'''S-Power/Red Life'''


'''FC Combos'''

- Info about tricks and stuff go here, e.g. To do Geese's f+B kara cancel into pursuit etc.

- Character sprite will go here, along with colors


&==Frame Specifics==
*Frame data will go here*

- other pictures and junk will go here

==Links & References==
- You can link Tournament videos here if you want to

'''Training Mode Videos'''
- Training modes of course will go here

[[Category: Real Bout 2]] this goes at the absolute end of the page


All credits for this template goes to Krazykone123 as he made the entire template, I just modified it.

Edit: Forgot to put the time! My bad guys. Time will be 6:00 PM CST/7:00 PM EST. This goes for both days. It'll just last until its done so play as long as you like!

All right the DC RB2 sessions but THIS time, Garou will be joining us for a Fatal Fury Weekend! Its August 20th and the 21st so don't plan anything on those dates! Same routine as before, you can choose this to be a FT5, 7, or 10. This thread will be deleted once the session is over and I'll post up the results over in the results thread. To sign up, post your GGPO/Supercade/Arclive handles, your characters used, which games you're gonna sign up for, and your speedtest results. Go to http://www.speedtest.net/ to do your speedtest and get the results.

On the day of the session, make sure you log in to the official Dreamcancel chatroom located in the toolbar at the bottom of the page an hour before so we can get everything organized and ready.


GGPO: steamwolf
Characters used RB2: Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary, Mai, Duck King, Xiangfei, Kim, Krauser
Characters used Garou: Terry, Rock, Dong Hwan, Marco (Butt), Tizoc
Games played: Both
Ping: 9ms
Download Speed: 20.29 Mbps
Upload Speed: 4.06 Mbps

GGPO: -Entity-
Supercade: J+M6308
Characters used RB2: Chonrei, Chonshu, Franco, Tung
Characters used Garou: Terry, Butt, Tizoc, Freeman
Games played: Both
Ping: 43ms
Download Speed: 16.89 Mbps
Upload Speed: 10.18 Mbps

GGPO/Supercade: Desmond Delaghetto
Arclive: Des Delaghetto
Game: RB2
Characters: Andy, Chonrei

GGPO: thecore
Supercade: thec0re3
Characters used RB2: Joe(main), Kim(possibly), Rick(possibly)
Characters used Garou: N/A
Games played: Both eons ago

GGPO/Supercade: RunningWild
Characters used RB2: Kim
Characters used Garou: B.Jenet

Supercade: Mr Bakaboy
Characters used RB2 (in order): Joe, Andy, Mai, Terry, Kim, Blue Mary
Characters used Garou (in order): Rock, Dong Wan, Jae Hoon, Marco, Terry, Hokutomaru, Freeman
Ping 40m/s

GGPO: Man Chest
Ping: 36
DL: 20Mbs
UL: 2Mbs
Entering MOTW
Characters: Whoever tickles my pickle

GGPO: MikelAL93
Location: Oklahoma
Game: MOTW
Characters: Terry, Rock

GGPO: Sonikku305
Characters: Terry, Rock, & Hotaru
Game: MOTW
ill post connection soon

Characters used in RB2: Franco Bash, sometimes Laurence Blood
Characters used in MOTW: Kain R. Heinlein, Tizoc
Since I've kind of rebooted how we're doing RB2 sessions now, I'll be doing this in a similar format to Desmond's 2k2 sessions, this one being session 1.

7/23/11 - Session 1

steamwolf vs. Louiscipher

Louiscipher wins 10-9

Jedpossum vs. Wingshot7777

Wingshot7777 wins 7-3

SaikyoMishima vs. thec0re3

SaikyoMishima wins 10-1

Ghostpilot vs. thec0re3

Ghostpilot wins 10-0

RunningWild vs. thec0re3

RunningWild wins 10-0

Ghostpilot vs. PureYeti

Ghostpilot wins 8-0

Ghostpilot vs. steamwolf

Ghostpilot wins 10-1

PureYeti vs. RunningWild

RunningWild wins 10-3

Runningwild vs. steamwolf

RunningWild wins 10-3

PureYeti vs. thec0re3

PureYeti wins 10-1

If I missed anybody or there's any errors, please reply to this thread and let me know.

Lemme know your thoughts guys. If anyone notices any issues, please post in the thread here and let me know so I can change/add etc...
We want to know when its convenient for everyone else and when people wanna play. I have allowed votes to be changed, so if you ever need to change your vote go ahead (I understand schedules sometimes change unexpectedly). So go ahead and leave your vote, cast your input, etc. Let us know what you think and what day is best for you, the members.
Social Club / Back from CEO!
June 19, 2011, 09:14:39 PM
Hey guys, I'm back from CEO and done putting so much of my time towards Capcom games (for awhile hopefully!). With KoF XIII console version announced, and with it more than likely being at regional tournaments in 2012, I see no reason to focus on anything thats NOT SNK! But for now, I'm gonna share a few things about CEO down here in FL and my thoughts on the whole thing and got some pics too!

First off, the venue was very nice. The Wyndham Hotel and Resort was a great place to stay and I was comfortable the entire time. Orlando is very very hot in the summer, but thats to be expected. However, the hotel and the convention center remained at comfortable temperatures so inside there wasn't a huge amount of sweating or anything. Alex Jebailey did a great job as TO and any issues that popped up were quickly resolved. Unlike most tournament streams I've seen, there was a quite a lot of entertainment. Cosplayers, cosplay contest, free NOS all weekend, a DJ, and a capoeira exhibition. Tons of casuals, custom arcade machines setup...it was a blast! As for SNK stuff I saw well...there wasn't much, but I did meet a friend of Desmond's!


I forget his name...DJ something? I feel bad for this! But he was a fantastic Garou player and I snapped a shot of his Neogeo and played a few rounds with him. I lost naturally (not used to this Neogeo layout at all...) but he said he knew Desmond when I got to talking about Dreamcancel and he told me he was from the Minnesota area and Desmond played on that same Neogeo before. I had to share this on here just for that reason! He even hooked up the Taito arcade machine with Garou which was very cool! He was untouchable in that game no matter who sat down to play him.


For any tech junkies, you may appreciate this. This is a Morrigan-styled Joystick with an alluminum battop and alternating LED lights when idling. It was beautiful and I loved it. The lights of course will each light up to the corresponding button you press, but they just keep alternating if you leave it alone. I was very impressed and nabbed one of his business cards. I have an SNK project lined up for this guy in the future!


Last but not least, the cosplayer who got the most attention: A Poison! Yeah she may be a dude but come on I couldn't resist! (Yes thats me in the pic). When the DJ saw her, he put on Biv Bev Devoe's "Poison" and several people began to dance to it, with Poison strutting up and dancing with them. Even some of the capoeira guys got in on it!

Onto more serious fighting game discussion at CEO...(Sorry, SNK news ended with the Neogeo!) SSFIV: AE was very interesting. There was a large amount of Yun players but many of them flat out sucked. The people who did the best were the ones who stuck to their original characters (with the grand exception of maybe Marn, who is doing decent with Yun). Tokido ended up winning everything he participated in (except Mortal Kombat he was destroyed in that). Tokido even won in MARVEL which was bumming Mike Ross pretty bad. I agree, America should be winning hand over fist in Marvel no matter what but looking at the current results for Norcal Regionals (subject to change!) we may end up redeeming ourselves against them there. Tokido however is not there. Its very possible that Tokido could become America's biggest threat in Marvel. Wether you like Capcom or not, deffinantly something to keep an eye on!

During the AE tournament, a very good El Fuerte player came outta nowhere (he actually eliminated me but I did better than his buddies thought I would) and gave Marn a serious run for his money. The crowd got behind him and began to chant "FUERTE FUERTE FUERTE!" and would usually yell "OHHHHHH!" very loud. I swear it was like hearing an army crying out! The Fuerte ultimately lost, and Marn was thoroughly pissed, but it was deffinantly a moment worth seeing.

Tokido ended up dominating Blazblue as well. I didn't watch most of that (or play) but one thing that greatly bothered me was it was just a Noel fest. If you used Noel, you won. If not, you probably lost. To me that is a huge balance issue that makes the game unfavorable to me and so I have no drive to touch it now. My friends stuck to their mains and got some compliments on how good they were with them but ultimately, they lost to Noel! Very disappointed with how BBCSII turned out.

Tekken and SCIV were about the same as BB on a lesser scale. Bob and Steve were the win buttons. SCIV had Sophitia as the win button (though there was no Sophitia who ranked top four). The top eight/four for each of those had some more variety than Blazblue did but I was still a little disappointed.

Mortal Kombat had a very interesting turnout. People used a wide variety of different characters and I got to see James Chen get utterly destroyed by a Reptile player. The Reptile was pissed at beating a famous guy like James Chen so easily. He won the entire tournament just using Reptile, which is funny because most people are all over Ermac and Smoke! Very interesting turnout there and it was fun to watch. More people signed up for MK9 than originally planned and thus they had to split it into four pools at the last minute. Not their fault, but who would have expected 100+ people for MK? Tekken sure didn't get that much (46).

Lastly, I ended up meeting with Harada-san of Namco Bandai! He signed my joystick and drew a little Heihachi picture on it. Apparently he was also dominating quite heavily with Heihachi in Tekken. I heard he beat F. Yagami pretty badly. I don't have any pictures to share of this, but I'll see about getting a pic of his signature sometime. ONE thing to look forward to is he showed a huge interest in the capoeira exhibition. He actually moved in to the front row and recorded the whole thing. Perhaps what he saw will be used for Tekken x Street Fighter? That would be quite the interesting turn of events. Perhaps SNK needs to come hang out with us more often and see things like that eh?

All and all, I had a lot of fun and Alex Jebaily and the rest of the CEO cast did a fantastic job. I hope KoF XIII happens next year and I would love to go and play it there! Next year, that will absolutely be my main game for tournaments.
Real Bout 2 / Rebel Yell - The Billy Kane thread
April 13, 2011, 03:03:18 PM

Lemme know your thoughts guys. If anyone notices any issues, please post in the thread here and let me know so I can change/add etc...
Real Bout 2 / Yakuza 101 - The Yamazaki Ryuji thread
April 10, 2011, 01:51:31 PM

Lemme know your thoughts guys. If anyone notices any issues, please post in the thread here and let me know so I can change/add etc...

Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes

-To win with Terry, you want to frustrate the opponent into jumping with Terry's nasty poking game, and pressuring them into cracking once they're in the corner.


-Ridiculous frame advantage

-High speed, power, and priority

-Incredibly good anti-air game


-His fireballs aren't too hot and have a little too much startup recovery

-No mindgames what-so-ever

-Only has two over-heads, and one of them, Power Dunk, is only worthwhile when used in a chain combo and even then is not too great

-If baited, his anti-airs can be punished severely, especially Rising Tackle


Far st. ;b

-Great reach

-Fast poke, helps keep people off of Terry

-Better suited for being about medium range when doing as a poke.

Far st. ;c

-Further reach than st. ;b

-Hits harder than st. ;b

-Slightly more recovery, but not a huge problem (Terry's frame recoveries are all insanely fast)

-Again, best suited to at medium range if used as a poke.

Crouching ;c

-Good reach


-Can be canceled into?


Buster Throw
;fd/ ;bk+ ;c(Close)

Command Moves

Back-step Kick - Terry does a jumping roundhouse kick
;fd+ ;b

-Knocks opponent into back plane

-Good for rushing down the opponent

-Good as a combo ender

-You can cancel it into a Special/DM by performing said Special/DM right before the kick comes out

Wild Upper - Terry does a straight uppercut into the air
;df+ ;a

-Good anti-air, but time it so the opponent is above you

Power Dunk - Terry follows up by knocking the opponent into the air and coming back down with a downward punch
;uf+ ;b (Right after Wild Upper)

Charge Kick - Terry does a running kick, similar to a punt in Football
;fd ;fd+ ;c


-Can cancel Charge Kick into a Special/DM by doing the Special/DM just before the kick comes out

-Can be canceled without hitting the opponent

Avoid Attack

Gut Uppercut - Terry does a fast uppercut into the air
;a+ ;b

-Good anti-air

-Use at the very moment you are about to be hit by the opponent to avoid an attack and counter-attack (Not on projectiles)

Power Charge - Terry follows up his Gut Uppercut with a football style tackle
 ;fd+C (Right after Gut Uppercut)

-Can juggle after the Power Charge

-Power Charge does not combo off of Gut Uppercut

Fake Attacks

Burn Knuckle Fake - Terry does the initial frames of the Burn Knuckle
;fd+ ;a+ ;c

-A good fake to use

Power Geyser Fake - Terry does the initial frames of the Power Geyser
;dn+ ;b+ ;c

-Another decent fake of his to use

Special Moves

Burn Knuckle - Terry poses for a moment, then flies across the screen with his arm extended, fist covered in energy.
;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c


-Can juggle a Rising Tackle with the  ;c version if they're in the air.

- ;a version comes out faster and goes out half the screen and does less damage

- ;c version comes out slower, but it covers the whole screen distance and does more damage

-Does decent stun

-Breakshotable. Highly recommended to use as a Breakshot

Power Wave - Terry punches the ground and throws a spark along the ground
;dn ;df ;fd + ;a

-Good for pressuring, but not recommended to use if you're far from your opponent.

-Will clash other projectiles, canceling both out.

Round Wave - Terry punches the ground, creating a small explosion around his fist
;dn ;df ;fd + ;c

-Hits both planes

-Must be blocked low in the back plane

-Pulls opponent to front plane even if they block

-Absorbs projectiles

-Not overly useful except for attacking the back plane

Crack Shoot - Terry travels through the air with one leg extended, flying in a semi circular path.
;dn ;db ;bk + ;b

-Good to use from medium range


-Good to use in combos

-Does not give knockdown


Fire Kick - Terry slides along the ground with one foot extended, if it connects, he does a second kick, which will send the opponent into the air.
;dn ;df ;fd + ;b

-The sliding kick must be blocked low

-Sliding kick must connect to perform the full attack

-Follow up kick launches opponent into the air and can be followed up with a Rising Tackle

-Needs to be used at about medium range at least or it won't connect


-Can be followed up with an  ;a Burn Knuckle or a Crack Shoot


-Difficult to use to surprise your opponent

Passing Sway - Terry hits the opponent with an elbow and then finishes with a turn around kick
;dn ;df ;fd + ;d

-Will send Terry to the back plane

-Will not work if opponent is in the back plane

-Not very useful as it doesn't provide much any advantage on hit

-Very little recovery lag

Rising Tackle - Terry risies from the ground spinning, feet first, arms extended
Charge ;dn,  ;up+ ;a

-Fantastic anti-air

-Has good priority

-Combos well

-Has low recovery lag

Desperation Move

Power Geyser - Terry punches the ground and a huge explosion rises.
;dn ;db ;bk, ;db, ;fd + ;b + ;c

-Good anti-air

-Great priority

-Comes out fast

-Quick recovery

-Absorbs projectiles

-Cannot combo off of anything (Unsure of this)

Super Desperation Move

Tripple Geyser - Terry punches the ground, creating three huge explosions with every punch
;dn ;db ;bk, ;db, ;fd + ;c

-Absorbs projectiles

-Combos off of practically everything


-Is possible to juggle from this, but its extremely hard
Edit: Posted up the wrong video! Sorry guys, here's the right one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EnZ57a-zhw
Real Bout 2 / Real Bout 2 Video Thread
March 12, 2011, 11:49:02 PM
Thus far, I've uploaded several RB2 match videos done by players here at Dreamcancel. There's a playlist now for all the RB2 videos, to make it very convientient for everybody to find RB2 videos on there and view them. Its rather small now, but the more we play the more we'll be able to add and the more things we'll find out from watching said videos about the characters. Overall, I recommend everyone check them out. Only one or two have some vocal commentary (thats more silly banter) and more recently I have cut down on that and added music over the few bits I've found.


The entire playlist of RB2 videos on DC. Lets get this list growing!

Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes

-A damn combo machine.

-Can do obscene damage off a jab.

-Is incredibly fast.

-Has a great all-around moveset, an unblockable that leads into combo, a ranged, projectile-eating super that hits low, and to top it all off, an infinite (though it is pretty tough to do).


-Rick excels in just about everything, but where he truly shines is his damage potential from anywhere, and his zoning, pressure and mixup games.


-Rick's a boxer, so his lows aren't anything to write home about. A lot of his moves can easily become victim to breakshots.



Far st. ;c

-Good Reach

-Decent Poke

-Can be used as a Breakshot? (Broken English in google translate is rough...)


cr. ;a

-Comes out fast

-Short reach

-Good for close-range mostly


Jumping ;a

-Strong jumping attack with good range

Jumping ;c

-A strong downward attack

-Works well against smaller opponents


Punching Bag
;fd/ ;bk + ;c (Close)

Command Moves

Punisher - Rick performs his far st. ;c animation, but with more range
;fd ;fd + ;c

-Cannot be used for a Breakshot?

Chopping Right - Rick leans forward with two jabs in a downward angle
;fd+ ;a

-Two Hits

-Both hits are overheads

-Can be canceled into a Special/DM/SDM by performing the Special/DM/SDM before Chopping Right comes out

-Appears to have bad frames on block?

-Best used for rushing down and punishing a low block.

Sword Smash - Rick does an uppercut
;df+ ;a

-Can be used for anti-air

-Hits pretty hard

-You can connect a variety of combos with this

Step Punch - When used right as he's about to be hit, Rick will dodge the attack and counter-attack
;a+ ;b

-Small reach

-Don't use as a dillusionary tactic

-Good as an anti-air?

Shooting Star Fake - Rick ducks and performs the initial frames of his sweep
;fd+ ;a+ ;c

-This move is actually improperly named, as Rick does not fake his Shooting Star at all, but instead fakes his standard sweep.


-Can be comboed off of

Shooting Star - Rick dashes forward and delivers four punches to the stomach and face.
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a


-Must reach opponent to execute this maneuver

-Comes out faster than the  ;c version, but doesn't knock down

-Doesn't travel as far as  ;c version, nor does it launch opponent into the air

-Rick's most useful move

-Very safe

-Combos off of any normal from any range

-Does great damage

-Leaves Rick at frame advantage

-Rick will not do the punches if missed

-By whiffing a dash, you can instantly go into a throw, which is a good confusion tactic

-Easiest move to eat a Breakshot with.

EX Shooting Star - If you don't have meter, Rick will do a six-hit punch series
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c

-If you don't have meter, Rick will do a six-hit punch series

-Which is unsafe

-And the punches come out even if the dash whiffs

-If you DO have meter, Rick does a series of punches that ends with a massive uppercut

-Combos from anything

-Chips away at the bigger characters like crazy

-Can be juggled with a Hellion or a Punisher afterwards

-Still unsafe

-Causes decent stun

Divine Blast - Rick leaps back about 2/3 of the screen distance, whistles, and delivers a sliding punch that travels about 3/4 screen distance
;dn ;db ;bk+ ;c


-Knocks down unless you hit with the very tip of Rick's fist

-Can be used for a breakshot

-Which shouldn't even be bothered with, as he has other, better, Breakshots

-Press  ;d while backdashing and Rick will cancel out of the attack

-Which is a good way to help maintain distance between you and the opponent

-Decent stun

Full Moon Fever - Rick sways back and forth and goes "wahoo!".

-Rick will continue swaying for as long as you hold  ;b

-If not holding  ;b, move will drop automatically after five seconds

-Bad recovery

-Completely open to lows and throws during the animation

-Dodges high attacks

Hellion - Rick swings his left fist across his body, and then swings his other fist upwards, with both swings leaving behind a gold trail.
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;a

-Very fast

-Great priority

-Good as an anti-air

-Great as a Breakshot

-Can juggle from his sweep

-If done right after  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c (Both versions), this can be done as an infinite combo

-Good stun

Blazing Sunburst - Rick leans back for a moment and then delivers a huuuuge blow to the opponent's stomach.
;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a


-If used when opponent is knocked down, opponent can backdash or reversal so use it sparingly

-If you do manage to land it, however, you can cancel it into Rick's  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c with meter, which means about a bar and 1/3 worth of damage.

-Rather slow, so it can be hard to combo with

Gaia Breath - Rick's DM. Rick delivers a huge punch to the stomach, followed by a giant right cross that sends out a giant typhoon.
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b+ ;c

-Cancels projectiles

-Great damage for a DM

-Safe as long as the opponent doesn't Breakshot

-Has almost zero range, but still has combo options

-Has good stun

Howling Bull - Rick's SDM. Rick delivers a series of barely-visible punches ending with a huge fireball.
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c

-Punches have 2/3 screen range

-Fireball has full screen range

-Combos from anything

-Quick start up

-Great damage

-Good invincibility

-Zero recoverys

-Eats fireballs

-Hits low

-Possible to juggle with this, but it can be a little tricky

-Of course, good stun
Update: thec0re3 has been added to the player base. He says he's always wanted to play RB2 and never had anyone to play with, so anyone willing to feel free to get in some games with him. Also: Only 12 votes listed on the poll after all this time. We got 22 RB2 players here! Come on guys, we can't let KoF 02 beat us! (Jk KoF players I like it too)

While DC as a whole may have its own Player Database, I feel its necessary to let everyone know who plays RB2 and how many players for the game we actually have here at DC. I'll also list potential players, people who are trying it out and/or are interested.

Currently, we do RB2 First to 5/7/10 sessions depending upon player preference. The plan is to do this once or twice a month on weekends so look forward to these sessions in the future.

Current known players here at DC: 22

steamwolf - North Florida, USA EST
Deadlyrave-Neo - New Orleans, LA USA CST
Nilcam - Oklahoma, USA CST
DesmondDellaghetto - Minnesota, USA CST
Tom Caddie
Sibarraz - Chile, South America
Louiscipher - New York, USA EST
Wingshot7777 - North Florida, USA EST
RunningWild - New York, USA EST
Bun Bu Ryo Do
Nocturnal - Southern California, USA PST
God 2.0 - Norway
Yor - France

Potential Players:
This poll is to determine what people are feeling right now. What do you wanna play? What games never get old to you? What are you willing to play online and have fun with? For the Other categories, please post the name of the title(s) you feel like playing the most. You can change your vote, as well as vote for multiple games. Please remember, this is for the sake of online play and to determine where people stand with what games and what everyone feels like playing that isn't boring to them in terms of casual or competitive online play.
Real Bout 2 / Tier List Discussion
February 25, 2011, 07:32:19 PM

Added as much info out there and different perspectives out there that I could find. So without further ado, please everyone start talking about these!
Online Matchmaking / How to play any arcade title on GGPO
February 12, 2011, 11:11:46 AM
Okay, this will be a tutorial on how to make GGPO play ANY arcade title you desire! I have no idea if Ponder or anyone else involved in GGPO or the guys behind FBA approve of this or not. They don't seem to mind, so I'm not going to skirt the issue. Until further notice, I will not be providing a link where one can quickly download the save state, emulator, and ESPECIALLY not the roms. Roms are illegal to own and you can only "legally" own a rom if you own a physical copy of said game. With that said, here is a step-by-step instruction on how to play any arcade title using GGPO.

1. First, select a game from the list GGPO provides of its games that actually use GGPO. To see this, naturally you will need to launch ggpo.exe and log in. For the sake of this guide, I will be using Super Puzzle Fighter II: Turbo. I'm sorry if anyone likes this game or is a hardcore, serious puzzle fighter gamer but uh...most of us aren't.

2. Once you have the title selected that you wish to manipulate in order to play a different game, you will need to create a .zip file for this title. The catch is, it needs to be a blank .zip file, with the proper abbreviation that the roms typically use. For this title that I am using as an example, it would be: spf2t.zip. To enter any room in GGPO with the exception of the lobby, all the program needs is to see an archive named <insert name here>.zip. With that, any room is accessible. However, this is not enough to play any game.

3. Next, you will need to open up ggpofba.exe. This is what I call the offline ggpo/kaillera ggpo. Its merely Final Burn Alpha (an arcade emulator) with the GGPO logo on it. You need to launch this, and select the game you truly wish to use with GGPO instead of the game we selected from GGPO's normal list (for this case, we used SPF2T). For the sake of this part of the tutorial, we will select Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The New Comers as the game we will be replacing SPF2T with. If you have said rom (or whichever rom you decide to use) then start the game up.

4. From here, all you need to do is go to Game > Save State. The next screen will ask you to name the savestate. You MUST name the savestate the same name as the blank zip file you created. So if we want to play RB2 on GGPO, and we're replacing SPF2T with RB2, we will need to name the RB2 savestate as "spf2t_ggpo.fs". This is essential for making the game work correctly. Make sure it is saved as such. You can create the save state at any point during the gameplay of RB2, it doesn't matter when or where.


5. Once this is done, close ggpofba.exe, and open up ggpo.exe again. Select Super Puzzle Fighter 2: Turbo, and (if you had a friend follow the same instructions), challenge each other. Instead of SPF2T, the game will launch RB2 for you and your friend to play with GGPO's netcode! Enjoy!

Remember, the games I used as examples in this were merely just that: examples. Here at DC, I along with a few others, are using puzzle fighter to play RB2. This is mostly because its a very lesser played game and not quite popular enough. Its not not going to distract any serious players by trying to challenge someone they can't even play. I recommend only doing this for specific games that not many people play (Like windjammers).

For anyone interested, here is a download link for the .zip and .fs files all ready made by me for RB2. Since everyone needs the exact same files, I'd rather these float around than everybody else making their own.

Real Bout 2 / Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Information
February 08, 2011, 09:44:21 AM

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers, known as Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Legend of the Hungry Wolf) 2: The Newcomers in Japan, it is the 7th installment in the Fatal Fury series and the last of the 2D Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu games on arcade. Like FFS and RBS, this is another Dream Match title, bringing characters from across the series, even ones who died, back for this game. This is by far the fan favourite of the Fatal Fury series, only rivaled by Garou: MotW in terms of popularity amongst SNK players. Overall, its one of the most fun and balanced SNK fighters to date, with plenty of old characters from across the FF series and even some new faces (Hence the "Newcomers" subtitle)

This information is for the arcade version of the game.



Again, like FFS and RBS, this game has no story and is merely a Dream Match to gather up various people, alive and dead, to have a game where they can all be played as.

(Yes these are HAPP parts. Get over it, I use sanwa and seimitsu)

Basic Controls
;ub ;up ;uf
;bk  N  ;fd
;db ;dn ;df

Basic Mechanics

Forward Dash -  ;fd ;fd Jumping during a forward dash allows for greater distance
Backward Dash -  ;bk ;bk Good for dodging normals and specific specials (I.E. Certain projectiles with less range). There is a slight frame of invincibility in everyone's backdash, with Xiangfei having the longest frames of invincibility.
Small Jump -  ;ub  ;up  ;uf (Tap once, don't hold)
Block -  ;bk (Hold) Blocking prevents knockdowns and damage from normals and you take much less damage without knockdown from specials and DM/SDM. Standing block can be used against standing and jumping attacks. A note on blocking: When you block an attack in this game, you do not have to keep holding the stick back. The game has a semi-auto block where once the first hit is blocked, you can release it and allow your character to continue the block with the joystick in neutral. This makes Break Shots much easier to perform due to not needing to constantly hold back while blocking.
Crouch Block -  ;db (Hold) This will block any low attacks. Standing and jumping attacks will still hit you, learn to mix block and low block up depending upon the situation for the best results in your defensive game.
Air Block -   ;bk (Must be mid-air) Obviously, this blocks attacks while in the air. Best used when jumping in on someone who uses a lot of aerial attacks or attacks that hit high.
Crawl -  ;df (Hold) I like to call this "Duck Walking" so you'll probably see me call it duck walk or DW a lot. Its useful for remaining in a crouching position to charge up some   ;dn  ;up attacks like Terry's Rising Tackle, or to do some zoning while anticipating a low attack.
Mid-Air Turn - While jumping, press  ;d to turn around in the air. Very useful for quickly turning around while jumping over your opponents in order to go into an attack or to perform a mid-air special.

Feint - These are fake-out moves that start up as though the character is about to go into a special/DM/SDM move, but ends it prematurely. These are usually used during chain combo's to cancel part of the animation and then quickly go into another attack to continue the combo with another chain. This will allow you to do some very advanced combos not normally possible. These are also used to recover quicker from normals and then continue into another normal or something else.
Evasion Attack - Press  ;a and  ;b together. This will evade an attack for a split second while you attack the opponent.

Grapple/Throw - Press Forward or Back and C when you are very close to your opponent. Certain characters also have air throws, so make sure you check the command list of who you're playing to be sure.
Safe Fall - Press  ;d during your own knockdown, before hitting the ground, to recover quickly. Does not work if thrown or hit with a DM/SDM

Pursue Attacks - Specific characters have these. They are attacks used to hit someone while they are on the ground. All the more reason to use Safe Fall religiously.
Life Shift Recovery - Hit  ;up;d  as you hit the ground to roll onto the back line. You need to have H Power or higher to do it.
Taunt -  ;c;d Its a taunt, what can I say? These are more effective as a mind game against human opponents, as it pisses them off. I like to use them after a DM/SDM in order to further rub it in their face that I pulled it off. Other than that, they do nothing.

Break Shot - Sometimes referred to as "Guard Cancel", certain special and Desperation Moves can be done while blocking and break your opponent's attack. H Power or higher is required as it drains your gauge by one bar. Obviously for DM Breakshot, you need S Power or higher.

360 Degree Motions: Many characters in this game use these for different inputs. However, like 360 motions in most fighting games, this can be done by doing hcb, any up directional + whichever attack button is required. This is useful for pulling off those 360 motions that seem so difficult to those who don't use characters who use them.

Two characters cannot be on the back plane at the same time.

Switch to back plane -  ;d
Low Attack -  ;b From back plane
Overhead Attack -  ;a From back plane
Strong Attack -  ;c From back plane
Switch to front plane -  ;d From back plane
Roll to front plane -  ;dn
High plane attack -  ;d When opponent is in back plane. Overheard, will pull the opponent to the front plane if connected
Low plane attack -  ;dn  ;d when opponent is on back plane. Must be blocked low, will pull the opponent to the front plane if connected

When both characters are in opposing planes:
Front Plane Character: Cannot duckwalk

Back Plane Character:
Cannot perform special moves unless specified.
Cannot perform DMs/SDMs.
Cannot crouch. It will however show the crouch block animation when crouch blocking.
Cannot Duckwalk.
Cannot jump.
Dashing forward or backward will switch you automatically to the front plane.
Standing still for two seconds will automatically switch you to the front plane.
Holding  ;up will keep you in the back plane.
Walking  ;bk or  ;fd will allow you to stay in the back plane.

Power Gauge and Desperation Moves
Power Gauge: This meter will fill up when you use your special moves, connect (not blocked) any attack, or block an incoming attack. There are three levels of the Power Gauage, each having different effects to them.

H. Power: This is when half of the power gauge is filled. You're capable of doing Break Shots when you have H. Power, and you're more likely to have H. Power most of the time than the other two levels of the gauge. Often times, it can be better to just go for a Break Shot than use up everything on one DM/SDM. Break Shot will however lower the power gauge back down to zero.

S. Power: When your gauge is filled up, it will become S. Power. This gauge will decrease over time. With it, you are able to use your Desperation Moves. When you use a Desperation Move, your gauge will go back down to nothing once again. If your life bar is flashing red, you will be able to use S. Power DM an unlimited amount of time as long as your life remains critical.

P. Power: When your life turns red, the gauge will then become P. Power when filled up all the way. Like S. Power, it will also decrease over time. This will allow you to use your Super Desperation Moves. Once an SDM is activated, the bar completely goes back down to zero. Remember: As long as your life is flashing red, your gauge will always build back up to P. Power after H. Power.

Chain Combos
Each character is capable of chaining specific basic attacks into Chain Combos. They differ from character to character, but each do decent enough damage on their own. The best thing about these, is you can follow them up with a special/DM that will do much more damage than without them. You can also knock your opponent into the background with some of these, allowing for more damaging combos. Its best to learn how to do your character's chain combos, and then try and turn them into flashier, longer combos.


These are rather disputed, and I'll be citing sources as to where these different lists have come from. Bear in mind, this game is extremely balanced and there is no one character that dominates all 100% of the time, even during high-end Japanese tournaments. Any character in this game is a viable option, and at most you might have to try a little harder in certain matchups but you won't be seeing anyone winning because of <Insert character here>.

Ghost Pilot AKA Mr. Big's Tier list:
Rick, Kim, Chonshu, Escalation-Mode Mary

Geese, Yamazaki, Terry, Franco, Hon-Fu

Bob, Xiang Fei, Krauser

Sokaku, Mai, Chonrei, Mary, Billy, Laurence, Joe, Duck, Andy

Tung, Cheng

For further analysis and reading, check here: http://shoryuken.com/f4/fatal-fury-real-bout-2-thread-139480/#post4331965 Ghost Pilot goes into further detail about his tier list and why he chose what he did.

Akutabi's Tier List:
Rick (Mix-up+Damage), Xiangfei, Billy, Geese & Bob

Mai & Krauser

Just about everyone else not listed

Cheng, Sokaku & MAYBE Mary

Terry Bogard
Andy Bogard
Joe Higashi
Kim Kaphwan
Duck King
Mai Shiranui
Rick Strowd
Li Xiangfei
Sokaku Mochizuki
Bob Wilson
Hon Fu
Blue Mary
Franco Bash
Ryuji Yamazaki
Jin Chonshu
Jin Chonrei
Billy Kane
Cheng Sinzan
Tung Fu Rue
Laurence Blood
Wolfgang Krauser
Geese Howard
Alfred Airhawk
Real Bout 2 / Chain Attack Legend
February 07, 2011, 11:45:17 AM
* - can perform special/super right after if connected
E - ends string
1 - first hit must connect for this part to come out
2 - second hit must connect for this part to come out
3 - third hit must connect for this part to come out
4 - fourth hit must connect for this part to come out
O - overhead
_ - must be blocked low
A - launches opponent into the air
G - opponent must be on ground and must be close enough to connect the pursue
   (otherwise dash towards them before they recover to get close enough)
< - backdash
> - shifts to other side of opponent
^ - knocks opponent to back plane
v - knocks opponent to front plane if opponent is in back plane
T - taunt
H - first attack must be from a high jump for this part to come out

Gameplay Overview

Gameplay Notes
-Use her speed as she is not that strong of a character

-Don't rely on her specials. Use chains and then cancel into Nanpa for quick hits.

-On wake up, use Ten Poh Zan or  ;c. Those have high priority in this game, as well as cr.  ;a and cr.  ;b

-Abuse her DMs when in red life

-Backdash with Xiangfei works as an emergency escape and provides temporary invincibility. Opponent's attacks will pass right through during your backdash, not regular dash.

-Very fast

-A bit on the weak side



st. ;b - Xiangfei sends out a quick kick. Good range and recovery time.

-Useful as a Poke


cr. ;b -A long-reaching crouching kick. Another good poke.

-Useful for poking and connecting other attacks

-Can connect into Zen Chuoh


j. ;b


Reverse Elbows
;fd/ ;bk+ ;c (Close)

Command Moves

Ri mon Chou Chu
;fd+ ;a
-Xiangfei does a lunging elbow. Not really worth doing because it's slow.

Low Foot
;bk+ ;b
-Must be blocked low. You can feint the Low Foot into a  special/DM by doing the Special/DM just before the Low Foot comes out.

 Hop Cancel
 -Low Foot won't come out, and instead it will cancel into a forward hop/low dodge.

-Xiangfei does a fake  ;bk+ ;b, then she does a quick hop forward. Not very useful.

Drunken Backhand
;a+ ;b
-Xiangfei slightly sways herself toward the opponent while giving him/her a hard strike with her fist.
-Use right before you're about to be hit by a non-projectile, and Xiangfei will dodge and counter attack.
-Good range, fast, and combo-able.

Unknown Name
;c,  ;fd,  ;fd+ ;a
-Xiangfei does her  ;c attack, then slides past the opponent to the other side. Purpose of this move is still unknown. Probably to confuse opponents.

Feint Ten Poh Zan
;bk+ ;a+ ;c
-Can make Xiangfei invincible for a bit against projectiles and standing attacks

Feint Taitetsujin
;dn+ ;b+ ;c

Special Moves

Nanpa (Breakshot)
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c
-Xiangfei does a quick turn with both arm extended, and attacks with chi palms.
-Absorbs projectiles
-This move when done with  ;a is fast but has poor range, which keeps it from being a better move. It leaves you open for other attacks if missed, so be careful when using it.  Make sure it connects or at least hits the opponent.

Zen Chuoh
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b
-Xiangfei does a quick dash then tumbles on the ground toward the opponent and grabs, then elbows the opponent and sends them flying. This is a pretty good move to use get a surprise hit. You can use this to get under non-groundbased projectiles like Krauser's high Blitz ball.
-The rolling grab needs to connect without being blocked to perform the technique.

  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b
 -After Zen Chuou is done, the opponent is sent flying. Then she will jump in after the opponent and give him/her a flying kick, followed by another one that knocks the opponent down.  Do this before Xiangfei gives the opponent the elbow.

  Shin Saiha
  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b
 -Do this during the roll or just before she reaches the opponent. If the Zen Chuoh elbow connects, you performed this too late. This changes her grab to one that is unblockable.

Ten Poh Zan (Breakshot)
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b
-Your average dragon punch.  Xiangfei does a steep diagonal shoulder tackle. Good move.  Works just like a dragon punch.  Good priority.

Esaka (Breakshot)

   (High)  ;a then  ;up just as you are about to be hit.

   (Mid)   ;a then   ;fd just as you are about to be hit.

   (Low)  ;a then  ;dn just as you are about to be hit.

Desperation Moves

Taitetsujin (Breakshot)
;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b ;c
-S. Power. Xiangfei extends her arms out and brings them to her side. The ground explodes sending the dust up clouding her, then she dashes out and tackles the opponent. Very fast, though vulnerable to projectiles. Good move, but not very comboable. More useful for catching people off guard or in the middle of something else.

Chou Pairon Starter
-Must touch the opponent for followups to come out.

 Follow Up
  ;fd,  ;db,  ;fd+ ;a ;b
 -If Chou Pairon Starter is blocked, this Follow Up is possible but you cannot perform the Finish.

  ;fd,  ;db,  ;fd+ ;a ;b
-Xiangfei does her strong attack, then follows up by rushing in with a double palm strike, and finishes with a shoulder ram, sending the opponent into the wall. This move is more recommended for comboing and is overall her better DM.

Super Desperation Move

360+ ;c
-Xiangfei puts her hands on the opponent's chest, forcing her chi into the opponent and sends them flying. Does 100 Rush Hits. If missed, she'll still her her arm out, palm open, and will let out a chi blast that does half the damage.
-Connects close. Unblockable.

Chain Attacks

Punch Starters

;a (*)  -------->  ;a (*)      ----->  ;a (*)     ----->  ;a       ----->  ;fd+ ;a (E)
;dn+ ;a (*) |       ;dn+ ;a (*)          ;dn+ ;a (*)         ;dn+ ;a
;fd+ ;a (*) |                                  ;c (*, E)           ;b (*, E)
                 |                                                          ;c (E)
                 ----->  ;b (*)      ----->  ;c (O, E)  
                 |       ;dn+ ;b (*, _)       ;dn+ ;c (_, E)
                 |                                   ;df+ ;c (*, A, E)
                 |                                   ;d (<, E)
                 ----->  ;c (*)      ----->  ;a (*)     ----->  ;c (E)
                                                      ;b (*, E)          ;a+ ;b (T, E)
                                                                             ;d (T, E)

;a in air (O)--->  ;b (1, H, O, E)
                         ;c (1, H, O, E)

Kick Starters

;b (*)  -------->  ;b(*)    ----->  ;c (0, E)
;dn+ ;b (*, _)     ;dn+ ;b (*, _)  ;dn+ ;c (_, E)
                                              ;df+ ;c (*, A, E)
                                                  ;d (<, E)

;bk+ ;b (*, _)--->  ;d (E)

;b in air (O)--->  ;c (F, H, 0, E)

Strong Starters

;c (*)    -------->  ;fd,  ;fd +  ;a (1, >, E)

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;fd+ ;a:
-4 hit punch end with Drunken Backhand.  Total of 5 hits.

cr. ;a---cr. ;a---cr. ;a---cr. ;a--- ;fd+ ;a:
-4 hit crouching punch end with Drunken Backhand. Total of 5 hits.

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;b:
-Three hit punches end with a roundhouse kick that bounce the opponent one space away.

;a--- ;a--- ;a--- ;c:
-Three hit punches, Two way Palm Strike.

;fd+ ;a--- ;c--- ;b:
-Lunging elbow, palm stike, roundhouse kick.

;a--- ;c---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;c--- ;a---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;c:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Two way palm strike.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;d:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Taunt 1.

;a--- ;c--- ;a--- ;a+ ;b:
-Jab punch, Elbow, Double Palm Strike, Taunt 2.

;a+ ;b---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Reach out Fist, Zen Chuou, Kankuu.

;a--- ;b--- ;c:
-Jab Punch, Punch, Double fists strike.

;a--- ;b--- ;df+ ;c:
-Jab Punch, Punch, Double Jump kick.

;b--- ;b--- ;c:
-Knee, Roundhouse, Two way Palm Strike.

;b--- ;b---cr. ;c:
-Knee, Rondhouse, Sweep (doesn't knockdown)

;b--- ;b--- ;d:
-Roundhouse kick, punch, back flip (her b, b).

cr. ;b---cr. ;b---Zen Chuou---Kankuu:
-Low kick, Weak Sweep, ZenChuou, Kankuu (yes it's a combo)

Frame Data

Standing  ;a: 7f, +0 on block, +4 on hit
->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;b: -13 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;a: -9 on block, -5 on hit
->  ;a->  ;a->  ;a->  ;fd+ ;a: -12 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a ->  ;dn+ ;a: -7 on block, -3 on hit
NOTE:  ;a and  ;dn+ ;a are completely interchangeable in the above group of strings, so you can use things like  ;a- ;dn+ ;a- ;c xx special.
->  ;b: -10 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;b->  ;c: -12 on block, -6 on hit
->  ;b->  ;dn+ ;c: -14 on block, -8 on hit
->  ;b->  ;df+ ;c: -7 on block
->  ;b->  ;d: 29f
NOTE:  ;a->  ;dn+ ;b also leads into the above group of strings.
->  ;c: -7 on block, -1 on hit
->  ;c->  ;a: -4 on block, +2 on hit
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;c: Same as  ;a- ;a- ;a- ;c
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;a+ ;b: 43f
->  ;c->  ;a->  ;d: 83f
->  ;c->  ;b: Same as  ;a- ;a- ;a- ;b
Standing  ;b: 7f, -9 on block, -5 on hit
-> Same strings as the Standing  ;a->  ;b group ( ;b- ;b- ;df+ ;c, etc.)
Standing  ;c: 10f, -5 on block, +1 on hit
->  ;fd, ;fd+ ;a: -12 on block, -7 on hit
Crouching  ;a: 7f, +0 on block, +4 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;a
Crouching  ;b: 6f, -5 on block, -1 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;b
Crouching  ;c: 10f, -14 on block
Jumping  ;a: 6f
Jumping  ;b: 6f
Jumping  ;c: 14f
Neutral Jumping  ;b: 6f
Neutral Jumping  ;c: 9f
;a+ ;b: 8f, -12 on block, -6 on hit
Standing  ;d: 8f, -3 on block, +0 on hit
Crouching  ;d: 11f, -6 on block
Backplane  ;a: 22f, +0 on block, +2 on hit
Backplane  ;b: 22f, -1 on block, +1 on hit
Backplane  ;c: 25f, +7 on block, +13 on hit
;fd+ ;a: 13f, -4 on block, +0 on hit
-> Same strings as Standing  ;a
;bk+ ;b: 21f, -5 on block, +1 on hit
->  ;c: 33f

;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a: 15f, -6 on block, -4 on hit
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c: 26f, +2 on block
;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b: 22f, -5 on block
->  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b: 28f total
->  ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b: No frames, but this must be input early in her "elbow" animation.
;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b: 5f, -41 on block
;a, ;up: 1f
;a, ;fd: 1f
;a, ;dn: 1f

;fd, ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b+ ;c: 23-40f depending on distance, -4 on block
Standing  ;c: Data already listed above
->  ;fd, ;db, ;fd+ ;a+ ;b: -7 on block
->  ;fd, ;db, ;fd+ ;a+ ;b: Frames don't matter since this only works on hit.

360+ ;c(grab): 1f
360+ ;c(projectile): 24f, -38 on block

;bk+ ;a+ ;c: 22f
;dn+ ;b+ ;c: 24f


Links and References
So would you guys like a vent server? jedpossum has mentioned skype is giving his system issues and on my old singlescore system I was having issues with skype lagging me down badly. Ontop of this, Desmond Delaghetto has mentioned arclive is giving him a little input lag. This could be due to skype! Skype wants to be the ONLY thing running unless you've got a very powerful machine (even I get a little laggy if I'm doing too much at once with skype!) Vent is much easier to use and we can get multiple people on it, and even have different sub-channels within the server. So say there's five people playing KoF 02 and five playing RB2. We could easily split them up so they're not all talking on the same channel AND they can come and go to each channel with the click of the mouse very easily. Vent also offers free talking as you please or push to talk by choosing a button to use on your keyboard. This can prevent people from saying things they may not want others to hear on the mic. Again, vent is very light-weight as its designed to be a tool for gamers in MMORPGs in order to make doing raids and such in WoW easier to communicate. Its up to you guys! But this may help very much with our online community. I can easily set up a server for us to use quickly and teach everyone how to get on and use it. Just leave your votes!

I'm gonna leave this poll up for awhile. Since we've got what, 30 people registered in the database? I figure I should give this one some time. But its looking like I'll probably just make the vent server and a thread explaining how to get on it.
Offline Matchmaking / North Florida
January 19, 2011, 05:07:51 PM
Looking for players in the North-Central Florida area. I'm also willing to travel around a bit if we can get multiple people to come out. I'd say the furthest I'll travel would be Atlanta and Miami (unless there's a tournament gonna happen) both of which are about 5 hours from me but like I said, I don't wanna spend money to get out and then find one or two people wanting to play.
Social Club / Fatal Fury Artwork Collection
January 17, 2011, 11:19:46 AM
Well wasn't sure where to post this so I guess I'll stick it here lol. There was an artwork collection of FF stuff posted on the old SNKPUSA Forums, had a lot of good stuff from the FF series and lots of concept art. I had it, but lost it when my old PC messed up. Does anyone have it or know where the download link is? I believe it was rapidshare or something like that. If anybody can help, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks!